For a culture of peace: rethinking our idea of culture

It may be interesting for the purposes of our colloquium to speak not only about what we conceive as a cultural heritage, but al so to speak ~bout what people think about their cultural heritage. If our subject is «non-material cultural heritage», our contribution is meant to avoid the fetishization of that concept. 'This is much more necessary today given the, pluricultural character of our society and the criticism we have to undertake of the current multicultural debate. In doing so, we have to take into consideration ideas, values and attitudes; and aH anthropologicaHy speaking -belongs, anyway, to the non material cultural heritage as Currently, my main field of research is music, but as an anthropolo gist, for one of my professional interests líes in the issue of ethnicity: within my research approaches I understand music, above aH, as a cultural and social phenomenon; it is not so difficult to see the close relationship which we be can established between music and ethnicity. I had to undertake work about the traditional musical heritage. But my experience in this area shew me that very often the results of our research activity say much more of researchers ideas on a supposed past reality which are used to give meaning to our present society, rather than on a past reality as it actualIy was. AH this, of course, concerns very directly our idea of culture, especiaHy regarding its important ethnicist component. And this issue brought me to see the 43