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Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh realitas yang memprihatinkan dan memerlukan perhahian yaitu cara pandang masyarakat terhadap pencapaian kesejahteraan yang terlalu materialistik. Hal ini mendorong penulis untuk menganalisis kembali konsep kesejahteraan masyarakat yang termuat dalam al-Qur'an yang dijabarkan oleh para mufassirin melalui tulisan-tulisannya. khususnya pada kitab tafsir tahlili corak adabul ijtima'I karya M. Quraish Shihab, Ahmad Musthafa Al-Maraghi dan Buya Hamka. Pendekatan penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah (library research) dalam teknis deskriptif kualitatif eksploratif dengan menekankan pada sumber tertulis terutama karya tafsir M. Quraish Shihab, Ahmad Musthafa Al-Maraghi dan Buya Hamka (Tafsir Al-Mishbah, Tafsir Al-Maraghi dan Tafsir Al-Azhar). dalam pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan teknik penelusuran yakni menelusuri kata kesejahteraan masyarakat yang terdapat dalam buku-buku perpustakaan, jurnal-jurnal maupun web-site. Hasilnya penulis menemukan bahwa hakikat kesejahteraan itu dapat diperoleh apabila masyarakat terbebas dari jeratan kekufuran, kemiskinan, kebodohan dan rasa takut. dan hal ini didapatkan apabila masyarakat memperkukuh keimanan dan ridak mencampurkannya dengan segala bentuk kezhaliman lalu kemudian direalisasikan melalui amal saleh atau amal kebajikan.. Akhirnya penulis merekomendasikan kepada umat Islam untuk dapat menambah keimanan dengan cara lebih mengenal Allah sehingga dapat menarik perhatian-Nya untuk memberikan anugrah kesejahterann.
Refleksi: Jurnal Filsafat dan Pemikiran Islam, 2020
Happiness is an eternal concept that will always keep being up to date which means the concept of happiness will never be ended for discussion. Starting from ancient times, people today, and people in the future always want the same thing as happiness. The concept of happiness is not something new for both the world of Sufism and philosophy, therefore the concept of happiness experiences the dynamic development of the concept. Hamka is one of the scholars in Indonesia who discusses the concept of happiness, but Hamka has its own characteristics in explaining happiness. According to Hamka, happiness actually exists in every human being, happiness can be achieved from inside, not from outside, happiness that comes from outside of ourself is only as a complement to happiness inside, happiness can be achieved if humans always hone and develop tools which can be used to achieve happiness and these tools are religion, reason, and mind. These three things have a relationship with each othe...
Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Every human being wants peace and happiness, but even though various ways have been tried, in reality not everyone is able to realize his desire. In the theme of happiness, the discipline of Sufism has definitions and concepts, as well as guidelines for humans to achieve happiness. One of the scholars in Indonesia who is famous in the field of Sufism is Hamka, this is evidenced by his work entitled "Modern Sufism". In this study, the author will discuss the concept of happiness from Hamka's perspective in his book "Modern Sufism". This literature research uses descriptive methods and content analysis. In the book of modern Sufism by Hamka contains an effort to return Sufism to its true meaning, namely purifying the soul, filling it with all commendable morals and removing all despicable morals. According to Hamka, true happiness is when a person knows and is close to his Lord. To know his Lord, one must tread a spiritual and rational path that will lead him to true happiness in this world and in the hereafter. Hamka also judges things proportionally, especially his opinion that happiness can also be found in the world, which is his response to the concept of the Sufis who denounce and regard the world as a disaster and a barrier to happiness.
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Ibn al-Haytham (965-1039) is so far known merely as a mathematician and scientist. It is understand-able because most of his available works at this time are on mathematics and science. As a result, researches on his philosophical, psychological, and theological thought are still lacking. This paper discusses Ibn al-Haytham’s philosophy of happiness, using historical research method by collecting and analyzing his works linguistically, particularly his Thamarat al-H{ikmah. The results reveal that Ibn al-Haytham, as well as Muslim philosophers of his time, accepted the concept of happiness from Greek philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. However, he incorporated religio-metaphysical dimensions to his concept of happiness. This finding shows that Ibn al-Haytham is not only a mathematician and scientist, but also a philosopher like al-F?r?b?, Ibn Miskawayh, and al-Ghaz?l?.
