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2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In (DLT 2016) we studied timed context sensitive languages characterized by multiple stack push down automata (MPA), with an explicit bound on number of stages where in each stage at most one stack is used (k-round MPA). In this paper, we continue our work on timed MPA and study a subclass in which a symbol corresponding to a stack being pushed in it must be popped within fixed number of contexts of that stack-scope-bounded push-down automata with multiple stacks (k-scope MPA). We use Visibly Push-down Alphabet and Event Clocks to show that timed k-scope MPA have decidable reachability problem; are closed under Boolean operations; and have an equivalent logical characterization.
2015 30th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, 2015
This paper contains two results on timed extensions of pushdown automata (PDA). As our first result we prove that the model of dense-timed PDA of Abdulla et al. collapses: it is expressively equivalent to dense-timed PDA with timeless stack. Motivated by this result, we advocate the framework of firstorder definable PDA, a specialization of PDA in sets with atoms, as the right setting to define and investigate timed extensions of PDA. The general model obtained in this way is Turing complete. As our second result we prove NEXPTIME upper complexity bound for the non-emptiness problem for an expressive subclass. As a byproduct, we obtain a tight EXPTIME complexity bound for a more restrictive subclass of PDA with timeless stack, thus subsuming the complexity bound known for dense-timed PDA.
Automata, Languages and Programming, 2005
This paper is concerned with the language inclusion problem for timed automata: given timed automata A and B, is every word accepted by B also accepted by A? Alur and Dill [5] showed that the language inclusion problem is decidable if A has no clocks and undecidable if A has two clocks (with no restriction on B). However, the status of the problem when A has one clock is not determined by [5]. In this paper we close this gap for timed automata over infinite words by showing that the one-clock language inclusion problem is undecidable. For timed automata over finite words, building on our earlier paper [19], we show that the one-clock language inclusion problem is decidable with nonprimitive recursive complexity. This reveals a surprising divergence between the theory of timed automata over finite words and over infinite words. Finally, we show that if ε-transitions or non-singular postconditions are allowed, then the one-clock language inclusion problem is undecidable over both finite and infinite words.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
We identify a class of timed automata, which we call counter-free input-determined automata, which characterize the class of timed languages definable by several timed temporal logics in the literature, including MTL. We make use of this characterization to show that MTL+Past satisfies an "ultimate stability" property with respect to periodic sequences of timed words. Our results hold for both the pointwise and continuous semantics. Along the way we generalize the result of McNaughton-Papert to show a counter-free automata characterization of FO-definable finitely varying functions.
In this paper, we consider a syntactic subset of timed automata called integer reset timed automata (IRTA) where resets are restricted to occur at integral time points. We argue with examples that the notion of global sparse time base used in time triggered architecture and distributed web services can naturally be modelled/specified as IRTA. As our main result, we show that the language inclusion problem $L(\mathcal A) \subseteq L(\mathcal{B})$ for a timed automaton $\mathcal A$ and an IRTA $\mathcal{B}$ is decidable with EXPSPACE complexity. The expressive power and the closure properties of IRTA are also summarized. In particular, the IRTA are (highly succinct but) expressively equivalent to 1-clock deterministic IRTA and they are closed under boolean operations.
We propose a new approach for the symbolic exploration of timed automata that solves a particular aspect of the combinatory explosion occurring in the widely used clock zone automata, the splitting of symbolic states depending on the order of transition occurrences, even if these transitions concern unrelated components in a parallel system. Our goal is to preserve independence (commutation of transitions) from the original timed automaton to the symbolic level, thus fully avoiding state splitting, yet avoiding problems of previous similar approaches with “maximal bounds abstraction”. We achieve this goal by (1) lifting the theory of Mazurkiewicz traces to timed words and symbolic state exploration, (2) examining symbolic path exploration from a formal language point of view, and (3) by splitting the concerns of (abstraction free) successor computation and zone comparison by a new abstraction related to maximal bounds. The theory results in data structures and algorithms that we have experimentally validated, finding good reductions.
