2022, International Journal of Language Academy

During the era called classical Turkish literature, the use of toponyms with various functions in poetry has been encountered frequently. It is possible to state that the determination of the contexts and functions of toponyms in classical Turkish literature texts, and in other words, the use of toponyms in Ottoman poetry gave clues to the Ottoman cultural history. Many valuable studies have been carried out in this area are to reveal the importance of determining the unity of poetry and the city by evaluating the use of places in poetry. Today, the Badakhshan region spreads over a wide geography within the borders of Afghanistan and Tajikistan. It is located among the Hindu Kush Mountains in the south, East Turkestan in the east, Kunduz River in the west. Badakhshan is a region where gold, ruby and other mines are extracted, and it is one of the hundreds of places that poets often mention in their works with various features. In this article, it is aimed to review how Badakhshan was addressed in poetry, to determine which dreams and metaphors were used as poetic material and thus to contribute to the explanation of how the place in poetry is represented by using the data obtained from ghazels as a result of a literature review including all centuries of classical Turkish literature.