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Toys and games Mainstream toys are 3-Dimensional and sensorial objects that adults give children to support their play activities and which are designed with this intention. Although toys are the tools of play, play is not an attribute of toys. The play belongs to the player, to the child who wants and needs to play as long as the toy is compatible with his/her functioning and interests. However, any object can become a toy if the child chooses to play with it and if the safety conditions are guaranteed. For example, a toy can be an object from nature (e.g. pebbles, leaves) or an object from the house (e.g. pan, adult shoe, empty box, paper). Toys belong to the concrete reality where a child lives. They are essential mediators between a child and his/her environment. They are means for social exchange between children and enable them to play together. Being a mediator between the physical reality and its symbolic representation, toys also empower a child to express his/her feelings, worries or concerns. In recent years, and thanks to electronics, a more subtle mechanism of interaction has been introduced in some toys. It is possible to add sensors that can perceive
A toy is a material basis for children’s play. It shapes children’s experience, stimulates imagination, and directs their behavior, conveying the values of a certain historical period. In highly developed societies, younger and younger children are left to solitary play with things and gadgets that favor copying models of the global consumer society, glorifying various stereotypes and the use of force. The question is which toys are the most common ones in children’s play in our environment? This paper presents an overview of different studies examining the criteria for the selection of toys, parents’ exposure to media pressure, and children’s wishes emerging from the influence of commercials. Readiness of parents to get engaged in mutual play with their children is also examined, and their developmental importance is emphasized.
Play development in children with disabilties, 2016
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2003
Digital toys offer the opportunity to explore software scaffolding through tangible interfaces that are not bound to the desktop computer. This paper describes the empirical work completed by the CACHET (Computers and Children's Electronic Toys) project team investigating young children's use of interactive toy technology. The interactive toys in question are plush and cuddly cartoon characters with embedded sensors that can be squeezed to evoke spoken feedback from the toy. In addition to playing with the toy as it stands, the toy can be linked to a desktop PC with compatible software using a wireless radio connection. Once this connection is made the toy offers hints and tips to the children as they play with the accompanying software games. If the toy is absent, the same hints and tips are available through an on-screen animated icon of the toy's cartoon character. The toys as they stand are not impressive as collaborative learning partners, as their help repertoire is inadequate and even inappropriate. However, the technology has potential: children can master the multiple interfaces of toy and screen and, when the task requires it and the help provided is appropriate, they will both seek and use it. In particular, the cuddly interface experience can offer an advantage and the potential for fun interfaces that might address both the affective and the effective dimensions of learners' interactions.
Proceeding of the 2005 conference on Interaction design and children - IDC '05, 2005
This paper looks into a small collection of animated toys, or "AniMates", which I describe in terms of the mental elbowroom each provides for exploring and enacting issues of agency, identity, attachment, and control. Toys are selected for their varying degrees of autonomy and responsiveness, and for their lasting popularity, or capacity to captivate commonly held passions. As will become clear through the examples, animated toys need not be computational to qualify as AniMates. Many classical toys exhibit creature-like qualities, such as self-propelled movement (wind-up toys) or the ability to keep a bearing (tops and gyros). And many no-tech or low-tech toys exist, which afford the thrill of controlling things at a distance (kites, string puppets). My purpose is to highlight some of the relational qualities that, beyond functionality, endow AniMates with the power to draw us in, amuse and delight us and, above all, re-enact some of the hurdles that growing up entails-an indirect hint to toy-bots/tech-toys designers.
Over the next years smart Internet-connected toys are expected to grow significantly in numbers. Our study explores smart toys' potential to deliver experiences related to playful learning. One key aspect of toys, such as the CogniToys Dino, Fisher-Price's Smart Toy Bear and Wonder Workshop's Dash Robot are their game-based and toy-based features and functions, which are suggested to have educational outcomes when used in play. Through a comparative investigation of toy marketers', preschool teachers' and the parents' of preschool-aged children's perspectives of smart toys potential-and a comparison to the actual play experiences of preschoolers discovered in earlier stages of research, we demonstrate how the educational potential of contemporary smart toys may be categorized into game-based and toy-based affordances that may be employed for specific educational goals in playful learning.
