A checkable interface language for pointer-based structures

1994, ACM SIGPLAN Notices


We present a technique for analysing structural constraints on data aggregates in high-level languages. Our technique includes a formal constraint language and a dataitow algorithm for automatically checking equality constraints. The constraint language is used to augment the type information on program interfaces. For extanple, one can specify that a procedure must return aggregates A and B where each element in aggregate A points to some element in aggregate B, and that parameter C will have the properties of a rooted tree both on input and output. Our dataflow algorithm tracks the constraints which must apply at eac.h statement in order for the procedure to satisfy its interface, and detects invalid programs which fail to satisfy the constraints on their interfaces. We apply our technique to several examples. Our work is motivated by the requirements for expressive interface definition languages for distributed systems, and by the desire to mechanically check program modules against their interfaces. Our analysis techniques also yield information which may enable compilers mad stub generators to produce better implementations.