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2009, Educational Studies in Mathematics
The goal of this paper is to explore qualities of mathematical imagination in light of a classroom episode. It is based on the analysis of a classroom interaction in a high school Algebra class. We examine a sequence of nine utterances enacted by one of the students whom we call Carlene. Through these utterances Carlene illustrates, in our view, two phenomena: (1) juxtaposing displacements, and (2) articulating necessary cases. The discussion elaborates on the significance of these phenomena and draws relationships with the perspectives of embodied cognition and intersubjectivity.
Embodied cognition is growing in theoretical importance and as a driving set of design principles for curriculum activities and technology innovations for mathematics education. The central aim of the EMIC (Embodied Mathematical Imagination and Cognition) Working Group is to attract engaged and inspired colleagues into a growing community of discourse around theoretical, technological, and methodological developments for advancing the study of embodied cognition for mathematics education. A thriving, informed, and interconnected community of scholars organized around embodied mathematical cognition will broaden the range of activities, practices, and emerging technologies that count as mathematical. EMIC builds upon our 2015 working group, and investigations in formal and informal education and workplace settings to bolster and refine the theoretical underpinnings of an embodied view of mathematical thinking and teaching, while reaching educational practitioners at all levels of administration and across the lifespan. Motivations for This Working Group Recent empirical, theoretical and methodological developments in embodied cognition and gesture studies provide a solid and generative foundation for the establishment of an Embodied Mathematical Imagination and Cognition (EMIC) Working Group for PME-NA. The central aim of EMIC is to attract engaged and inspired colleagues into a growing community of discourse around theoretical, technological, and methodological developments for advancing the study of embodied cognition for mathematics education, including, but not limited to, studies of mathematical reasoning, instruction, the design and use of technological innovations, learning in and outside of formal educational settings, and across the lifespan. The interplay of multiple perspectives and intellectual trajectories is vital for the study of embodied mathematical cognition to flourish. Partial confluences and differences have to be maintained throughout the conversations; this is because instead of being oriented towards a single and unified theory of mathematical cognition, EMIC strives to establish a philosophical/educational " salon " in which entrenched dualisms, such as mind/body, language/materiality, or signifier/signified are subject to an ongoing and stirring criticism. A thriving, informed, and interconnected community of scholars organized around embodied mathematical cognition will broaden the range of activities and emerging technologies that count as mathematical, and envision alternative forms of engagement with mathematical ideas and practices (e.g., De Freitas & Sinclair, 2014). This broadening is particularly important at a time when schools and communities in North America face persistent achievement gaps between groups of students from many ethnic backgrounds, geographic regions, and socioeconomic circumstances (Ladson-Billings, 1995; Moses & Cobb, 2001; Rosebery, Warren, Ballenger & Ogonowski, 2005). There also is a need to articulate evidence-based findings and principles of embodied cognition to the research and development communities that are looking to generate and disseminate innovative programs for promoting mathematics learning through
Educational Studies in …, 1999
In this paper we analyze, from the perspective of 'Embodied Cognition', why learning and cognition are situated and context-dependent. We argue that the nature of situated learning and cognition cannot be fully understood by focusing only on social, cultural and contextual factors. These factors are themselves further situated and made comprehensible by the shared biology and fundamental bodily experiences of human beings. Thus cognition itself is embodied, and the bodily-grounded nature of cognition provides a foundation for social situatedness, entails a reconceptualization of cognition and mathematics itself, and has important consequences for mathematics education. After framing some theoretical notions of embodied cognition in the perspective of modern cognitive science, we analyze a case study -continuity of functions. We use conceptual metaphor theory to show how embodied cognition, while providing grounding for situatedness, also gives fruitful results in analyzing the cognitive difficulties underlying the understanding of continuity.
ZDM – The international journal on Mathematics Education, 2014
In this paper I sketch an embodied, cultural, and material conception of cognition and discuss some of the implications for mathematics education. This approach, which I term sensuous cognition, rests on a cultural and historical dialectical materialist understanding of the senses, sensation, and the material and conceptual worlds. Sensation and matter are considered to be the substrate of mind, and of all psychic activity (cognitive, affective, volitional, etc.). I argue that human cognition can only be understood as a culturally and historically constituted multimodal sentient form of creatively responding, acting, feeling, transforming, and making sense of the world. To illustrate these ideas I briefly refer to a classroom episode involving 7-to 8-year-old students dealing with pattern generalization.
The purpose this paper is to describe two theories drawn from second-generation cognitive science: the theory of embodiment and the theory of conceptual integration. The utility of these theories in understanding mathematical thinking will be illustrated by applying them to the analysis of selected mathematical ideas and processes, including proof. The argument is made that mathematical ideas are grounded in embodied physical experiences, either directly or indirectly, through mechanisms involving conceptual mappings among mental spaces.