Jurnal Penelitian Medan Agama
Kebahagiaan menurut Ibnu Sina menarik untuk di bahas karena diperoleh melalui banyaknya ilmu pengetahuan dan bisa diamalkan melalui akal mustafad. Banyak para tokoh mencoba menguraikan keberadaannya. Namun dalam kajian tersebut, ada anggapan para filosof Muslim dalam menguraikan masalah hanya menyalin ulang dari para filosof Yunani. Hal ini dijelaskan oleh salah satu tokoh filosof Muslim, yaitu Ibnu Sina. Ia menjelaskan pembahasan dalam filsafat Islam yang berasaskan wahyu berbeda dengan Barat yang berasaskan rasio dan empiris.Kajian ini studi literatur dengan menggunakan metode diskriptif-analisis. Dalam pembahasan ini penulis menghasilkan kesimpulan penting. Pertama, Konsep kebahagiaan Ibnu Sina berbeda dengan Barat. menurut Ibnu Sina jiwa mendapatkan kenikmatan dan kesengsaran di hari akhir. Ibnu Sina membaginya menjadi beberapa kategori. Pertama, jiwa sempurna karena ilmu dan amal. ilmu akan menjadi pondasi untuk mengukuhkan kehidupan manusia. aksi berpikir dan berkembang dalam...
Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas
Philosophy is the mother of all sciences. The development of each discipline basically begins with philosophical thinking. Thinking philosophy on an object, thought to the roots of the birth of an object. In a simple philosophy can be defined as thinking in order freely and with deep, so get to the bottom of the issue (Muslih, 1973: 3). In the development of the study of philosophy that gave birth to the science studied scientifically. Sociological developments make knowledge of the results of the study of philosophy into a lifestyle even become worldview (Weltanschauung). This happens not only among scientists but also among ordinary people in general, whether consciously or not, has hegemony by the authority of a particular mindset (Muslih, 1973: 26-27). In realizing the happiness of the world and the hereafter can be extracted from the Qur'an and Sunnah. In this case, the concept of Islamic economics explore the concept of happiness in the level of economic practice. In the context of Islamic economics, happiness (Falah) is the main aim of the economy. It can be seen from the definition of economics itself, the efforts of the allocation of resources to produce goods and services in accordance with the instructions of Allah to earn His pleasure (Ahmad, 1993: 177), comes with a foundation of morality is very thick, and make falah as the main goal. Maslahah concept is the foundation to solve the problem "relative scarcity" of natural resources and human resources. This will regulate how natural resources are distributed evenly through the consumption of the commodities needed to realize maslahah. Production of the commodity in order to maslahah reached. Distribution of resources and commodities to the public so that every individual can reach maslahah.
Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 2022
Two philosophical perspectives on the good life, namely hedonic and eudaimonic, have become references for experts to explain how people understand happiness in Western societies with individualistic culture and the majority of Christians. This descriptive phenomenological study aimed to understand the happiness experiences of a collectivistic Muslim society. The participants in this study were nine Muslims, consists of male and female who were known as religious persons by their relatives. The results of data analysis shows that happiness for a Muslim is a process that provides experiences in overcoming problems and life's trials based on religious guidance. These experiences lead participants to a meaning of happiness as shown by three main themes, namely a sense of being able to overcome problems with acceptance and gratitude, life satisfaction in sufficiency, and a sense of worth for the accomplishment with hard work. The results of this study explain that happiness is a dyn...
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Al-I’jaz : Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an, Falsafah dan Keislaman, 2020
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi
Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2022
Islamic Banking : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pengembangan Perbankan Syariah
Syahri Ramadhan, 2025
Department of Fiqh and Usul, 2011
al-'Abqari, 2022
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro, 2022
SUHUF, Jurnal Fakultas Agama Islam, 2005
International Journal of Humanities Technology and Civilization