Assessment of Urban Water Supply and Demand



Urban water supply and demand challenges are the widespread problems in most of the developing countries such as Ethiopia. Water demand has been increasing significantly in most cities due to population growth and other factors. As a result, the town water utilities are struggling to provide customers with adequate and reliable water supply service. Water distribution systems are designed to fulfill all requirements of potable water needed for decades. Initial system designs frequently consider any anticipated changes likely to happen. However, as time elapsed they slowly begin to fail to satisfy customers' requirements; both in quantity quality. The wonder is to identify factors which bring those changes and propose viable solutions to improve the situation. To this effect modeling water distribution network system is very helpful. In this study, Sebeta water supply and demand was assessed. Water CAD software was used as tool to model water distribution system. The modeling effort included hydraulic modeling. Simulation results for maximum and minimum pressures were used as base to evaluate the hydraulic performance. Modeling results showed violation of maximum and minimum pressure requirements. Household interviews and questionnaires were made to understand customers' satisfaction towards the water supply service in terms of water availability, adequacy of the water, tariff affordability and water consumption. Water quality tests were conducted to compare the water quality with the WHO standards. From this study, water quality test results showed that, some parameters departed from WHO water quality guidelines. It is recommended that the water utility develop a strategy and work hard on the indicated system deficiencies to improve the water supply and demand and provide customers with good quality service.