C. G. Jung Collected Works Volume 12 Psychology and Alchemy

The two lectures were previously translated by Stanley Dell and published in The Integration of the Personality (New York, 1939; London, 1940) under the titles "Dream Symbols of the Process of Individuation" and "The Idea of Redemption in Alchemy." Professor Jung then considerably expanded them and added an introduction, in which he set out his whole position particularly in relation to religion. These three parts together with a short epilogue make up the Swiss volume. The translation now presented to the public has been awaited with impatience in many quarters, for it is one of Professor Jung's major works, to be compared in importance with Psychology of the Unconscious and Psychological Types. It may be said that round the material contained in this volume the major portion of his later work revolves. On this account Psychology and Alchemy is being published first, though it is not Volume 1 of the Collected Works. EDITORIAL NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION For this second edition of Volume 12, technical considerations made it necessary to reset the text, and this in turn made various improvements possible. The translation has been thoroughly revised, and additions and revisions have been made in accordance with the second Swiss edition, 1952. The bibliography and the footnote references have been corrected and brought up to date, particularly in respect of the author's subsequent publications in English. The paragraph numeration has been preserved, but the pagination has unavoidably changed. An entirely new index has been prepared. The late Mr. A. S. B. Glover was responsible for numerous improvements in the translations from the Latin and in the bibliographical references. The illustrations are printed almost entirely from new photographs; consequently the sources have sometimes had to be altered. For valuable assistance in obtaining new photographs the Editors are indebted to Mrs. Aniela Jaffé, Dr. Jolande Jacobi, and Dr. Rudolf Michel; for general editorial help, to Mrs. B. L. Honum Hull. After the author's death in 1961, the unpublished draft of a "prefatory note to the English edition," written in English, was found among his papers, and this has been added to the present edition. For permission to publish it, the Editors are indebted to the late Mrs. Marianne Niehus-Jung, then acting on behalf of the heirs of C. G. Jung. A variant of the text of Part II presenting the essay in its Eranos-Jahrbuch 1935 form appeared as "Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process" in Spiritual Disciplines (Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, 4; New York and London, 1959).