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The NACA 4digit series aerofoil shapes are universally accepted standard designs generally used for wind turbine blades, helicopter rotor blades and car spoilers. The manufacturing of these complex shapes is a challenging task for the manufacturing engineers. These components need to be made of materials having high specific strength and fatigue properties. The composites with sandwich construction fulfill the above requirements. The main aim of the present Investigation is to select the best fiber orientation for the fabrication of automotive rear spoiler. The Design FOIL software provides different shapes of aerofoil from which NACA 2412 has been selected. The spoiler is modeled using CATIA software and is analyzed for the static deflection using ANSYS for various orientations of the fiber. The spoiler is then fabricated using woven E-glass fiber (with the best orientation) and epoxy resin. Static test is performed on the fabricated model to validate the results obtained from the software. This confirms the design feasibility and software adoptability for the design of sandwich aerofoil shape
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2014 The NACA 4digit series aerofoil shapes are universally accepted standard designs generally used for wind turbine blades, helicopter rotor blades and car spoilers. The Design and Simulation of these complex shapes is a challenging task for the manufacturing engineers. These components need to be made of materials having high specific strength and better fatigue properties. The composites with sandwich construction fulfill the above requirements. The main aim of the present investigation is to select the best fiber orientation for the fabrication of automotive rear spoiler. The Design FOIL software provides different shapes of aerofoil from which NACA 2412 has been selected. The spoiler is modeled using CATIA software and is analyzed for the static deflection as well as harmonic analysis has been done by using ANSYS for various orientations of the fiber. The designed model has been compared with the values obtained from the simulation values. This confirms the design feasibility and software adoptability for the design of sandwich aerofoil shapes.
IRJET, 2020
Bumper is a significant part by its function as it acts as damper for energy absorption when the kinetic energy being flow down to the vehicle body. Bumpers are protective layer required for all vehicles. In this case study, a front car bumper is designed and modelled by using the software CATIA V5 R20. The conceptual design model is analyzed using FEM package, Hyper mesh tool for FE modeling and Nastran software as Solver. In order to get fair idea on most appropriate conceptual design with composite materials, various analysis iterations are carried out with Glass, Kevlar and Carbon Fiber Epoxy composites by performing modal analysis (vibration analysis) and static analysis. The materials used for this analysis are Glass, Kevlar and carbon fiber reinforced plastic and epoxy resin having the composition 60% of CFRP and 40% of epoxy resin. The results are then compared with each other. From all these analysis and comparison, it can be concluded that the composite materials CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) and Epoxy-resin are suitable for use in the cars.
IOP Conference …, 2010
Composites materials are intended to be used more extensively as an alternative of aluminum structure in aircraft and aerospace applications. This is due to their attractive properties as high strength-to-weight ratio and stiffness-to-weight ratio. Besides that it clarifies the growing interest for composites materials due to advantages of lightweight, high strength, high stiffness, superior fatigue life, tremendous corrosion resistance and low cost manufacturing. In this study, a finite element analysis (FEA) of fiberglass unidirectional Etype was analyzed in the framework of ABAQUS finite element commercial software. The analysis was done to quantify the mechanical properties and response of unidirectional E-glass in term of tensile, compression and thermal responses. From the analysis, the maximum and minimum values of stress and strain for E-glass 21xK43 Gevetex and Silenka E-glass 1200tex were obtained and stress-strain curve is presented. The ultimate load of failure, elastic behavior, tensile strength and other properties for each laminated plates under tensile and thermal-stress are determined from stress-strain curves. The simulation will run twice for each material where the first simulation based on orientation angles of 45° for ply-1, -45° for ply-2 and 90° for ply-3 while the second simulation, the orientation angles is 0° for all plies. The simulation is successfully conducted and verified by experimental data.