Sanat & Tasarım, 2021
Toy design evolves parallel to any change in play concept and daily life of a child. Today’s toys, depending on the toy’s close relation with its time and space, include current technological elements in different forms. This study is carried out to put forward a framework for designing technology included toys. Within this respect, the determined toys, which have an important place in today’s toy market, are examined through netnographic methods. Depending on the findings, the importance of play value and user interaction for the technology included toys are underlined. As in every object’s design, the toy design process is also found to be highly linked with its user, manufacturer, and time and place. Today’s toy designer is the one who will position the new era toy by respecting the play essence of the toy and satisfying both the expectation of adults and children in the contemporary world.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
The importance of ages 0-3 years of child life is considered the cornerstone of all dimensions of health for the rest of the child’s life, which is the period in which children grow rapidly and there are many changes in every aspect of development. The purpose of this study is to learn the factors that are relevant to the design of toys for kids aged 0-3 years from development, behavior of children, and the characteristics of children’s toys that are suitable for the ages, including safety. The researcher studied the guidelines for the design of kid’s toys that were appropriate to the age range. This research is a combination that uses both quantitative and qualitative methods. The results of the study after trying playing toy sets from the study of toy design factors in kids aged 0-3 from 230 samples by observing behavior from a total of 80 children, then synthesizing the data for use in the design process, and evaluating by the parents of 150 children, found that it was at a good ...
isara solutions, 2021
Entertainment and education both are important to engage, survive and sustain in different stages of life. Toys play an important role to achieve learning outcomes of edutainment in a traditional and emerging way through the development of technology. Digital toys propose the opportunity to explore the realistic and interactive way of edutainment. In the present scenario toys are available subject-specific based on the technology adopted like multimedia, interactive, virtual and augmented. This paper describes the different types of toys, the importance of toys, technology integrated toys, toys for children with special needs, characteristics of toys and comparison of traditional toys and technology integrated toys. Further, suggestions are given to access and use of toys in edutainment.
Play and toys are essential tools in child development, which contribute to cognitive, physical, social, linguistic and psychomotor well-being of children. It is parents who provide their children with play environment and toys, and ordinarily, children spend time with their toys in such environments. This study aims to examine play and toy preferences of children from diverse socio-economic backgrounds based on their views and judgments. The research was conducted with 60 children over 48 months old attending independent kindergartens and those within public elementary schools in Kars, Turkey. In order to collect data, “Play and Toys Interview Form,” which was designed by the researchers, as well as children’s drawings titled “Play and Toy” were used. The results of the study revealed that the toy preferences of children from all socio-economic backgrounds were dictated by gender; and children with access to a variety of toys were those from higher socio-economic background. It was...
The concepts of what a toy is and what play as a phenomenon represents, evolve. This paper examines how play is affected by digital toys and toy robotics, conceptualized here as play machines. The position paper offers pluralistic perspectives on play machines in an era heading towards a post-digital state by combining earlier research on the historical trajectory of mobile toys with current developments in interactive toys. The paper reconceptualizes toys as interactive media connecting with thingness, transmedia, and technology as perspectives on the toy medium. Finally, the paper illustrates the connections between an emerging category of toys, Internet-connected character toys, and companion robotics, which in speculative toy fiction emerge as future 'toy friends' or Artificial Friends, offering enriched possibilities for motion and emotion in player engagement.
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Archive ouverte HAL, 2018
The purpose of the research is to analyse the toys owned at home by 4-5 year-old children and the toys they prefer to play with. 455 children aged 4-5, going to 8 independent nursery schools operating on the European Side of Istanbul under the Ministry of Education in 2015-2016 Academic Year, and their parents were included in the research. The "Personal Information Form" developed by the researcher and the "Toy Preference Form (TPF)" developed by Onur were used in the research as data collection tools. The toys used in OTF are formed by collecting, under the general headings, those mentioned in the literature and in daily use, serving similar purposes. These titles are classified as babies, miniature objects, manipulative, electronic, handicapped, educational, desktop, musical, moving toys, gaming materials, current heroes, models, war toys and others. Parents filled out their personal information forms and answered the question "What kind of toys do your children have at home?" The answers were then grouped according to the toy classification categorized by Onur. Taking the necessary ethical rules into
Children perceive by using their senses to gather and understand information and respond to the world around them by cognitive effort. Perception, attention, memory, and thinking are all interconnected mental processes in human cognition. The ability to perceive surroundings through the light that enters the eyes is called visual perception. Visual perception in children is an essential ability of their brain to connect and make sense of what their eyes see. The visual perception of colours, patterns, and structures has been an essential factor concerning a product because these are perceived exclusively through vision. Good visual processing skills benefit reading, writing, math, and other essential aspects of learning. As children in their preschool days learn from educational toys, the designs of the educational toys should consider enhancing their learning. Additionally, educational toys have become one of the tools used to teach children in many aspects, bit by bit. Research shows that learning through play is an integral part of a child's development. Cognitive skills developed in the early stage of life and use of educational toys can enhance these. Educational toys help children develop fundamental abilities such as cognitive thinking and problem-solving. Since toys are essential for the development of children, the National Education Policy of India has given the focus on toys and the enhancement of local toys. Moreover, learning while playing has been made a part of the curriculum. However, for manufacturing such effective educational toys, the manufacturer has to consider various factors like safety, colour and shape and other design factors that enhance their development. Therefore, in this review article an attempted was made to identify a gap in literature and discuss the importance of design in educational toys for development of children.