We define a new class of languages defined by multi-stack automata that forms a robust subclass of context-sensitive languages, with decidable emptiness and closure under boolean operations. This class, called multi-stack visibly pushdown languages (MVPLs), is defined using multi-stack pushdown automata with two restrictions: (a) the pushdown automaton is visible, i.e. the input letter determines the operation on the stacks, and (b) any computation of the machine can be split into stages, where in each stage, there is at most one stack that is popped. MVPLs are an extension of visibly pushdown languages that captures noncontext free behaviors, and has applications in analyzing abstractions of multithreaded recursive programs, significantly enlarging the search space that can be explored for them. We show that MVPLs are closed under boolean operations, and problems such as emptiness and inclusion are decidable. We characterize MVPLs using monadic second-order logic over appropriate structures, and exhibit a Parikh theorem for them.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
We introduce and investigate input-driven stack automata, which are a generalization of input-driven pushdown automata that recently became popular under the name visibly pushdown automata. Basically, the idea is that the input letters uniquely determine the operations on the pushdown store. This can nicely be generalized to stack automata by further types of input letters which are responsible for moving the stack pointer up or down. While visibly pushdown languages share many desirable properties with regular languages, input-driven stack automata languages do not necessarily so. We prove that deterministic and nondeterministic input-driven stack automata have different computational power, which shows in passing that one cannot construct a deterministic input-driven stack automaton from a nondeterministic one. We study the computational capacity of these devices. Moreover, it is shown that the membership problem for nondeterministic input-driven stack automata languages is NP-complete.
Information Processing Letters, 2019
We give a new proof of the result of Comon and Jurski that the binary reachability relation of a timed automaton is definable in linear arithmetic.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
The context of this study is timed temporal logics for timed automata. In this paper, we propose an extension of the classical logic TCTL with a new Until modality, called "Until almost everywhere". In the extended logic, it is possible, for instance, to express that a property is true at all positions of all runs, except on a negligible set of positions. Such properties are very convenient, for example in the framework of boolean program verification, where transitions result from changing variable values. We investigate the expressive power of this modality and in particular, we prove that it cannot be expressed with classical TCTL modalities. However, we show that model-checking the extended logic remains PSPACE-complete as for TCTL.
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 2014
Timed and register automata are well-known models of computation over timed and data words, respectively. The former has clocks that allow to test the lapse of time between two events, whilst the latter includes registers that can store data values for later comparison. Although these two models behave differently in appearance, several decision problems have the same (un)decidability and complexity results for both models. As a prominent example, emptiness is decidable for alternating automata with one clock or register, both with non-primitive recursive complexity. This is not by chance.This work confirms that there is indeed a tight relationship between the two models. We show that a run of a timed automaton can be simulated by a register automaton over ordered data domain, and conversely that a run of a register automaton can be simulated by a timed automaton. These are exponential time reductions hold both in the finite and infinite words settings. Our results allow to transfer...
International Journal of Applied Information Systems, 2012
In this paper we present durational actions timed automata, DATA*, as a sub class of timed automata. In the contrast of T.A, the underling semantic of DATA* is the maximality semantics which claim that actions have durations and true concurrency is captured differently from choice. DATA* model is in one hand useful for modeling and validating reel aspects of systems. In the other hand, it is determinizable and closed under all Boolean operations. As result, the language inclusion problem is decidable. Then, we compare a durational actions timed automata to event recording automata, which is a determinizable sub class of the classical timed automata. Next, we propose a simple framework to aggregate region of DATA* for reducing its space state. This study is based on an aggregation region automata procedure to reduce the combinatorial explosion of regions. Finally, we discuss equivalence and validation of systems.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018
In this paper we introduce and study Event-Clock Nested Automata (ECNA), a formalism that combines Event Clock Automata (ECA) and Visibly Pushdown Automata (VPA). ECNA allow to express real-time properties over non-regular patterns of recursive programs. We prove that ECNA retain the closure and decidability properties of ECA and VPA being closed under Boolean operations and having a decidable language-inclusion problem. In particular, we prove that emptiness, universality, and language-inclusion for ECNA are Exptime-complete problems. As for the expressiveness, we have that ECNA properly extend any previous attempt in the literature of combining ECA and VPA.
