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2010, Smith A. C. & Pickup S. (ed.), Brill’s Companion to Aphrodite
63 pages
1 file
Emerged from a conference at the University of Reading
Brill's Companion to Aphrodite, 2010
Festschrift für Heide Froning, 2018
Amy C. Smith, Sadie Pickup (eds.), Brill’s Companion to Aphrodite (Leiden Boston 2010), 2010
Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters (Oxford, ) AJA American Journal of Archaeology AM Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung ARV 2 Beazley, John D., Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters, nd ed. (Oxford, ) BAPD Beazley Archive Pottery Database, Oxford University BCH Bulletin de Correspondence Hellénique BSA Annual of the British School at Athens CHD Güterbock, Hans G., Harry A. Ho ner, Jr., and eo P.J. van den Hout, eds., e Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (Chicago, -) CIG Corpus Inscriptionum Graecarum (-) CQ Classical Quarterly CVA Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum FHG Müller, C., Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (-) IG Inscriptiones Graecae (-) IGRom. Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes (-) JHS Journal of Hellenic Studies JRA Journal of Roman Archaeology LIMC Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (Zurich, -) OCD Hornblower, Simon, and Anthony Spawforth, eds., e Oxford Classical Dictionary, rd ed. (Oxford, ) RDAC Report of the Department of Antiquitues, Cyprus SEG Supplementum epigraphicum Graecum (Amsterdam, -) TAPA Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philogical Association Abbreviations of primary sources follow those given in OCD. ILLUSTRATIONS . Terracotta from Salamis, Cyprus, fourth century. London, British Museum, A . Photograph by omas Kiely © e Trustees of the British Museum. . Drawing of bronze gurine excavated at Sparta, fourth-third centuries. Drawing by Paul C. Butler, a er Solima, "Era, Artemide e Afrodite, " g. , used with kind permission. . Marble statue from Epidauros, Roman. Athens, National Archaeological Museum, NM . Photo: Alinari/Art Resource, New York. . Gelon Gem, Hellenistic (ca. ). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, .. Photograph © Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. . Attic black-gure dinos by Lydos, mid-sixth century. Drawing by Paul C. Butler, used with kind permission. . Bronze gurine from building gamma at Gravisca. Tarquinia, Museo Archeologico, / . Drawing by Paul C. Butler, used with kind permission. . Bronze gurine from building gamma at Gravisca. Tarquinia, Museo Archeologico, / . Drawing by Paul C. Butler, used with kind permission. . Coin of Octavian. From Forum Ancient Coins,, used with kind permission. . Bronze mirror back, Roman. Berlin, Staatliche Museen . Image a er Flemberg, Venus Armata, g. . . Plasma intaglio depicting Venus Victrix, rst century. Beazley Archive (formerly Marlborough Collection ). Beazley Archive, Oxford University, Photograph by Claudia Wagner, used with kind permission. . Marble sculpture of Armed Aphrodite, Roman. Pafos District Museum, FR / . Permission to publish this photograph has been given by kind courtesy of the Director of the Department of Antiquities, Republic of Cyprus. . Marble sculpture of Venus Victrix, second century. Paris, Louvre Museum, MA . Photo: Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource / New York. . An Attic black-gure amphora, featuring Aphrodite and Poseidon, ca. . London, British Museum B. Drawing a er Lenormant, de Witte, Élite des monuments céramographiques. Matériaux pour l'histoire des religions et des moeurs de l' antiquité (Paris, -), , pl. . . Map of Cyprus with all city-kingdoms and other cult places mentioned in the text. Drawing Anja Ulbrich.
Short, concise catalogue entry concentrating on one of the most important antique female sculptures.
The object of this study is the analysis of the sanctuary with a double cella or double temple (ἱερὸν διπλοῦν) dedicated to Aphrodite and Ares, located in the periurban area north-west of Argos. This analysis will take into account the topographical, archaeological/architectural and cultic context of the sanctuary. The study will also present some preliminary thoughts on the temple typology to which this building belongs, in other words, on temples with a double cella.
The seminar has been organised for the 90th years of CNR. The archaeological and Archaeometry investigations, bring out the prominent role of the Cypriot woman at the beginning of the second millennium BC and her masterful management of the industrial complex discovered at Pyrgos, giving rise to the hypothesis that the myth of Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love, is to be referred to the Cyprus' reputation to produce luxury goods since the Bronze Age: such as perfumes, cosmetics, jewels and precious textiles. Of these industries Pyrgos returned a repertoire that has no comparison. The collaboration with “Antiquitates” Centre for Experimental Archaeology of Blera (Vt) helped to clarify many suggestions born during the excavations regarding the main activities performed in the workshops of the industrial area. Archaeometry analyses have provided useful elements for reconstruction, through experimentation, technologies performed at Pyrgos 4000 BP. Replicas of stone tools, useful, curated pottery and botanical species recognized after the Archaeometry investigations have been utilized for experimentations. The research on loom weights started after the discovery in 2006 of a furnace still containing 76 loom weights made of simple pressed earth, shaped as the weights found at Pyrgos in the workshop for textiles together with the remains of a loom and many spindle whorls. As has been the case in Mediterranean civilisations, for the use and dissemination of manufactured metal, Cyprus has been deeply involved in the social development agreement based on common interests that caused the expansion of settlements and gradual transition from the simple food production of a more organized domestication of plants and animals. In later periods coinage was one of the most powerful resources of propaganda for images of the ancient world, and Rome knew how to use this wisely. This also happened in Cyprus, which became a Roman province in the 58 BC keeping as a rule its religious institutions, first the ancient worship of Aphrodite-Wanassa at Palaeo Paphos administered by a great priest, who played a pan-political function as a recognized symbol of identity of the island. The seminar concludes with nods about the presence of the same ingredients found at Pyrgos in the composition of modern perfumes and cosmetics. The history of Cyprus is deeply linked to the most ancient production of items to improve the beauty. And perhaps it is not a case that today the island is at the third place in the world for the consumption of cosmetics pro capite.
Archaeology Grrl (Online), 2018
Part of a series that introduces artefacts or topics of interest to a diverse demographic. This piece discusses the Roman sculpture of Aphrodite in the Ure Museum, University of Reading. For further details see outreach blog:
in: G. Papantoniou, A. Fitzgerald, S. Hargiss (eds), POCA 2005. Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology. Proceedings of the fifth annual meeting of young researchers on Cypriot Archaeology, Trinity College, Dublin, 21-22 October 2005, British Archaeological Reports/Archaeopress 2008, 2008
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