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2014, مجلة جامعة فلسطين التقنية خضوري للأبحاث
8 pages
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This paper details the design and fabrication of a burner system, operating on biogas, for use in remote or rural regions of developing countries such as Nigeria. A desirable use for such a system in these areas is domestic cooking, and the burner has been designed with this need in mind, focusing on characteristics such as simplicity, cost effectiveness, efficiency and safety. Mild steel, brass and galvanized pipe sourced locally were selected for the construction. An empirical version of Bernoulli’s theorem was used to derive the flow rate of gas. The different components of the burner design were shown. Also discussed are the modifications necessary to meet the requirements of stable flame for the burner and the testing involved in determining the performance of the burner system.
Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 2007
A biogas stove was designed, constructed and its performance evaluated using a 3 m 3 continuousflow Indian type biogas plant at the Teaching and
Journal of Energy, 2020
The inefficient indoor burning of fuelwood on traditional cookstoves generates pollutants, primarily carbon monoxide and many other human health-damaging emissions. It is from this risk that it is necessary to have an immediate shift to alternative cleaner fuel sources. Biogas, which is among the biofuels from biomass, is one of the resources that play a considerable part in a more diverse and sustainable global energy mix. For domestic purposes in rural areas of Tanzania, biogas provides a better option that can supplement the use of fossil fuels such as wood, charcoal, and kerosene, which is nonrenewable. However, the low efficiency experienced in the locally made biogas burners hinders the large-scale use of biogas among the population in the country. With the locally made burners, the users of biogas for the domestic application face problems including heat loss and high gas consumption which affects the whole cooking process. It is against this backdrop that the current study o...
Increasing demand for wood and fossil fuel with limited availability has resulted in environmental pollution. Availability of energy for cooking remains a major concern for average Nigerian. Cooking is an essential daily household activity and it consumes significant quantities of energy and human effort. The hazardous effect of wood and fossil fuel coupled with the cumbersome nature in cooking with wood and fossil fuel make it necessary for search of an alternative means of energy that is renewable. In this research work, design and construction of an improved biogas fuel stove were carried out. The stove comprises of a combustion chamber where the biogas fuel is burned by natural convection mode. The biogas stove consists of the following major components; burner, injector opening, mixing tube, burner support, etc. The biogas stove was constructed from medium carbon steel material. The choice of the selected material has to do with cost, and local availability. The distance between the cooking pot and the stove burner is 40mm, and the gap between each of the port is 5 mm. Mixing tube lengths of 80mm, tube inner diameter of 15mm, and gap diameter of 2.5mm between each ports were adopted in this design. The results obtained show that an average efficiency, minimal efficiency, optimal efficiency of 56.894 %, 46.02 %, and 63.87 % respectively were obtained. Also, an average mass of water of 3.5 kg, an average evaporated mass of water of 0.0208 kg, and an average mass of fuel of 0.0551 kg were obtained. With this designed and adoption of biogas fuel stove as means of cooking, the usage of wood and fossil fuel will be reduce, thus preventing the liberation of hazardous gases to our eco-system.
IAMURE International Journal of Mathematics, Engineering & Technology, 2012
The study focused on modifying a Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) stove burner to suit for Biogas fuel. Further, it intends to package Biogas technology such that it will be utilized at house hold level. This is to offer an alternative fuel source to various users of LPG which is very expenses nowadays. Also, this is in response to the problem raised by the farmer's Biogas producer that only a part of the cooking burner can burn and release heat and most of the released heat consumed by heating the surplus methane. Biogas producers used (LPG) burner however, LPG is different from Biogas composition, and when burners designed for LPG gas will be used, poor flame produced. Also, the technology's goal is to showcase Biogas stove burner with good combustion in the atmospheric form utilizing hog waste. The technology utilized LPG cooking burner (two burners) which was Vol.
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2015
Natural Resources on earth are very abundant one of Natural Resources is Fuel. But the last few years the energy is a crucial issue in the world. One alternative is biogas energy. Biogas is a viable energy used technically, socially, and economically mainly to solve the energy problems in rural areas. In the present study, aims to identify and analyze the performance of the biogas stove. In this study, will be tested various forms burner i.e. regular shaped burner, Cyclone 1, and Cyclone 2. The results showed that the power of a cyclone burner biogas stove shape is higher than that using a biogas stove burner usual form. As for the efficiency of biogas stoves shape cyclone burner 2 is higher than the efficiency of biogas stoves that use a form of ordinary burner. From another aspect, namely the mass of the steam generated by the cyclone burner type 2 is greater than the other burne.
