Naturalizing Koegler 2022

2022, Hans-Herbert Kogler~ Critical Hermeneutics


has been an advocate of a hermeneutic approach to intercultural understanding in such texts as: The Power of Dialogue (1999), Hermeneutic Cosmopolitanism, or: Toward a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere (2011), "Hermeneutics,Phenomenology, and Philosophical Anthropology'' (2006), "Recognition and Difference'' (2005), "Agency and the Other" (2012). In what follows I would like to conduct a kind of philosophical experiment: to translate the basic ideas of this approach into the language and concerns, and also the findings, of cognitive science. My strategy will be to replace some key ideas from the basics of his account with cognitive science concepts dealing with the same or similar phenomena, and ask whether the same ldnds of conclusions Kogler draws about social theory and normative matters could be made. This leads to somewhat surprising results, especially in relation to such concepts as recognition and in the role of play in preschool children's development.