Pancreatic Cancer – Advanced EUS Imaging: Real-Time EUS Elastography

2013, Video Journal and Encyclopedia of GI Endoscopy

Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) elastography was designed to offer supplemental information about the examined area in order to obtain a better characterization of tissue elasticity. The principle of the method implies that malignant structures are harder than benign ones. Quantitative EUS elastography assessment can be done using post-processing computed analysis. New ultrasound systems incorporate advanced real-time analysis software in order to offer a real-time value of the elasticity, thus eliminating the inherent human bias induced by inter-and intraobserver perception errors. Other new EUS procedures are currently available in order to increase the accuracy of the examination. The gold standard method for certitude in cancer diagnosis remains EUS fine-needle aspiration biopsy and the cytological examination of the aspirate. This article is part of an expert video encyclopedia.