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2022, Artikel Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus
5 pages
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Salah satu target penting dalam tatalaksana anak atau remaja gangguan spektrum autisme (Autism Spectrum Disorder/ASD) adalah memperbaiki komunikasi. Waktu awal identifikasi adanya keterlambatan komunikasi serta dilakukan intervensi, akan menentukan prognosis jangka panjangnya. Anak ASD yang mampu berkomunikasi sebelum mencapai usia 5 tahun berpeluang memiliki perkembangan kemampuan komunikasi yang lebih baik dan mengurangi timbulnya perilaku maladaptif.
Communication a Laboratory Approach, tahun 1992 mengatakan bahwa, apa yang akan terjadi dalam diri manusia, seperti apa yang mereka pikirkan, rasakan, nilai-nilai yang dianut, reaksi, khayalan, mimpi, dan lain-lain merupakan dimensi intrapersonal. Kajian dari psikologi dan studi kognitif ini mencoba menjelaskan bagaimana tanggapan manusia terhadap simbol dan bagaimana mereka membuat keputusan, menyimpan, dan mengolah data dalam pikiran. Sementara itu dalam buku Trans-Per Understanding Human Communication, 1975, disebutkan bahwa komunikasi intrapersonal adalah proses dimana individu menciptakan pengertian. Dilain pihak Ronald L. Applbaum dalam buku Fundamental Concept in Human Communication mendefinisikan komunikasi interpersonal sebagai komunikasi yang berlangsung dalam diri kita, ia meliputi kegiatan berbicara kepada dir sendiri dan kegiatankegiatan mengamati dan memberikan makna (intelektual dan emosional) kepada lingkungan kita.
This articles aims to help parents having autistic child to show how to threat the child to form active two-ways communication so that effective and efficient communication can be done, to teach autistic child how to socialize not only in public but also in family. After communicating, it is also taught generalization dealing with subject, other people, instruction and object in heterogeneous environment, to teach academic material after communication and socialization abilities are formed, how to long it takes to treat autistic child, whether autistic child can be healed or not, what the cause of autism is. The role of LOVAAS-method speech therapy in the recovery of autistic child can be concluded. The first consideration in the therapy benefit is by having early diagnosis treatment from doctor and family so that early therapy step can be carried out. As we know that all methods should be used so that this therapy can be carried out more efficiently and effectively.
ABSTRAK Terdapat empat jenis penderaan iaitu penderaan emosi, penderaan fizikal, penderaan seksual dan pengabaian. Penderaan emosi merupakan penderaan yang tersembunyi dan tidak dapat dilihat daripada mata kasar. Penderaan emosi boleh terjadi bersama-sama dengan penderaaan-penderaan lain, namun ianya juga boleh terjadi secara bersendirian. Terdapat tiga intervensi yang boleh digunakan oleh kaunselor dalam sesi kaunseling kepada kanak-kanak didera secara emosi.
Istilah autis sedang marak akhir-akhir ini, ditambah lagi dengan jumlah anak autis yang kian hari kian bertambah, sehingga menuntut kita agar lebih mengenal autis lebih dekat. Disamping memberi pelatihan/ terapi yang tepat untuk perubahan perilakunya, penerapan pola asuh yang konsisten juga salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh orang tua pada anak autisnya. Adapun tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk memberi pemahaman pada masyarakat pada umumnya dan orang tua yang memiliki anak autis pada khususnya mengenai berbagai teori yang berkaitan dengan autis, terapi yang bisa diberikan pada anak autis serta penerapan pola asuh yang tepat untuk mendampingi anak autis.
Interpersonal Communication is the most important communication process for every human being. Family relationship is one of the examples where interpersonal communication happened between Parents and Child. Moreover, family is the most important “social network” for a child in their early life period so that relationship with family is a kind of base attitude to other people, things and life in general. Therefore interpersonal communication between parents and child has, a role in giving child understanding about the way of life that child must internalize through behavior norms that have been taught. On the other hand, autism disorder severely impairs development of a person’s ability to communicate both verbal and non- verbal, interact with other people, and maintain normal contact with the outside world. This condition needs serious attention for parents with autism child. The purpose of this research is to reveal about how interpersonal communication happened between parents and child in giving understanding about behavior norms to autism child. Theories that used in this research are interpersonal communication theories from Devito, Laing and Fisher, effectiveness interpersonal communication theory from humanistic perspective, child dependency theory from Jones and Gerard, child communication theory from schramm and phenomenology theory. Research method that used in this research is qualitative descriptive with phenomenology approach. From this research we may know that parents experience in communicating with autism child is different between one to another. Every parent’s interpretation about their experience is being influenced by their relation with time, their self, information about autism also child age and child condition. Regarding self in relation to time revealed that the more parents spent their time with their child the more parents understand about their child characteristic and child habit that leads to effectiveness communication. In relation to self revealed that after they knew about their child condition, they show empathy, supportiveness, positiveness in their attitudes. In brief, we can say that the parents’ willingness to confess that they have autism child is the most significant step, which have great impact to their child development.
Galih Gustiana Wijaya, 2021
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Komunikasi Efektif Dengan Anak Autisme, 2022
Jurusan Pendidikan Luar Biasa Univiersitas Negeri Malang, 2017
Jurnal Nomosleca
PEDAGOGIA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 2017
Mata Pena: Pemikiran-Pemikiran Pendidikan Konstruktif, 2017