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Central Asia
Pakistan and Afghanistan share the longest border in the northwest with each other. Afghanistan is the most influential factor for Pakistani policymakers in terms of foreign policy. Relations of both the countries have not been cordial since the inception of Pakistan. Internal circumstances affected Pakistan in one way or another during the Cold War era and the invasion of the USSR. Between different powers, this country became a focus regarding of interest after 9/11. The western border has become very uncertain due to Indian’s involvement. With relation to Afghanistan, Pakistan has always been a victim of instability. Pakistan's internal peace has greatly disrupted by the movement across the border. By smuggling weapons, drugs and terrorists anti-state actors have always used this border to destabilize the country. Being already weakened country, Pakistan overwhelmed by migration of a large number of Afghan citizens. To assess the effects of the instability in Afghanistan on P...
Global Social Sciences Review, 2020
Security implausibility due to a long history of conflict and the poor governess made a major contribution to making Afghanistan one of the unstable countries in the world, which poses a potential security risk for their surroundings. Instability in Afghanistan has a great impact on the security of Pakistan.Afghanistan's ability to overcome its security problems has a significant impact not only on the security and development of Pakistan but also the entire region. Furthermore, this paper will provide an overview of the importance, suggestions, and security policy of Pakistan. The Obama administration's strategy in Pakistan, particularly-in FATA, in which US drone strikes occurred, has generated insecurity in Pakistan. Therefore, the Imran Khan Government severely opposes the drone strikes and calls it a violation of the sovereignty and honor of the country.Finally, the paper highlights insecurity and instability in Afghanistan has serious regional implications. Consequentl...
In 2020, the United States of America and the Taliban signed a peace pact known as the Doha Agreement, which brought an end to the two-decadelong conflict. As a result, the US and its NATO partners made a quick military departure from Afghanistan, leaving the nation in a state of chaos. On the 15th of August 2021, the Taliban took advantage of the circumstances and regained momentum by conquering Kabul, Afghanistan's capital city.Considering the ongoing multinational engagement, the Taliban takeovers have far-reaching implications both at home and abroad. Because of interdependence, advanced technology, urbanization and cosmopolitanism, which is collectively known as globalization, interconnection, multilateral involvement, and economic integration are the key features of the world in the modern period.No state can remain isolated and unconcerned with what is going on in other states. As a result of the Taliban's rise as a significant participant in Afghanistan, a variety of positive and negative consequences for the area and the country's war-torn neighbors have become unavoidable. Pakistan, as one of Afghanistan's major neighbors, shares a number of cultural, religious, and social identities with the latter.Pakistan confronts a range of political, strategic, and economic consequences as a result of the Taliban's recent takeover. The purpose of this work is to identify those implications in a systematic manner. Furthermore, it emphasizes recommendations for Pakistan's foreign policy in order to address all of the ramifications in an appropriate manner.
Foreign policy of any country can never be fully controlled by herself. There are always certain non-tangible which directly influences national policies that is geography, demography, economy and environment in the region. Regions like ours which happens to most dense in prevailing environment additional factors like terrorism, instability in Afghanistan, presence of two nuclear powers having history of conflicts further exacerbate the challenges. These factors combined put Pakistan in a catch twenty two. With challenges come to opportunities if played properly we can still accrue benefits to safeguard our national interests. In context of Pak-Afghan; a peaceful and stable Afghanistan is the only interest of Pakistan. More than a Decade US occupation has troubled not only Afghanistan but Pakistan is also the ultimate victim of Afghan fall out. There is escalating militancy in Pakistan due to non-state actors in the shape of Al-Qaeda and Taliban myriad groups. There arise questions that what are Pakistan's interests in Afghanistan? How Pakistan would safeguard her national and regional interests? What are foreign policy indicators in this scenario? Pakistan policy making elites should direct their course of action and to ensure constructive engagement at that hour. Pakistan should support an Afghan lead and Afghan owned solution for this. Scarlet thread in Pak-Afghan relationship is to have a friendly Afghanistan. It will not only stabilize our internal situation but in future enable Pakistan and India work together improve bilateral relations, which will improve the situation on both eastern and western borders. Furthermore, access to Central Asian Republics will be feasible and China can be more favorable to Pakistan in that context.
Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 2021
The change in Afghanistan always affected the whole region of Central Asia and especially Pakistan because both countries have a unique relationship. They have religious, cultural, and ethnic connections. They were described as inseparable brothers by former Afghan leaders like Hamid Karzai. So as far as peace and security of the region is concerned stability among both sides of borders is important. After 21 years of insurgency the recent takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban, who are known as Pashtun Islamic fundamentalists, has brought significant changes in the region. This research is focused on the political and economic impacts of Pakistan’s Afghan Policy on Pakistan after Taliban takeover of Kabul. It is also looking into the strength and weaknesses, irritants and multipliers of Pak- Afghan policy to make suggestions for improvement. The primary purpose of this study is to identify the ways through which Pakistan can overcome its Political and economic crises after Taliban in A...
/changes-in-fcrcondemned-in-seminar/ line. years of war and insurgency have wreaked havoc with social services and impacted the social and physical infrastructure of the area.
University Mardan Foreign policy of any country can never be fully controlled by herself. There are always certain non-tangible which directly influences national policies that is geography, demography, economy and environment in the region. Regions like ours which happens to most dense in prevailing environment additional factors like terrorism, instability in Afghanistan, presence of two nuclear powers having history of conflicts further exacerbate the challenges. These factors combined put Pakistan in a catch twenty two. With challenges come to opportunities if played properly we can still accrue benefits to safeguard our national interests. In context of Pak-Afghan; a peaceful and stable Afghanistan is the only interest of Pakistan. More than a Decade US occupation has troubled not only Afghanistan but Pakistan is also the ultimate victim of Afghan fall out. There is escalating militancy in Pakistan due to non-state actors in the shape of Al-Qaeda and Taliban myriad groups. There arise questions that what are Pakistan's interests in Afghanistan? How Pakistan would safeguard her national and regional interests? What are foreign policy indicators in this scenario? Pakistan policy making elites should direct their course of action and to ensure constructive engagement at that hour. Pakistan should support an Afghan lead and Afghan owned solution for this. Scarlet thread in Pak-Afghan relationship is to have a friendly Afghanistan. It will not only stabilize our internal situation but in future enable Pakistan and India work together improve bilateral relations, which will improve the situation on both eastern and western borders. Furthermore, access to Central Asian Republics will be feasible and China can be more favorable to Pakistan in that context.
With the Afghan Peace Process underway, of Af-Pak border almost finished and a massive repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan being carried out; a shift in foreign policy, interstate relations and a subsequently evolved security dynamics mat emerge between these two neighboring states. This policy paper reviews Pakistan's foreign policy adopted to secure strategic gains in post 9/11 South Asian order. The analysis aims to highlight any missed opportunities and lack of synergies with regards to Pakistan's Afghanistan related policies on trade, security, mobility and transit control at the border, that seem to have led to security deficit and long-term instability in Pakistan. Another key emerging issue discussed in forthcoming analysis is the importance of regional support required for success of Afghan Peace talks which in turn will dictate the security situation in Afghanistan and subsequently any challenges and opportunities for Pakistan.
Pakistan’s relations with Afghanistan have been chiefly regarded as by communal distrust and concocted from side to side a constricted security prism. Despite the fact that it will involve extensive struggle to close deep-seated hostility, both countries share by hook or by crook ethnic, linguistic, religious and economic ties nonetheless not close by. Longstanding Afghan relocation to the lands that now constitute Pakistan marks them an ultimate part of Pakistani society. Nonetheless, military-devised interfering policies, based on alleged national security interests, comprising provision for Afghan, mainly Pashtun, proxies, have tarnished the relationship. On the other hand including China in bilateral relationship of two countries can be improved as the Chinese interest in Afghanistan is now mounting. Security and economics are major drivers for the growing Chinese involvement in Afghanistan. China desires a stable Afghanistan with noprospective peril to Chinese in-house security and investments in the region. It needs to eradicatethe basic support and infrastructure for carrying out militancy and radicalism through development projects in the war-scarred country, Afghanistan through joining China-Pakistan Economic corridor can play a foremost role in attaining progress and both Pak-Afghan relations can touch reconciliation grounds.