This chapter examines major lines of inquiry in mathematics education through the prism of cultural historical activity theory, focusing on the language and discursive practices in the teaching and learning of school mathematics. We make an analytic distinction between the language in and of mathematics learning in classrooms, noting the pitfalls of dichotomizing the language of the classroom and the language in mathematical learning or ignoring their interrelations. Specifically, we reviewed work that framed the role of everyday discourse practices as supporting the development of scientific discourse practices. In line with several mathematics education scholars, we challenge this framing by revisiting the theoretical principles from the work of Vygotsky, Engeström, and Cole, among others, to show how scientific or school-based mathematical learning "grows down into" the everyday, and © 2 0 1 0 I A P A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d e s e r v e d 30 K. D. GUTIÉRREZ, T. SENGUPTA-IRVING, and J. DIECKMANN
This on-going design-based research study focuses on Grade 4-6 students' guided task-based interaction with a novel computer-based hand-tracking system built to suggest the limitations of naïve additive schemes and create opportunities to develop core notions of proportionality as elaborations on these schemes, even before engaging numerical semiotic forms. Study participants struggled with canonical issues inherent to rational numbers. They formulated a string of insights leading up to a new type of equivalence class. Reported as a case study of Itamar, a 5 th -grade middle-achieving student, our analyses reveal emergence of conceptually critical mathematical meanings in an activity that initially bears little mathematical significance.
18 Unconventional Essays on the Nature of Mathematics
Robotics, artificial intelligence and, in general, any activity involving computer simulation and engineering relies, in a fundamental way, on mathematics. These fields constitute excellent examples of how mathematics can be applied to some area of investigation with enormous success. T his, of course, includes embodied oriented approaches in these fields, such as Embodied Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Robotics. In this chapter, while fully endorsing an embodied oriented approach to cognition, I will address the question of the nature of mathematics itself, that is, mathematics not as an application to some area of investigation, but as a human conceptual system with a precise inferential organization that can be investigated in detail in cognitive science. The main goal of this pi ece is to show, using techniques in cognitive science such as cognitive semantics and gestures studies, that concepts and human abstraction in general (as it is exemplified in a sublime form by mathematics) is ult imately embodied in nature.
Journal of The Learning Sciences, 2007
Learning in a socially mediated context like a classroom places emphasis on the ability of learners to communicate their ideas to others, and for members of a class to achieve shared meaning or intersubjectivity (IS). We take a participatory view of IS, where both consensual agreement and disagreement are regarded as aspects of a common set of processes that mediate collective activity. Interlocutors need not demonstrate convergence toward a common idea or solution to exhibit IS and, indeed, they appear to need a shared understanding to express substantive disagreement through divergent views. Multilevel, multimodal analyses of videotape of a middle school mathematics classroom, including speech, gestures, drawing, and object use, reveal a discourse that is organized into recurrent sequences of event triads. The dynamics toward and away from convergent ideas appears to be instrumental in fostering sustained and engaging discourse and influencing the representations that students propose during problem solving. Participants frequently exhibited IS, but, as allowed for in the participatory view, the interactions did not seem to convert many students from their initial interpretations. Instead, disagreements and a desire to establish common understanding appeared to lead participants to express their divergent views in more refined and accessible ways. Advancement of our understanding of the role that IS serves in socially mediated learning has the potential to inform both educational theory and emerging areas in embodied cognition and cognitive neuroscience that addresses imitation and empathy, and thus help to bridge research between brain function and social cognition.
Mathematics Education Research Journal, 2013
In this article I present some results from a 5-year longitudinal investigation with young students about the genesis of embodied, non-symbolic algebraic thinking and its progressive transition to culturally evolved forms of symbolic thinking. The investigation draws on a cultural-historical theory of teaching and learning-the theory of objectification. Within this theory, thinking is conceived of as a form of reflection and action that is simultaneously material and ideal: It includes inner and outer speech, sensuous forms of imagination and visualisation, gestures, rhythm, and their intertwinement with material culture (symbols, artifacts, etc.). The theory articulates a cultural view of development as an unfolding dialectic process between culturally and historically constituted forms of mathematical knowing and semiotically mediated classroom activity. Looking at the experimental data through these theoretical lenses reveals a developmental path where embodied forms of thinking are sublated or subsumed into more sophisticated ones through the mediation of properly designed classroom activity.
A metaphor is an alteration of a woorde from the proper and naturall meanynge, to that which is not proper, and yet agreeth thereunto, by some lykenes that appeareth to be in it. ... —Thomas Wilson, The Arte of Rhetorique ...