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 2022
An important pedagogical issue raised by this piece is the value of a classic toy for children of today. Although toys have evolved throughout time, they still have a special place in the hearts of children because of their timeless character. Playing with a toy helps a youngster grow cognitively, emotionally, and physically, all at the same time. In addition to discussing the criterion for toy quality, the paper discusses other issues.
Child and childhood in the ligth of archaeology, P. Romanowicz (red.) Wrocław, 2012, s. 137-151
The aim of this study was to explore the kinds of toy preferred by 6–8-year-old children, asking: how, and on what basis, do children rationalize their preferences for particular toys? Data was collected by interviewing children in their homes. Children chose 8 toys from a tailored catalog and explained why they wanted those particular items. Toys were analyzed with the aid of a framework designed to test their functional manipulation potential. The children's reasoning was analyzed by means of inductive content analysis. Two kinds of values were found: 1.) those which reside in the toy itself; and 2.) those which children give to toys. Sub-categories relating to material, social, and personal values were identified from the given values. The present paper deepens knowledge of the value of toys not only as playthings but also as cultural artifacts which children use as one form of their voice.
The aim of this paper is to generate implications for future research based on the overview and analysis of the findings of relevant social sciences and the humanities that focus on toys as artifacts of the material culture of children, and/or childhood, with special reference to pedagogical research. By material culture of children, we mean items and objects that children themselves make, adapt or modify to fit their interests and the needs of their games, whereas the material culture of childhood refers toobjects created by adults for children to play with. Toys can encourage different types of activities necessary for overall personality development, and can help children develop their cognitive abilities, their body and senses, gain knowledge, socialize, cultivate their emotions and appreciation of beauty, and develop their imagination and creativity. The potential of toys that children make themselves is reflected in the upbringing of creative, free, environmentally conscious a...
In the era of dynamic development of new technologies, the real space and virtual space interpenetrate. The boundaries between them are blurring. This experience already affects very young children, for whom both environments seem to be a natural place of growing up. The progressive computerization of the play space contributes to the integration of the physical and digital world. Toys and their abilities are changing, they are more smart and interconnected. The way children play with them also changes. The aim of the study is to show the challenges parents and teachers face in creating and controlling the digital playing environment that would provide the child a full security and educational values.
Northern Clinics of Istanbul, 2020
The concepts of games and toys have a very important role in children's lives. It contributes to the development of cognitive, motor, psychosocial, emotional, and linguistic skills. It also plays a key role in raising self-confident, creative, and happy children. Therefore, attention should be paid to the concepts of games and toys, which are so important for the child to be a part of society as a healthy individual at every stage of his development. On the other hand, providing playgrounds where children can play comfortably and safely are essential in reducing the risk of accidents related to toys. All health-care components, especially pediatricians and family physicians, should take an active role in ensuring that these play processes, which are the most beautiful parts of childhood, are healthy and safe.
In her chapter on Games, Toys, and Pastimes, Maja Mikula presents contemporary gaming in the historical context of individual countries’ traditions and developments. Having outlined the history of toy making in Europe in the context of the technological developments, Mikula goes on to show that toys, like many other objects of pop culture, have by now become a commercial commodity that is driven by market parameters and financial concerns. She also shows the toy market in a stage of transition as a result of the impact of the virtual revolution: with a generation of youngsters growing up computer literate (if not necessarily alphabetically literate), computer games and game consoles often replace traditional toys and games in the eyes of both teenagers and young adults.
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 2021
The historical, anthropological and developmental research shows that play has been universal in all cultures, and children's play is supported by toys and play materials produced by adults. Children are prepared to learn what they need to learn with passion and pleasure, and quality toys, when used appropriately provide children with a wealth of opportunities for creativity, social interaction with adults, and effective participation. Throughout history, children's play has undergone various changes due to cultural, political and socioeconomic factors without losing its virtues and importance. Therefore, research based evidence on specific types of play and toys which support learning and development most effectively, needs to be multiplied. This text emphasizes the aspects of toys related to creativity. Relevant to our day, the threats to the place of play and toy in the life of the increasingly lonely child are also discussed.
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