Sandwich panels are composites which consist of two thin laminate outer skins and lightweight (e.g., honeycomb) thick core structure. Owing to the core structure, such composites are distinguished by stiffness. Despite the thickness of the core, sandwich composites are light and have a relatively high flexural strength. These composites have a spatial structure, which affects good thermal insulator properties. Sandwich panels are used in aeronautics, road vehicles, ships, and civil engineering. The mechanical properties of these composites are directly dependent on the properties of sandwich components and method of manufacturing. The paper presents some aspects of technology and its influence on mechanical properties of sandwich structure polymer composites. The sandwiches described in the paper were made by three different methods: hand lay-up, press method, and autoclave use. The samples of sandwiches were tested for failure caused by impact load. Sandwiches prepared in the same way were used for structural analysis of adhesive layer between panels and core. The results of research showed that the method of manufacturing, more precisely the pressure while forming sandwich panels, influences some mechanical properties of sandwich structured polymer composites such as flexural strength, impact strength, and compressive strength.
— The sandwich construction has been recognized as a promising concept for structural design of light weight systems such as wings of aircraft; purpose to design a lightweight sandwich panel for trailers. Strength calculations, skin instability and selection of materials were carried out in order to find a new solution for this specific application. The sandwich panel consists of 2 layers of face sheets, with ply 1 has 0.3 mm thickness & ply 2 has 0.1 mm thickness and core is present between top and bottom face sheets which has 19.2 mm (Mono-core) and 9.4 mm (Multi-core) thickness. The sandwich composite panels mono core and multi core testing performed by MSC Nastran/Patran MARC software to simplify the core material selection process and to design the layers , static 4-point bending test , compression test, tensile test and shear test are executed by finite element method pre-process perform using MSC PATRAN solved in NASTRAN MARC software and engross behaviour of mono core and multi core panel , grounded on result obtained from the four point bending test, compression test and shear test of glass fibre plastic (GFRP) laminates ,preeminent sandwich structure in mono core and multi core predicted.
IAEME Publication, 2020
This study aims to develop the process of manufacturing car spoiler products using continuous rattan fiber composite materials. Rattan fiber was chosen because of its good strength, abundant availability in Indonesia and inexpensive price. The study was conducted by testing the strength of a composite rattan fiber, simulation using computer software, comparing with pre-existing spoilers and making prototypes of spoilers. Based on the results of the study, the strength of continuous rattan fiber composite materials with polymer matrix is as follows: maximum tensile strength of 27 MPa, maximum compressive strength of 44 MPa, maximum flexural strength of 46 MPa, and maximum impact strength of 29 kJ/m 2 . As a comparison, ABS plastic material used in many car spoilers has a maximum tensile strength of 35 MPa, a maximum compressive strength of 48 MPa, a maximum flexural strength of 56 MPa, and a maximum impact strength of 31 kJ/m 2 . From the results of the simulation of loading using software carried out on the composite material of polymer rattan fibers,we obtain a compressive strength of 2000 N load of 51 MPa with compressive strain of 0.00873 mm/mm. From the results of simulation loading using software carried out on ABS plastic material, we obtain a compressive strength for the 20110 N load of 48 MPa. The manufacturing process has produced a prototype of spoilers that are ready to use with good results. The results of this study will be a reference for the next development.
International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 2012
Composites are the combination of a reinforcement fibre in a thermoset polymer resin matrix, where the reinforcement has an aspect ratio that enables the transfer of loads between fibres, and the fibres are chemically bonded to the resin matrix." FRP (fibre reinforced plastic) Sandwich structure are defined as a three layer type of construction a thick layer known as core and two thin polymer layer known as face. In automobile and aerospace industries FRP composites are used due to numerous advantage like mechanical, chemical, thermal properties and light weight. The mechanical, thermal chemical properties can be optimize by stabilizing the core[1][2]. For this study various raw material characterization done .Aluminium honeycomb used as a Core material (25mm thick) and Epoxy prepreg (layer used as a face sheet material) & PU foam provide housing for core [5]. The experiment conducted according to raw material characterization test report. by autoclave curing At a particular temperature, pressure ,vacuum with respect to time process optimized ,sandwich cured and stabilized. Finally the test conducted According to ASTMD & DIN standard as a result it shows that the stabilized FRP sandwich having excellent mechanical properties compare to core crushing FRP sandwich.
