Portland Works – Sheffield


Portland Works is a building whose importance was recognised with Grade II* listing by Historic England, a mechanism to protect by law "particularly important buildings of more than special interest" (Historic England, n.d.). Built in the 1870s, Portland Works is an integrated cutlery factory listed as a rare complete example of large integrated cutlery works, with a layout that optimises the use of power in the cutlery manufacturing process, and for retaining both hand forges and steam grinding rooms (Historic England n.d.). Its cultural signifcance also lies in the fact that, over a hundred years ago, in 1914, it was the birthplace of stainless steel cutlery manufacturing, which is now a key part of Shefeld's identity. Despite its recognised signifcance and the fact that the building was home to a diverse community of thriving small businesses, including metalworkers, engravers, artists, wood workers and musicians, Portland Works came under threat in 2009, when its then owner lodged for "Change of Use" to convert the Works into bedsit fats. This sudden threat to both the FIGURE III.3.1 Community shares issue launch event at Portland Works. Photo by Mark Parsons.