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2018, Buletin Al-Turas
26 pages
1 file
This article is intended as an attempt to reconstruct the history of thought from a figure of the famous politician who is soft, firm, and islamic behave, Mochammad Natsir. His thoughts about the economy of the Muslims is as his fight in Indonesia people’s destinies take notice, especially Muslims. During his life in pursuit of economic Natsir Mochammad Muslims either when he politicking, of community, and preaching. Related to the economic development of this Ummah, Mochammad Natsir championed economic development via the Ummah Party Mayumi, the largest Islamic Ummah as the party at the time. In discussing character Mochammad Natsir, has always been in the political discussion, whether its action in politics or also his idea about politics that inevitably associated with Islam, very little discussion about his thinking in the field of Economics, but it turns out that economics is concerned Natsir Mochammad Ummah, generally the people of Indonesia. His thoughts on the economy is ver...
Buletin Al-Turas
Abstrak Artikel ini dimaksudkan sebagai usaha merekonstruksi sejarah pemikiran dari seorang sosok politikus terkenal yang lembut, tegas, dan islami, yakni Mochammad Natsir. Pemikirannya tentang pendidikan adalah sebagai perjuangannya dalam memperhatikan nasib rakyat Indonesia, terutama ummat Islam. Tulisan ini hanya menyoroti Pemikiran Mochammad Natsir tentang pendidikan, pemikirannya ini selain lewat dakwah, berpolitik, juga lewat tulisan-tulisan baik berupa buku, atau pemberitaan-pemberitaan dan artikel-artikel dalam surat kabar, terutama harian Abadi, yaitu surat kabar harian milik Partai Islam Masyumi. Dengan menganalisa artikel dan pemberitaan yang terdapat dalam surat kabar harian Abadi milik Partai Masyumi antara tahun 1950-1960 tentang konsep pendididkan Islam dari Mochammad Natsir. Sebagai pemimpin politik Islam, Mochammad Natsir secara maksimal telah memberikan seluruh tenaga dan pikirannya demi kepentingan ummat Islam di Indonesia dan seluruh bangsa Indonesia. Mochammad N...
This article tries to interprete some aspects of Natsir’s political thoughts, particularly that of relationship between religion and politics, with more emphasis on relationship between religion and democracy (freedom of thought), as well as relationship between religion and state. Muhammad Natsir’s political thought is concerned not only with normative doctrines and theories or Islamic conceptualization in the field of politics but also with the response to poltical facts and problems of Indonesia. In his view, in Islamic democracy, the formulation of political, economic, legal policie, etc. must refer to the Islamic principles, that is the Qur’an and the prophet’s traditions ( sunnah ) or at least they are not in contradiction to the Islamic perinciples. Kata Kunci: Mohammad Natsir, Islam dan Demokrasi
Kalam, 2020
Some scholars conclude that someone who believes in the unity of religion-state tends to have resistance to modern Western political ideas and institutions. This view is rooted in the history of the emergence of modern political concepts and institutions which are the antithesis of medieval European political institutions, namely theocracy. As opposed to the absolutism of the Church of the Middle Ages, modern political ideas make all that is colored religious-political integration into a negative. This blurry picture has also hit the Islamic world to this day. By using a historical approach, this paper raises the political ideas and actions of the General Chairman of the Masyumi Party, Mohammad Natsir. He is a prominent Islamic political figure who carries the idea of state-religion integration. This article focuses on discussing the construct of Natsir's religion-state integration paradigm, and Natsir's political attitude towards Western political concepts. This article finds that Natsir does believe in the necessity of unifying religion with politics, however, he can accept modern Western political ideas and institutions. More than that, Natsir actually rejected absolute political institutions such as theocracy or monarchy. Thus, it can be concluded that the proponents of the idea of state-religion integration are not always anti-modern ideas (such as democracy) or support an absolute political system such as theocracy. Natsir became clear evidence of an integralist as well as moderate.
