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2015, Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози
16 pages
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At the beginning of the 21st century, the security paradigm (challenges, threats, processes and institutions), compared to the past, has gained significant new features. Under these conditions, the significant objective factors that determine the reality of security (geostrategic, security, environmental, etc.. .) have basically changed. Obviously, the security environment has become unpredictable and uncertain, and the main feature of this environment is the complexity of the threats to security. In other words, the connection, interference and mutual effect of military and non-military threats to security are getting higher and higher. (e.g. ethnic conflicts, crime, natural and other disasters, terrorism, environmental threats, etc.). Thus, the text presents an analysis of the security paradigm and challenges in the view of the relationship between crisis management and system for protection and rescue in the Republic of Macedonia. The main focus of research is on this crucial relationship between two immensely important elements of the security system and to give an answer to the central question if there is synergy or rivalry between them.
Republic of Macedonia within the reform of the Security System after the adopting of the National Conception for Security and Defence in 2003 has constituted the Systems for: 1. Protection and Rescue (2004) and 2. Crisis Management (2005) which are centrally organised by the Directorate for Protection and Rescue and the Centre for Crisis Management. These systems, as others, are complex in their structure, composed by multiple elements which are completely or partially independent. But, in their independence, these elements do not stop to participate in the achievement of the unique and undividable objectives of their existence. This paper makes scientific analysis of the inconsistencies in the functioning of the both systems, especially in the light of mutual compactness through the Theoretical assumptions of the System theory. For the formulation of Conclusions, Deductive and Inductive reasoning are used via theoretical elaboration of the scientific findings in the field, data analysis by using the normative solutions by using the dogmatic (Legal) method and data from the research performed in these Institutions on a sample of 27 employees in the Centre for Crisis Management and 37 employees in the Protection and Rescue Directorate. We are presenting data from descriptive statistics, as well as the differences in the results for attitudes determined by the "t test" of the above mentioned independent groups of the respondents.
Macedonian Army (MA) as a participant in crisis management provides early warning of potential threats and mutually supportive capabilities of the parts of the Army, police and civil authorities. MA is a participant in the process of crisis management, crisis situations and humanitarian emergencies in all segments starting from: assessment, planning, organizing and implementing the measures ordered and activities. The establishment of crisis management within the broader security issue is a merger of military and civilian dimensions of a crisis in order to justify the efforts to create a valid tool by states and international institutions. An effective system of crisis management can promptly and quickly deal with the risks and threats of the modern world, which will also be able to protect the interests of citizens and to create conditions for sustainable development and implementation of economic, social and other policies of the state, and to build foreign political credibility. ...
XXII Scientific international conference “Knowledge”, 2019
In this paper authors are using comparative analysis scientific method for analyzing Macedonian and Slovenian crisis management system. Having in mind that, Republic of Slovenia is a NATO member from beginning of 2009 year and EU member from 2013 year, Slovenian crisis management system is used as a base model for corrections of Macedonian crisis management system, with focus on identifying the positive characteristics of Slovenian model for system of crisis management which can be put to practice, portrayed in this thesis as recommendations for improving the Macedonian crisis management system. Crisis management system on Republic of North Macedonia has a normative and organizational establishment 129. For uninterrupted functionality on the crisis management system in Republic of North Macedonia constantly are present: suggesting decisions, consultations, coordination, prompt reactions, effective and adequate use of provided resources and abilities in case of a crisis situation. Slovenian crisis management system basically is consists from following state authorities and institutions: Inter-sectoral analytical group, Ministry of defense (national crisis management center, the protection and rescue administration of Republic of Slovenia, which also has protection and rescue forces and reporting center on Republic of Slovenia Service 112), other ministries and state authorities on Republic of Slovenia. For this comparative analysis, Slovenian crisis management has been chosen, because is similar to Macedonian model in terms of size and structure. Moreover, Slovenian crisis management system model is designed to manage consequences of possible state of crisis for a certain territory and population which are almost identical to ones on Republic of North Macedonia. This organizational and structural similarity on the crisis management systems on Republic of Slovenia and Republic of North Macedonia are basic prerequisite for a comparative analysis. Obtained results from this comparative analysis can be used as a basis for reforming, upgrading and improving the efficiency and effectiveness on Macedonian crisis management system. Comparative analysis between Macedonian and Slovenian crisis management system gives us data that leads to conclusion that there is a need to take action for improving Macedonian crisis management system through adequate changes of organizational structure on CMC which will increase its effectiveness, improve its professionalism, economy and for overall improving of crisis management system in terms of prevention department as well as crisis management department. Continued development of Macedonian crisis management system must follow the experiences of NATO and EU members, own practices and available resources (forces and funds for prevention and crisis management).