The aerospace applications are bonded to the low weight and high structural strength necessity, this lead to the more research work in the field of composites. The composites hold the more strength to weight ratio compared to the other conventional materials. Their strength mainly depends on the orientation of the reinforcement material and volume fraction of matrix and reinforcement. The sandwich composites are extensively used in the aerospace applications where a conventional material’s strength is increased by adding the layers of composite material by prescribed orientations. The different fabrication techniques and the selection factor for aero foil is discussed in the paper.
2 M.E Students Final year. Mailam Engineering College, Mailam -------------------------------------------------------------Abstract--------------------------------------------------------The thesis deals with bending Finite Element Analysis of monocoque laminated composite aircraft (subsonic and supersonic) wing using commercial software ANSYS. Theoretical background, mathematical formulation and finite element solution for a laminated composite shell structure are presented in this study. A monocoque aircraft wing is made of laminated composite with fiber angles in each ply aligned in different direction. Various airfoil thickness and ply angles were considered to study the effect of bending-torsion decoupling. ---
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 2018
Flexure testing is one of the earliest means of evaluating stiffness and strength. This test is suggested to use in determination of the facing properties of the resistant materials (Kuenzi, 1951). This study was carried out to perform bending test of sandwich constructions suitable for ASTM D7249/D7249M standards and to determine facing material properties of sandwich constructions through evaluating the experimental data. Performing and conducting of the test: this study was carried out with collaboration of the Istanbul University and Turkish Airlines Technic under privacy in order to determine the facing properties of the sandwich constructions and it includes experimental and numerical methods. The study was carried out based on accepted standards.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Before last decade, due to surplus amount of fuel, cars are designed for high speed operation, comfort and safety. As scarcity of fuel increases due to high consumption of fuel in automobiles, many researchers started working on the idea of alternative fuels, redesign of car body and reducing aerodynamic losses. To overcome these losses spoilers are used and hence it is needed to optimize its shape. This study is primarily focused to find out optimized shape of car spoiler so that mass can be minimized which help in reducing fuel consumption without affecting its aerodynamic properties and strength. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of two dimensional model of spoiler is done whose results are validated by earlier research work in this field for understanding variation of aerodynamic property of cross-section. Three dimensional CFD analysis of spoiler gives aerodynamic property and pressure data which is needed to compare result of optimized model formed by optimized cross-sectional shape. Shape optimization is done by Shape Optimization tool of ANSYS 14.0 which is further tested for design failure in ABAQUS 6.11. The result of shape optimization has saved 18.74% of material keeping all its strength and aerodynamic property intact. This study open provides a numerical tool for improvement of future model of spoiler in terms of reduction of mass.
Symmetry, 2021
The paper proposes composite materials for the manufacturing of parts of the car body structure, namely a door. This work aims to analyze the possibility of replacing the metal door of a vehicle with a door made of composite materials. Specific issues related to this replacement are analyzed in the paper. Test specimens were made of composite materials of different sizes, using several types of constituents to determine which material might be most suitable to replace metal in the manufacturing of the door. The choice of materials for the car door was made starting from the characteristics of the analyzed composite materials, but also taking into account the manufacturing possibilities and other engineering limitations. The behavior of the automotive structure as analyzed, using the finite element method for determining the stresses in the structure. Experimental verifications were performed on an experimental stand which has been specially designed for this purpose, to validate the...