Konstituante merupakan lembaga perwakilan rakyat yang berfungsi untuk menyusun undang-undang dasar yang diatur dalam UUD 1949 dan 1950 pada Bab V pasal 186 Konstituante bersama-sama dengan pemerintah selekas-lekasnya menetapkan Konstitusi Republik Indonesia Serikat yang akan menggantikan Konstitusi sementara ini. Anggota konstituante dipilih oleh rakyat untuk menyuarakan gagasan berdasarkan keinginan rakyat. Majelis Konstituante terjadi pada 1956-1959. Mohammad Natsir salah satu anggota konstituante yang keras menyuarakan aspirasi Islam sebagai Dasar Negara dan menjadi pedoman negara. Perdebatan terjadi dalam sidang tersebut dari kalangan Islamis, Nasionalis dan Sekuler. Namun perdebatan yang terjadi belum menghasilkan titik temu sampai turun dekrit Presiden Soekarno pada 1959 mengembalikan pada UUD 1945. Penelitian ini ingin mengungkapkan peran Mohammad Natsir dalam mengusung gagasan tentang Islam sebagai dasar negara pada Sidang Konstituante tahun 1956-1959. Adapun rumusan masalah...
Natsir's view of the relationship between Islam and the state is that religion is not merely a ritual of worship in everyday terms such as prayer or fasting, but religion includes all principles, boundaries in muamalah and social relations. Therefore, in order to ensure that these rules and standards can apply and run as they should, it is necessary and not necessary, there must be strength in social life in the form of power in the state, as warned by the Prophet Muhammad to Muslims that Allah is Allah. holder of the ruling power. It seems that Natsir wants to emphasize that Islam and the state are integrally related, even symbiotic, that is, they are reciprocally related and need each other. In this case, religion needs a state, because with religion and the state it can develop in the field of ethics and morals. This is because in Natsir's understanding that Islam is a complete teaching. Islamic teachings do not contain other aspects such as the field of law regarding sta...
Islam sebagai dasar negara menurut Mohammad Natsir merupakan konsep yang ideal jika diterapkan di Indonesia, Dasar Mohammad Natsir mengungkapkan hal tersebut adalah bahwa masyarakat Indonesia sudah mempunyai akar atau pondasi dalam beragama Islam, hal itu sudah terbukti dengan segala aktifitas kehidupan masyarakatnya. Konsep yang ditawarkan Natsir menjadi besar ketika mendapat dorongan dari partai-partai Islam yang mendukung jika Islam dijadikan sebagai dasar Negara. Konsep Islam sebagai dasar Negara merupakan konsep yang bagus, karena dasar dari Islam adalah Al-Qur’an. Melalui sidang konstituante yang membahas tentang dasar negara Indonesia Islam merupakan salah satu ideology yang diusulkan Mohammad Natsir, menjadi hal menarik ketika ada perdebatan didalamnya. Berawal dari kejadian tersebut penulis membuat skripsi dengan judul Islam Sebagai Dasar Negara Menurut Mohammad Natsir. Berangkat dari latar belakang masalah tersebut muncul pertanyaan, Bagaimana pemikiran Mohammad Natsir ten...
This research paper discusses about the perspective of M. Natsir on state conception. He was chosen as a figure in this study since he is well known not only as an initiator of Islamic and state conception but also as a main actor in implementing his ideas. This paper summarizes that Islam and a state has an integrally related symbiosis. Religion needs a state, and vice versa. Based on Natsir, Islam is a complete school that contains not only worship but also some aspects such as the field of state. Thus, the establishment of a state is a blessing. Nevertheless, the state is only an instrument, not an objective. On that basis, a head of a country does not need to be titled as a kholifah, but a president or the others. The important thing is that his characteristics and obligations are in accordance with Islamic values. Seen from his argument construction in some ways, Natsir follows the ideas of Ibn Taimiyah with regard to the urgency of state inevitability. He is also in line with Ibn Khaldun who compares society with the state. Overall, his perspective is influenced by the political perspectives of not only classical Muslims such as al-Mawardi and al-Ahkam al-Sulthaniyya, but also modern Muslims such as al-Maududi and al-Afgani.
pada tahun 1999. Dikompilasikan dalam bentuk buku secara ilmiah, buku ini telah diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia dengan cetakan pertama pada tahun 2003. Buku yang memuatkan 5 bab ini mengandungi 140 muka surat.
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