ANALYSIS OF NATO COMPREHENSIVE CRISIS MANAGEMENT: REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA AND REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Andrej Iliev, Aleksandar Glavinov, Trajce Dencevski Abstract The change ofsecurity environmentandnew securitychallenges, are the reasons for appearance and practical implementation of a NATO comprehensive crisis management. It’s more than clear that is not possible, effi ciently and successfully to overcome a crisis without applying a comprehensive approach to crisis management, through the active cooperation of the political, military and civilian interface. The need for the development of the civil-military cooperation concept has accepted many countriesworldwide including Republic Macedonia, which aspires to join NATO and EU. Although Republic of Macedonia is a pioneer in this fi eld comparing with the achievements of NATO and EU countries. The scientifi c emphasis of this paper is placed on a comparative analysis of the achievements that Slovenia has made comparing with the Republic ...
Annals of "Spiru Haret". Economic Series
The current scientific publication follows the invitation of scientists from the University of Defense in the Czech Republic, Brno for joint international study on economic diplomacy and peacekeeping. The paper presents the role of the Bulgarian army in the operations of international crisis management as part of the security and defense policy of the country, and characteristics of the activities of armed forces in international operations for crisis management. The article focuses on national contribution to international efforts in support of peace and stability, the legal basis for the participation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Bulgaria in allied and coalition operations and support operations and military participation of the Republic of Bulgaria in international missions and operations.
Emergencies caused by different types of disasters (natural, technological and complex) are as old as human history. They have always created serious problems for people and their communities, forcing them to take appropriate measures to ensure their prevention, mitigation, response and recovery. Keeping in mind the security implications of emergencies for the population, the overall tangible and intangible assets and the environment, each country has primary responsibility for its own sustainable development, on one hand and for implementation of effective measures to reduce the risk of emergencies on the other hand. Therefore, the state and its authorities shall promptly take measures aimed at protecting people and their material assets and the environment from the impacts of emergency situations, ie. to take measures to effectively reduce the risk of emergencies caused by disasters. In addition, one of the most important measures is certainly incorporating the integrated and multifaceted approach to disaster risk reduction into policies, planning and programming related to sustainable development, assistance, rehabilitation and revitalization activities in post-catastrophic and post-conflict situations in countries at risk disaster. The countries that develop policy, legislative and institutional framework for disaster risk reduction and those that are able to develop and track progress through specific and measurable indicators have greater capacity to manage risks and to achieve a widely accepted consensus on the inclusion and fulfilling measures risk reduction across all sectors of society. Certainly, on the list of significant measures aimed at reducing the risk of disaster is the adoption of the national strategy for the protection and rescue in emergency situations. Generally speaking, a national strategy are aimed at a comprehensive understanding of the source of current and future risks, the establishment of the concept of organized activities of government and other institutions to reduce emergencies caused by all forms of major natural and technological disasters, to mitigate their consequences through prevention actions, as well as development of adequate state of readiness and capacity of the whole community. Therefore, the national strategy for the protection and rescue in emergency situations is a crucial foundation on which all other activities aimed at reducing disaster risk rest. That is why the author has done a detailed analysis of the National Strategy for the Protection and Rescue of Serbia and Montenegro, with respect to Croatia in order to compare their contents, based solutions, implemented international standards. In addition, special attention is paid to the analysis of grounding of such strategies keeping in mind the objective risk assessments of possible emergencies, which are determined by presenting statistical analysis of each country.