Physical Science International Journal, 2021
In Burkina Faso, finding wood for cooking is still a headache for rural households due to the advancing desert. Here, we try to bring a new way for farmers who already have a biodigester and convince those who are reluctant to adopt this work to reduce their dependence on wood. For this purpose, a characterization of the energy performance of biogas stoves is carried out based on the three-phase water heating test protocol called Water Boiling Test (WBT). The fuel used in the study is the biogas produced by a batch biodigester fed with pig manure. The analysis of the produced biogas shows a methane content of 60% and maximum hydrogen sulfide of 400ppm. The heat balance shows a loss of 11% in the walls of the cookstove and about 36% in the flue gas. Thus the energy performance of the furnace is estimated at 53%, a combustion rate of 6.4 L /min and the average boiling time is 50 minutes. Given these results, we suggest that households use biogas fuel and the B1-3.5mm burner in the coo...
Research Article, 2024
Baking and cooking are day-today human activities that demand energy from different sources. Injera is stapled food in Ethiopia mainly baked by traditional biomass injera baking stove. In order to minimize the environmental and social impact of traditional non-clean energy sources of energy, different research has studied replacing traditional stoves with clean and renewable energy sources. However, still the existing injera baking stove has low performance and heat distribution problems. The purpose of this study is to solve this problem by developing injera baking biogas stove with better performance. The experimental investigation was conducted using a biogas plant in Addis Ababa University 4 Kilo Campus. A detailed energy analysis of energy demand, energy output, and baking performance has been performed. Injera baking time is 3 minutes, idle time is 2 minutes between successive injera baking. Thus, the designed injera baking biogas stove achieved uniform heat distribution and improved performance.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020
In this paper, the combustion characteristics of biogas in a Porous Radiant Burner (PRB BG) designed for domestic cooking appliances are presented. Developed PRB BG consists of two layers of porous matrices viz., Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Alumina (Al 2 O 3) and operates in the biogas flow range of 177 to 530 l/h with stable equivalence ratio (ϕ) range of 0.75 to 0.95. The effects of biogas flow rate and equivalence ratio on thermal efficiency (η th) and emission characteristics of the burner are investigated and also compared with its conventional counterpart. Overall performance assessment shows that PRB BG operating at lower equivalence ratio and lower firing power has better thermal efficiency with lower CO and NO x emissions. The performance of the burner in terms of temperature mapping suggests that firing power variation is of higher importance than that of equivalence ratio. The maximum temperature difference between the center and the periphery of the burner surface is found to be~83°C at an equivalence ratio of 0.95. The thermal efficiency varies in the range of 51-62% and its maximum is at 0.75 equivalence ratio and 177 l/h flow rate of biogas. Within the range of studied biogas flow rate range, CO emission is in the range of 29-80 ppm and NO x concentration was lower than 4 ppm. Whereas, for Conventional Burner (CB), thermal efficiency, CO, and NO x emission are found in the range of 43-52%, 211-276 ppm, and 9-15 ppm, respectively. The overall performance showed that PRB BG is capable of burning a lean biogas-air mixture with better thermal efficiency and lower emissions.
Numerical investigation of interchangeability of Biogas Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) mixed fuels in domestic cook stove burners has been performed. ANSYS Fluent software is used to simulate the 3-D steady state gaseous flow, combustion and heat transfer to the vessel wall for LPG, Piped Natural Gas (PNG) and Biogas-LPG mixed fuel in domestic cook-stove burner. The combustion of Biogas LPG mixed fuel above the burner head were simulated with equivalence ratio of air-fuel mixture is 1.4 (maximum efficiency) to the inlet of domestic cook-stove burner. For this study, a vessel is placed above the burner head and only 15° sector of this setup were simulated due periodic symmetry of setup. The performances of burner were also studied by velocity and temperature field around the vessel wall which is placed just above the burner head. By calculating the thermal efficiency, this study confirms the Biogas LPG mixed fuel is interchangeable with PNG for domestic cook-stove burner. Index Terms ...
African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2013
This paper shows the combustion of biogas in rural households' appliances. Biogas has been known since 1800s as an odourless and colourless gas with high combustion rate. Its use is beginning to gain ground in most developing countries like Nigeria due to its availability, ease of generation and environmental friendliness. Developing countries are characterized by poor infrastructural development, inadequate energy and water supply, poor health delivery system, etc. which hinders economic and social development. Most sources of rural households' energy are firewood, animal dung, crop residue and kerosene which are associated with negative environmental impacts. The study was carried-out by articulation of past literatures on biogas combustion and consumption in household's appliances and internal combustion engines. The study ascertains from the past studies high efficiency of biogas compared with natural gas and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) on stove-top burner, oven and two panel flue heater. It was observed that, biogas consumption is higher in all the appliances under investigation as compared to natural gas and LPG. The study recommended public enlightenment on biogas technology and its associate benefits to rural areas. The government and NGOs should encourage the application of this technology through financing of pilot projects in community leaders' households which will extend to the populace. The technology should also be embraced because it is associated with environmental hygiene.
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IRA-International Journal of Applied Sciences (ISSN 2455-4499)
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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2011