Tata Krama Dalam Komunikasi Politik



Political communication is not easy to implement in the sense of achieving an optimal level of effectiveness. It takes skill, sincerity, and empathy to become a proficient political communicator. Political communicators must have high credibility because credibility is the most important element in gaining public trust. Credibility here concerns the trustworthiness, expertise, and attractiveness of a communicator. Other supporting factors are openness, calmness, and sociability, and charisma. This paper aims to make the public better understand their role in political life, especially in expressing opinions. Expressing opinions and criticizing the authorities is part of the democratic process. But the message conveyed must be by the norms and rules that apply in our country, Indonesia. Keywords: political communication, communication ethics, the role of communication. Abstraksi Komunikasi politik tidak mudah dilaksanakan dalam arti untuk mencapai tingkat efektivitas yang optimal. Bu...