The system of the civil protection in Poland has numerous challenges ahead of it and changes which are unavoidable. It seems to be essential for the execution of tasks associated with the civil protection to be consistent with tasks performed in frames of the crisis management. In this way, the system of the crisis management, harmonized and supplemented, takes action in favor of the civil protection. In contingencies they are endangered different values. Mainly for exchange oneself life and human health, possessions in great sizes or also natural environment. The research purpose of this article is to present the essence of crisis management in Poland and the related civil protection issues. On this basis, differences and similarities in both conceptual and functional layers will be indicated. This will form the basis for conclusions and proposals on the functioning of these security areas in Poland. In order to achieve the intended research objective, the author of this article fi...
Since the beginning of the migrant crisis, Macedonia has been facing an unprecedented number of people that had entered Macedonian borders in order to reach the northern countries of the European Union. More precisely, even though Macedonia is not a frontline country to the Schengen zone, still its geographical position being the crossroad on the Balkan route, puts it in a very controversial position in this migration crisis context. Having in mind this position as a frontline country to the borders of the Union and at the same time as a gate keeper of the Union’s borders, the issue that we are going to investigate and evaluate in the paper is the role of FRONTEX in giving assistance to Macedonia’s border authorities for prevention of illegal migrants (since the Balkan route has officially been declared as closed by the EU), and furthermore we will examine the EEAS Crisis Response System and the possibility to develop a common crisis management strategy within the EU defense framework.
Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози, 2017
Privatization of security started in Serbia in 1990s when first private security companies were established. Besides taking care of people and property in regular circumstances they have to perform security task also during emergencies and disasters, together with Sector for emergency management, police, military and other state actors and actors from civil society sector (Red Cross, Mountain Rescue Service etc.). Communication and cooperation between stakeholders is of crucial importance in crisis situations. Cooperation between the public and private sector and other entities can be built only in an atmosphere of trust in which the process of information sharing contributes to the raising awareness about the situation and with openness and transparency while protecting privacy and civil liberties. However, there are different interests, logic, motives and objectives among stakeholders in those relations. Also, important questions refer to the establishment of common terminology and harmonization of technical standards. In the paper the main obstacles for effective cooperation between state and public actors and private security companies in Serbia will be described and possible solutions proposed.
This paper examines NATO's engagement during the bombing of the Federal Republic Yugoslavia and its impact on further development of crisis management defined by the Strategic Concept and other relevant documents. The authors have tried to provide the answers to the questions regarding the NATO's procedures, effectiveness and efficiency during the operation MERCIFUL ANGEL (Operation Allied Force) and their implications for further development of the crisis management concept throughout adoption of the Strategic Concepts in 1999 and 2010 and relevant doctrines, as well as throughout building the Allied related capabilities. Planning, preparation and conducting all the NATO's crisis management operations after 1999 were based on lessons learned from the operation MERCIFUL ANGEL and the previous NATO's engagement in the former Yugoslavia. Taking the abovementioned into consideration, this paper seeks to find out how NATO's military coercive activities in the former Yugoslavia, including aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999, has affected its engagement in 1 Afghanistan and Libya, as well as on the crisis management concept as a whole. The research methodology is based on four case studies (NATO interventions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federal Republic Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Libya) in order to scrutinize common trends in the crisis management operations conducted by the Alliance in these countries and its significance for further development of the crisis management concept.
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Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози, 2017
Collegium Antropologicum, 2014
Information & Security: An International Journal, 2003
Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози, 2019
Security and Defence Quarterly
Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie
Criminal Justice and Security in Central and Eastern Europe : From Common Sense to Evidence-based Policy-making, 2018
European Journal of Human Security, 2019