Non-minimally gravity-coupled inflationary models

2010, Physics Letters B


We consider the non-supersymmetric models of chaotic (driven by a quadratic potential) and hybrid inflation, taking into account the minimal possible radiative corrections to the inflationary potential. We show that two simple coupling functions f (σ) (with a parameter c R involved) between the inflaton field σ and the Ricci scalar curvature ensure, for sub-Planckian values of the inflaton field, observationally acceptable values for the spectral index, n s , and sufficient reheating after inflation. In the case of chaotic inflation we consider two models with large c R 's resulting to n s ≃ 0.955 or 0.967 and tensorto-scalar ratio r ≃ 0.2 or 0.003, respectively. In the case of hybrid inflation, the selected f (σ) assists us to obtain hilltop-type inflation. For values of the relevant mass parameter, m, less than 10 6 TeV and the observationally central value of n s , we find c R ≃ (0.015 − 0.078) with the relevant coupling constants λ = κ and the symmetry breaking scale, M , confined in the ranges (2 • 10 −7 − 0.001) and (1 − 16.8) • 10 17 GeV, respectively.