Traditional approaches to research into mathematical thinking, such as the study of misconceptions and tacit models, have brought significant insight into the teaching and learning of mathematics, but have also left many important problems unresolved. In this paper, after taking a close look at two episodes that give rise to a number of difficult questions, I propose to base research on a metaphor of thinking-as-communicating. This conceptualization entails viewing learning mathematics as an initiation to a certain well defined discourse. Mathematical discourse is made special by two main factors: first, by its exceptional reliance on symbolic artifacts as its communication-mediating tools, and second, by the particular meta-rules that regulate this type of communication. The meta-rules are the observer’s construct and they usually remain tacit for the participants of the discourse. In this paper I argue that by eliciting these special elements of mathematical communication, one has a better chance of accounting for at least some of the still puzzling phenomena. To show how it works, I revisit the episodes presented at the beginning of the paper, reformulate the ensuing questions in the language of thinking-ascommunication, and re-address the old quandaries with the help of special analytic tools that help in combining analysis of mathematical content of classroom interaction with attention to meta-level concerns of the participants.
Objectives The objective of this study is to contribute to research on mathematical cognition by illuminating implicit processes of embodied reasoning in situated problem solving. I argue that situated mathematical reasoning transpires as an embodied negotiation between material/perceptual affordances of phenomena and evolved cultural–historical cognitive artifacts that include physical utensils, symbolical forms, and figures of speech.
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2009
Our work is inspired by the book Imagining Numbers (particularly the square root of minus fifteen), by Harvard University mathematics professor Barry Mazur (Imagining numbers (particularly the square root of minus fifteen), Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2003). The work of Mazur led us to question whether the features and steps of Mazur's re-enactment of the imaginative work of mathematicians could be appropriated pedagogically in a middle-school setting. Our research objectives were to develop the framework of teaching mathematics as a way of imagining and to explore the pedagogical implications of the framework by engaging in an application of it in middle school setting. Findings from our application of the model suggest that the framework presents a novel and important approach to developing mathematical understanding. The model demonstrates in particular the importance of shared visualizations and problemposing in learning mathematics, as well as imagination as a cognitive space for learning.
In this paper we propose a theory of cognitive construction in mathematics that gives a unified explanation of the power and difficulty of cognitive development in a wide range of contexts. It is based on an analysis of how operations on embodied objects may be seen in two distinct ways: as embodied configurations given by the operations, and as refined symbolism that dually represents processes to do mathematics and concepts to think about it. An example is the embodied configuration of five fingers, the process of counting five and the concept of the number five. Another is the embodied notion of a locally straight curve, the process of differentiation and the concept of derivative. Our approach relates ideas in the embodied theory of Lakoff, van Hiele's theory of developing sophistication in geometry, and the processobject theories of Dubinsky and Sfard. It not only offers the benefit of comparing strengths and weaknesses of a variety of differing theoretical positions, it also reveals subtle similarities between widely occurring difficulties in mathematical growth.
Verbal expressions by students in mathematical conversational situations provide insight into the individual mathematical imagination and express what patterns and contexts children recognize in mathematical problems. Children just starting school utilize means of expression of their mathematical ideas that go from everyday speech descriptions to detailed action sequences. They already use technical facets, even though their repertoire of mathematical language of instruction has to be considered initially as tentative. In our article, by dint of methods of qualitative analysis, we want to present initial descriptions in terms of the identified capability of mathematical expression of pupils just starting school, based on a conversational situation about a combinatorial problem.
Purpose A central issue in mathematics education relates to grounding, or the question of how abstract, mathematical ideas can be connected to students' prior knowledge and experience, such that their meaning becomes connected with concrete, perceptual referents that can be readily understood (Goldstone & Son, 2005; Koedinger, Alibali, & Nathan, 2008). Recent research on grounding interventions in mathematics classrooms has shown that tying mathematical formalisms to students' concrete, everyday experiences can support ...
In this paper we are interested in the understanding of how the classroom discourse helps to develop the students' comprehension of the non ostensive mathematical objects as objects that have "existence". First, we examine the role of the objectual metaphor in the understanding of the mathematical entities as "objects with existence", as well as in some of the conflicts that the use of this type of metaphor can provoke in the students' interpretations. Second, we examine the mathematics discourse from the perspective of the ostensives representing non ostensives that do not exist.
Cognitive research: principles and implications, 2017
We develop a theory of grounded and embodied mathematical cognition (GEMC) that draws on action-cognition transduction for advancing understanding of how the body can support mathematical reasoning. GEMC proposes that participants' actions serve as inputs capable of driving the cognition-action system toward associated cognitive states. This occurs through a process of transduction that promotes valuable mathematical insights by eliciting dynamic depictive gestures that enact spatio-temporal properties of mathematical entities. Our focus here is on pre-college geometry proof production. GEMC suggests that action alone can foster insight but is insufficient for valid proof production if action is not coordinated with language systems for propositionalizing general properties of objects and space. GEMC guides the design of a video game-based learning environment intended to promote students' mathematical insights and informal proofs by eliciting dynamic gestures through in-gam...
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