This paper aims to explore out the challenges of Pak-Afghan relations and their impact on regional peace. Despite geographical proximity and common socio-cultural legacy, Pakistan and Afghanistan failed to settle their mutual differences amicable as a result, their bilateral relations have been exploited by the regional and international power. In addition to this, KPK and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan which are the main causes of geo-political differences between Pakistan and Afghanistan have been the home of terrorism, extremism and Afghan refugees since 1980s. The paper is qualitative in nature, and based on investigation of the various events and facts in order to address the question why did Pakistan and Afghanistan failto set a mechanism to end up their mutual geo-political difference? The paper also intends to forward policy recommendations for the durable and permanent friendly relations of Pakistan and Afghanistan and their possible impacts on the region.
Global Social Sciences Review
After the incident of 9/11, Afghanistan emerged as a terrorist state before the face of the world. To eradicate the militant factors the USA initiated a war against terror with the help of her allies on the soil of Afghanistan. This paper aims to analyze the efforts of Pakistan to bring harmony, peace and development to Afghanistan. The Afghan political scenario is a "multi-political scenario" in which different types of stakeholders show their political legitimacy over the masses. The capitalist class led by the USA and the socialist class by the Russians are the antagonistic factors in this regard. Another major group in this regard is the Islamic agenda group, having a culture of arms and is also a main participant in the Afghan political setup. The political legitimacy of the different groups has de-railed whole the system on the verge of chaos. The main focus of this paper is to determine the struggles of Pakistan to restore the true political system in Afghanistan th...
Pakistan Journal of International Affairs , 2021
In the case of the Pakistan-Afghanistan relationship, a constant fault line of conflict of interest, mistrust, suspicion, and divergent views of security has contributed towards competing misperceptions and deadlock on policy issues with each other. The historical legacy of Pak-Afghan relations particularly at the time of Soviet intervention continued as the main determinant of Pak-Afghan relations. In this context, 2001 became a pivotal year in the Pakistan-Afghanistan relationship, as it entirely changed the dynamics of their bilateral relationship as well as regional politics. Since then, the associated contemporary issues of security including border security, defense, and terrorism along with the nontraditional security threats are the main concerns of the policymakers on both sides. This article by using a descriptive and analytical lens of research would be investigating the growing security challenges to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Kardan Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2021
Since its creation in 1947, Pakistan's relations with Afghanistan have been mostly tense. This paper analyzes the trajectory of these relations and elements that have contributed to their hostility. A qualitative approach has been adopted, and in-depth interviews were conducted with respective experts of the region. Six issues were identified. Namely, they are the Durand Line, the Taliban (Afghan and Pakistani) and Baloch people, India's partnership with the Afghan government, Pashtunistan, water and its management, and the Afghan refugee in Pakistan. The study also examines ways and their implication for mitigating and bridging the widening gap between the two countries. The research's systematic presentation is expected to contribute to understanding the very complicated relationship between the two countries.
The tragic event of 9/11 changed not only the global political environment of the world but also altered the security and political environment of South Asian region. A change in Pakistan's foreign policy towards Afghanistan was witnessed. Since Pakistan's emergence as a separate independent state, its dispute with Afghanistan on Durand Line has substantially influenced the course of its foreign policy towards Afghanistan. The issues in Afghanistan directly affect Pakistan in the domain of politics, economics and society. The troubled relations between the two states gave a chance to India to win the sympathies of Afghanis after 9/11.India emerged as a strong regional player and established good relations with Afghanistan by helping them. To secure its interests in Afghanistan India also established good relations with Iran. They share some common motives. Both the countries abominate the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and feared of the exportation of militants to their own soil. So far friendly ties between India and Afghanistan always remain as a source of anxiety for Pakistan. India participated in Bonn Conference 2001 which underlined the base of political and constitutional structure for Afghanistan. India is regarded as a positive actor by most of Afghans contrary to Pakistan. The paper examines the strategic interests of India in Afghanistan and its subsequent impacts on Pakistan.