We study an expressive model of timed pushdown automata extended with modular and fractional clock constraints. We show that the binary reachability relation is effectively expressible in hybrid linear arithmetic with a rational and an integer sort. This subsumes analogous expressibility results previously known for finite and pushdown timed automata with untimed stack. As key technical tools, we use quantifier elimination for a fragment of hybrid linear arithmetic and for cyclic order atoms, and a reduction to register pushdown automata over cyclic order atoms.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006
We consider a general notion of timed automata with inputdetermined guards and show that they admit a robust logical framework along the lines of [6], in terms of a monadic second order logic characterisation and an expressively complete timed temporal logic. We then generalise these automata using the notion of recursive operators introduced by Henzinger, Raskin, and Schobbens [9], and show that they admit a similar logical framework. These results hold in the "pointwise" semantics. We finally use this framework to show that the real-time logic MITL of Alur et al [2] is expressively complete with respect to an MSO corresponding to an appropriate input-determined operator.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Visibly Pushdown Automata (VPA) are a special case of pushdown machines where the stack operations are driven by the input. In this paper, we consider VPA with two stacks, namely 2-VPA. These automata introduce a useful model to effectively describe concurrent pushdown systems using a simple communication mechanism between stacks. We show that 2-VPA are strictly more expressive than VPA. Indeed, 2-VPA accept some context-sensitive languages that are not context-free and some context-free languages that are not accepted by any VPA. Nevertheless, the class of languages accepted by 2-VPA is closed under all boolean operations and determinizable in ExpTime, but does not preserve decidability of emptiness problem. By adding an ordering constraint on stacks (2-OVPA), decidability of emptiness can be recovered (preserving desirable closure properties) and solved in PTime. Using these properties along with the automata-theoretic approach, we prove that the model checking problem over 2-OVPA models against 2-OVPA specifications is ExpTime-complete. Work partially supported by MIUR FIRB Project no. RBAU1P5SS.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
We develop a structural and language theoretical characterization of timed languages over discrete time in terms of a variant of Büchi automata and languages. The so-called tick automaton is a standard Büchi automaton with a special "clock-tick"-input symbol modeling the discrete flow of time. Based on these characterizations we give an alternative proof for the fact that the class of regular timed languages is closed under complementation and formulate a time-warp lemma which, similar to a pumping lemma, can be used to show that a timed language is not regular. The characterizations hold alike for timed automata with and without periodic clock constraints.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Automated Technology For Verification and Analysis, 2006
In previous work, the timed logic TCTL was extended with an "almost everywhere" Until modality which abstracts negligible sets of positions (i.e. with a null duration) along a run of a timed automaton. We propose here an extension of this logic with more powerful modalities, in order to specify properties abstracting transient states, which are events that last for less than k time units. Our main result is that modelchecking is still decidable and PSPACE-complete for this extension. On the other hand, a second semantics is defined, in which we consider the total duration where the property does not hold along a run. In this case, we prove that model-checking is undecidable. evolve at the rate of time (as in timed automata), are sometimes not expressive enough, hybrid variables (with multiple slopes) have been considered. The resulting model of hybrid automata has been largely studied in the subsequent years [16]. However, while some decidability results could be obtained [3, 18], using stopwatches (i.e. variables with slopes 0 and 1) already leads to undecidability for the reachability problem [2]. Further research has thus been devoted to weaker models where hybrid variables are only used as observers, i.e. are not tested in the automaton and thus play no role during a computation. These variables, sometimes called costs or prices in this context can be used in an optimization criterium [3, 7, 8, 11] or as constraints in temporal logic formulas. For instance, the logic WCTL [12, 10], interpreted over timed automata extended with costs, adds cost contraints on modalities: it is possible to express that a given state is reachable within a fixed cost bound. Abstracting transient states. When practical examples are considered, the need for abstracting transient states often happens. For example, modeling the instantaneous changes of a variable may introduce artificial (and thus non pertinent) transient states in the model. This motivated the work in [9], where configurations with zero duration could be abstracted by introducing into TCTL the almost everywhere U a modality. However, this is not sufficient in some cases. Contribution. In this paper, we propose an extension of TCTL called TCTL ∆ , which brings out a powerful generalization of the results in [9]. We introduce a new modality U k , where k ∈ N is a parameter, in order to abstract events that do not last continuously for at least k time units (t.u). For example, AF 2 ≤100 alarm expresses that for any execution, the atomic proposition alarm becomes true before 100 t.u and will hold for at least 2 time units. One also could express the fact that an event a precedes an event b along any run, an event being actually considered iff it lasts for at least k time units: the formula ArequestP 3 grant states that along any run where grant has occurred for a duration greater than 3, a request has been emitted continusously for a duration greater than 3. We prove that model-checking for TCTL ∆ is still PSPACE-complete. While the analogous result for TCTL or the extended version of [9] relies on the standard notion of equivalent runs, we have to define a stronger form for this equivalence, in order to obtain the consistency of TCTL ∆-formulae on the regions of the timed automaton. Finally, we also consider a global semantics, called TCTL ∆ Σ , for which the global duration during which a property does not hold, is bounded by a fixed constant k. Although this semantics is more natural and uses only observer hybrid variables in the model, we prove that model-checking TCTL ∆ Σ is undecidable. Outline. Section 2 recalls the main features of timed automata model and gives definitions for the syntax and semantics of our extended logics. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to the model-checking of TCTL ∆ and, in the last section, we show that model-checking the extended logic TCTL ∆ Σ is undecidable.
ArXiv, 2018
We study the reachability problem for networks of timed communicating processes. Each process is a timed automaton communicating with other processes by exchanging messages over unbounded FIFO channels. Messages carry clocks which are checked at the time of transmission and reception with suitable timing constraints. Each automaton can only access its set of local clocks and message clocks of sent/received messages. Time is dense and all clocks evolve at the same rate. Our main contribution is a complete characterisation of decidable and undecidable communication topologies generalising and unifying previous work. From a technical point of view, we use quantifier elimination and a reduction to counter automata with registers.
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2018
The paper is focused on temporal logics for the description of the behaviour of real-time pushdown reactive systems. The paper is motivated to bridge tractable logics specialized for expressing separately dense-time real-time properties and context-free properties by ensuring decidability and tractability in the combined setting. To this end we introduce two real-time linear temporal logics for specifying quantitative timing context-free requirements in a pointwise semantics setting: Event-Clock Nested Temporal Logic (EC NTL) and Nested Metric Temporal Logic (NMTL). The logic EC NTL is an extension of both the logic CaRet (a context-free extension of standard LTL) and Event-Clock Temporal Logic (a tractable real-time logical framework related to the class of Event-Clock automata). We prove that satisfiability of EC NTL and visibly model-checking of Visibly Pushdown Timed Automata (VPTA) against EC NTL are decidable and EXPTIME-complete. The other proposed logic NMTL is a context-free extension of standard Metric Temporal Logic (MTL). It is well known that satisfiability of future MTL is undecidable when interpreted over infinite timed words but decidable over finite timed words. On the other hand, we show that by augmenting future MTL with future context-free temporal operators, the satisfiability problem turns out to be undecidable also for finite timed words. On the positive side, we devise a meaningful and decidable fragment of the logic NMTL which is expressively equivalent to EC NTL and for which satisfiability and visibly model-checking of VPTA are EXPTIME-complete. * The work by Adriano Peron and Aniello Murano has been partially supported by the GNCS project Formal methods for verification and synthesis of discrete and hybrid systems and by Dept. project MODAL MOdel-Driven Analysis of Critical Industrial Systems.
A linear time extension of deterministic pushdown automata is introduced that recognizes all deterministic context-free languages, but also languages such as {a n b n c n | n ≥ 0} and the MIX language. It is argued that this new class of automata, called λ-acyclic read-first deterministic stack+bag pushdown automata, has applications in natural language processing. * Thanks to Thomas Hanneforth for pointing out previous work on φ-transitions to me.
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