Crisis Management and Protection and Rescue

2015, Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози

At the beginning of the 21st century, the security paradigm (challenges, threats, processes and institutions), compared to the past, has gained significant new features. Under these conditions, the significant objective factors that determine the reality of security (geostrategic, security, environmental, etc.. .) have basically changed. Obviously, the security environment has become unpredictable and uncertain, and the main feature of this environment is the complexity of the threats to security. In other words, the connection, interference and mutual effect of military and non-military threats to security are getting higher and higher. (e.g. ethnic conflicts, crime, natural and other disasters, terrorism, environmental threats, etc.). Thus, the text presents an analysis of the security paradigm and challenges in the view of the relationship between crisis management and system for protection and rescue in the Republic of Macedonia. The main focus of research is on this crucial relationship between two immensely important elements of the security system and to give an answer to the central question if there is synergy or rivalry between them.