Teaching teachers to question questions

1984, Reading World


Preservice teachers can be taught skills in questioning techniques through a three-stage process of modeling, practicing, and evaluation. In a methods course taught by the authors, education students were confused by the variety of questioning teChniques available, and would not adopt effective and efficient apprdaches to questioning. A three-stage model, to teach students about questioning techniques, consisting of initial training, practice and evaluation, and final evaluation, was used by teacher educatorS. During initial training, two paradigms of question types were presented: (1) affectively oriented questions for encouraging disclissions about pupils' feelings toward reading passages as well 4s eliciting critical evaluation; and (2) cognitive questions for assessing comprehensive skills in textual materials at three academic levels The education students discussed, observed, and analyzed each questioning method. In the second phase, students submitted examples'of each question type, and classified and analyzed both their own and their peers' questions. In the final stage of training, students analyzed and evaluated the quality of all their own and their peers' work from the beginning of the semester. (FG)