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): J. Peace Dipl. , 2021
Afghanistan has a unique geopolitical situation, which makes it important not only for Pakistan but also for many global and regional powers. Though both neighboring countries have many common interests yet their Foreign Policy relations have been dwindling over time due to historically ingrained contemporary issues. It has a profound impact on Pakistan's security and economic interests, such as the issue of smuggling and bilateral trade, as well as strategic issues, such as the Durand Line issue and elusive "strategic depth." The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979 was a major cause of global concern and a turning point in international politics. Soviet expansionism and the subsequent war on terror after 9/11 posed a challenge to Pakistan's security, and the country emerged as a "frontline state." The paper highlights what possible benefits Pakistan can accrue through viable Foreign Policy. The situation in Afghanistan has serious consequences for Pakistan's internal and external security due to the involvement of many external actors, especially India.
Pakistan and Afghanistan, despite the convergence of prolong socio-cultural and religious heritage and geographical contiguity, the episodic distrust between the two countries has been highlighted in the historic narratives by various experts. The divergent perceptions developed by the political dynasties in Afghanistan accompanied with the disgust towards subcontinent due to the policies of colonial masters still haunt the literature dealing with the foreign policies of both countries. Involvement of super powers and regional powers in Afghanistan further complicates the situation for both countries. The ongoing reconstruction process in Afghanistan and Pakistan's will to uproot religious militant networks provides a prolific hope not only for the regional actors but for the world at large. The chronology of the bilateral relations has been deeply dealt with in this paper aimed at providing the course of relation from colonial to post 9/11 contemporary scenario in the South Asian region replete with various opportunities for enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation between the two countries.
Pakistan Journal of History and Culture , 2018
Peculiar past, cultural and geographical experiences remain center for pursuance of Pakistan foreign policy towards Afghanistan. Post 9/11 environment brought peculiar challenges at the world level; Pakistan has also been engaged in balancing out the impact of external and internal dynamics on policy outcomes. Indefinite US presence, Indian preferential treatment in Afghanistan and misperceived Pakistan's negative role by the Afghan government are major challenges with regards to address the external constraints. Pakistan's foreign policy structures and processes stand challenged due to persisting war like situation in Afghanistan, thus warranting security oriented priorities. Prevailing environment and likely future scenes hint at policy prescriptions which must safeguard the legitimate interests while having an effective management and control of Pak-Afghan border. Pakistan would have to learn to live with the US presence and nexus of hostile agencies in Afghanistan by exploring new vistas for policy pursuance.
Afghanistan is a landlocked country in west Asia. It shares its boundaries with Iran Pakistan, Uzbekistan Tajikistan and China through a narrow strip of Wakhan valley. Throughout history Afghanistan remained instable due to its geography, week governments and foreign invasions. Afghanistan has an important geostrategic location, its neighboring countries mostly involved in its internal affairs to serve their own national interest. In history it played a role of buffer state between Czarist Russian Empire and British India. Afghanistan like its past once again became an important state of the region due to its proximity with CAR's region. Pakistan and India are also two important neighbor of Afghanistan. After 9/11, both these countries bitterly involved to strengthen their influence in Afghanistan and to minimize influence of the other. Its looks that Afghanistan has become a second battle ground for both India and Afghanistan after the battleground of Kashmir. There are speculations that both India and Pakistan busy in proxy war against each other in Afghanistan. Both are trying to get their hold strong in Afghanistan and to minimize the role of her adversary. After 9/11, India became successful to enhance its influence in Afghanistan which has direct impact on Pakistan. This paper is going to discuss that how India has become successful in strengthening her influence in Afghanistan and what will be its repercussion for Pakistan.
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