Gefangen und geknechtet: Sklaverei in prähistorischer Zeit?, 2022

In: B. Nessel/L. Nebelsick (Hrsg.), Quod erat demonstrandum. Festschr. Ch. F. E. Pare. Univforsch. Prähist. Arch. 380 (Bonn 2022) 17-26.


Captured and enslaved: Slavery in prehistoric times? Did slavery exist in prehistoric times? The answer is yes. Evidence suggests it may begin as early as the Late Bronze Age and is clearly established in the Iron Age and thereafter. The emergence of slavery goes hand in hand with the development of warfare and the establishment and expansion of hierarchical structures. The discussion about the center and periphery of colonial systems should also be included in the consideration of early slavery, since the question arises to what extent slavery arose autochthonously in peripheral communities or was adapted from organized states.