Nandang Firman N. dan Miftahul Falah)


The thesis It aims to explain the efforts need for the development function of Gedung Merdeka as tourist attraction. The thesis uses the history research methods, which of heuristic, critic, interpretation, and historiography. Based on theresearch results, problems encountered the building that is not used optimally as a tourist attraction, the lack of tourist facilities in the building. Gedung Merdeka has an attraction as a cultural heritage object of historical value and there is KAA Museum in one part of the building. The museum collects and exhibits objects and photos related to the Asian African Conference. In addition, tourist facilities that need to be added such as cafeteria, coffee shop, seating and relax for tourists and audio visual space more attractive. Therefore, it needs to optimize complex functions the Gedung Merdeka as a tourist attraction.