Composite structures such as CFRP offer significant weight reduction over the conventional aluminum alloys for aircraft. Weight reduction improves fuel efficiency of the aircraft by approximately 20% which results in cost savings and simultaneously reduces the operational environmental footprint. However, the new aluminum-lithium alloys offer significant improvements and are viable alternatives to CFRP. Aluminum lithium alloy 2195 with Friction Stir Welding is introduced as a successful alternative to CFRP primary structures. A "thick skin" monocoque design with integral stringers as crack stoppers is discussed. An old Macchi 205 WWII fighter plane has been redesigned both in CFRP and 2195-FSW for comparison. The final designs are comparable in weight, but 2195-FSW is more competitive based on mass production costs, reparability, and environmental impact. Macchi 205 airplane is used due to in-depth experience with the original aircraft geometry and loads. Knowledge gained ...
IRJET, 2020
This paper is an overview of the Manufacturing process using Fiber Reinforced Plastic/Composite material system. Materials and processes are presented along with design procedure and comparisons to alternate materials. Considering the FSAE(Formula Society of Automotive Engineering) rules, bodyworks is design and then manufactured for a FSAE car. Analytical calculations are done based on simulated results. Materials and processes are presented along with design procedure and comparisons to alternate materials is done, because of the versatility of materials around us. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) tool is used to calculate Drag coefficient of car for calculating the drag force acting on the car during dynamic conditions.
The objective of this paper is to give a general perspective and present some elementary steps for manufacturing aircraft sandwich panel composites. Composite materials have been widely used in high performance sectors of the aerospace and automotive industry, and there is considerable knowledge and confidence in their static, dynamic and crashworthiness properties. Sandwich composites are becoming more and more used in airframe structural design, mainly for their ability to substantially reduce weight while maintaining their high mechanical properties. The steps for manufacturing a sandwich composite that meets all the requirements for exploitation are very precise and rigorous, involving specific design requirements, specific materials selection and specific manufacturing conditions starting with the lay-up procedure and up to the curing process inside an autoclave. After the curing process, destructive and nondestructive tests and experiments are performed on the composite struct...
The objective of this paper is to develop an accurate model for optimal design through design the structure of wing that combine the composite (Skins) and isotropic materials (all other structures) and compare this with the same wing made by changing the orientation of composite ply orientation in skin. The optimum design for each wing with different ply orientation can be obtained by comparing stress and displacement. Structural modelling is completed with the help of CATIA V5, each components moddeled separately and assembled using Assembly workbench of CATIAV5, this assembly is then converted to IGS file. Finite element modelling is completed in MSc Patran using the IGS file as geometry, the element type used for meshing was 2D shell elements with QUAD4 element topology and different parts are connected using RBE2 connection. Static analysis done using MSc Nastran. The finite element model obtained is analysed by applying an inertia force of 1g and then aerodynamic result (lift) is used to simulate the wing loading on the wings. Optimum design is found by tabulating stress and displacement for each ply combination Keywords: Composite Wing, Modelling in CATIA V5, Finite element Analysis in Nastran, Optimum ply orientation. І.INTRODUCTION The critical element of aircraft is the design of the wings. Several factors influence the selection of material of which strength allied to lightness is the most important. Composite materials are well known for their excellent combination of high structural stiffness and low weight. Because of higher stiffness-to-weight or strength-to-weight ratios compared to isotropic materials, composite laminates are becoming more popular. Composite structures typically consist of laminates stacked from layers with different fiber orientation angles. The layer thickness is normally fixed, and fiber orientation angles are often limited to a discrete set such as 0°, ±30°, ±45°, ±75°, and 90°. This leads to different combinations of ply orientation and among that one will gives the better results , that is the optimized design for composite structures. A unidirectional laminate is a laminate in which all fibers are oriented in the same direction, cross-ply laminate is a laminate in which the layers of unidirectional lamina are oriented at right angles to each other and quasi-isotropic laminate behaves similarly to an isotropic material; that is, the elastic properties are same in all direction. Unidirectional composite structures are acceptable only for carrying simple loads such as uniaxial tension or pure bending. In structures with complex requirements of loading and stiffness, composite structures including angle plies will be necessary. Since each laminate in the composite material can have distinct fibre orientations which may vary from the adjoining laminates, the optimum ply orientation is also obtained as a result of the parametric study conducted using NASTRAN finite element package by varying the orientation sequence in the composite. II. GEOMETRICAL CONFIGURATIONS The wing design is an iterative process and the selections or calculations are usually repeated several times. A variety of tools and software based on aerodynamics and numerical methods have been developed in the past decades, there by a reduction in the number of iterations is observed. Normally two spar construction is common in transport aircraft wing design. The spar near to the leading edge of the wing is called as front spar and the spar closer to the aft portion of the wing is called as rear spar of the wing. One end of the spar near the root of the wing is connected to the fuselage called root of wing, the other end towards the tip of the wing is a free end. This configuration is very similar to the cantilever beam arrangement in any engineering structure. Spars and Ribs are connected using L angle fittings. Figure 1 below shows the Location of Spar and Ribs from root of wing and Figure 2 shows the complete wing structure modelled in CATIA V5.
IRJET, 2021
We humans, are always on the trail of inventions and innovations. The innovations cause the trail to increase within the advancement of materials. The advancement causes the path to expanding inside the progression of materials. Progression of material is essentials for boosting the fuel economy of modern aircraft and also maintaining safety and performance. Since it takes less capacity to hasten a lighter object than a heavier one. A 10% reduction in aircraft weight can result in a 6%-8% fuel economy enhancement. The reduction of weight will increase in the development of the overall performance of aircraft and in saving the fuel. The movement of aircraft is through the air, so we need the material to be lightweight and good strength ratio also. Honeycomb materials have been developed to resist the high temperature and also have good resistance to fatigue strength. Honeycomb sandwich panels are orthotropic which implies they grow in longitudinal, radial, and tangential directions. In this article, we compared the aluminum honeycomb core with the Hastelloy X honeycomb core. The sandwich is a composite structure, the materials are orthotropic, and the core shear modulus is low; therefore, the shear deformations must be checked. So, the design of the sandwich composite structure was done in Catia software, and analysis was done in ANSYS software. The composite sandwich panel was tested on three conditions (I) uniform pressure application (II) One End Fixed (III) Both the Ends Fixed. Based on the results we conclude that Hastelloy X has good stress factor, fatigue strength life cycle, and good thermal resistance when compared with aluminum.
MATEC Web of Conferences
This article presents the design activities of an automotive component to be produced using a recyclable cleavable-epoxy Matrix Composite and Basalt-Derived Mineral Fibres. The material innovations are being studied within project C2CC (, aimed at satisfying latest EU directives regarding end-of-life reuse and C-footprint reduction. The main targets are the weight reduction, obtained employing materials with lower footprint, namely a biomass derived epoxy and a cradle-to-cradle recyclable mineral fiber, that is a fibre that (differently from carbon fibre) can be remelted to long fibre with no decrease in mechanical specifications [1]. For recycling both the resin and the fibre, a the cleavable hardener was adopted [2] developed by Connnora Inc (US), which avoids the need of pyrolysis to recover and recycle the fibers from prepreg scraps and end-of-life components. The main project demonstrator is the front bonnet of segment A vehicle FIAT 500 Abarth. One approach...
Kufa journal of Engineering, 2016
The present work focused on the effect of glass fiber orientation that reinforced polymeric matrix in car bumper composite to understand the mechanical behavior of these materials during work conditions. Tensile test and bending test were performed and discussed for (0 o , 30 o , 45 o , 60 o , and 90 o ) angles of fibers orientation. The finite element method by program (ANSYS V.13 software) was used to study the behavior of these compounds. The results showed that the extension and deflection values were higher at (0 o ) and decreased with increasing fiber angle orientation until reached to a lower value at perpendicular state between fibers and applied loads. The study used to improve the mechanical properties of the composite materials depending on the fiber orientation angle.
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