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, setzen wir das Verzeichnis der immer noch rasant ansteigenden Publikationen der Filmmusikforschung vor. Unseren Lesern sind wir dankbar für Hinweise auf Übersehenes und Neuerscheinungen
This reading list provides an introductory guide to fundamental texts and films. The selections encompass essential discussions about a range of topics. It is not expected that students will read the entirety of every book that appears below; they are encouraged, however, to use these suggestions in order to gain a comprehensive overview of the history of film and visual studies in preparation for their General Examinations. Students should also familiarize themselves with about 200-250 films from the additional "Suggested/Suggestive Viewing List," being certain that their choices allow for a comprehensive knowledge of narrative, non-fiction, avant-garde, and animated films as well as videos and video installations.
Isis, 2021
The compilation film is the best-known example of recycling in cinema history. The uses to which this mode has been put in the domain of the science film, however, have received scant attention. Gustav Deutsch’s Film ist. (1–6) (1998), an experimental work that consists entirely of science films, has been interpreted as following the compilation film’s typical aesthetic procedures—namely, going against the grain of the images it reworks. However, by contextualizing a significant source for Deutsch’s film—the Encyclopaedia Cinematographica project—a different relationship between source materials and their recycled use emerges. In certain sequences, Deutsch’s film does not contradict or radically transform the meaning of the source material. Rather, Film ist. (1–6) occasionally adopts the editing patterns suggested by the unusual formal features of the Encyclopaedia Cinematographica, thus constituting an instance of the isomorphism of art and science.
Omnibus Films: Theorizing Transauthorial Cinema, 2014
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This monograph * identifies the following main historical stages in the evolution of film theory concepts in the Cinema Art journal from its inception (1931, the journal was then called Proletarian Cinema) to the present day: 1931-1955 (during the overall totalitarian period of the USSR, editors-in-chief V. Sutyrin, K. Yukov, N. Semenov, A. Mitlin, I. Pyryev, N. Lebedev, V. Grachev, D. Yeremin, V. Zhdan), 1956-1968 (thaw period, editors-in-chief V. Zhdan, V. Grachev, L. Pogozheva), 1969-1985 (stagnation period, editors-in-chief E. Surkov, A. Medvedev, Y. Cherepanov), 1986-1991 (the period of "perestroika," editors-in-chief Y. Cherepanov and K. Shcherbakov), the post-Soviet period 1992-2022 (editors-in-chief K. Shcherbakov, 1992; D. Dondurey, 1993-2017; A. Dolin, 2017-2022). * Some small fragments of the monograph were written with the participation of Andrei Novikov. * Сhapter “Theoretical Concepts of Film Studies in Cinema Art Journal: XXI Century” were written with the participation of Emma Camarero. his research was supported financially by the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 22-28-00317) at Rostov State University of Economics. Project theme: "Evolution of Theoretical Concepts of Film Studies in the Cinema Art Journal (1931-2021)". The head of the project is film historian, Prof. Dr. A.V. Fedorov. Reviewers: Professor Marina Tselykh, Professor Valery Gura.
Media Education, 2022
Based on the analysis of film studies concepts (in the context of the socio-cultural and political situation, etc.) of the first decade of the existence of the journal Cinema Art (1931–1941), the authors came to the conclusion that theoretical works on cinematographic topics during this period can be divided into the following types: - ideologized articles by Association of Revolutionary Cinematographers activists (1931–1932), emphasizing the dominance of "truly revolutionary proletarian cinema" and an uncompromising struggle with the views of any opponents; - ideologically reoriented articles (1932–1934), written as a positive reaction to the Resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) “On the restructuring of literary and artistic organizations” (1932), many provisions of which (in particular, a clear indication that that the framework of the proletarian literary and artistic organizations) have become a direct threat to the existence of the Association of Revolutionary Cinematographers; in articles of this kind, activists of the Association of Revolutionary Cinematographers — until the liquidation of this organization in early 1935 – tried to prove their necessity and loyalty to the “general line of the Communist party”; - Articles containing sharp criticism of "groupism" (including among the Association of Revolutionary Cinematographers), "enemies of the people", etc. (1935–1938); - theoretical articles attacking various types of formalistic phenomena (primarily in the field of montage) in cinema and culture (1931–1941); - theoretical articles opposing empiricism, "documentaryism", naturalism and physiology, vulgar materialism, aestheticism, "emotionalism" on the basis of Marxist-Leninist ideological and class approaches (1931–1941); - theoretical articles defending the principles of socialist realism in cinema (1933–1941); - theoretical articles criticizing bourgeois film theories and Western influence on Soviet cinema (1931–1941); - theoretical articles aimed primarily at professional problems of mastering sound in cinema (in particular, the dramaturgy of sound, music), editing, image, film image, film language (for example, the cinematic possibilities of the “zeit-loop” effect), cinema style, genre, entertainment, construction script (plot, composition, conflict, typology of characters, typology of comic devices, etc.), acting, etc. (1931–1941); - theoretical articles balancing between ideology and professional approaches to the creation of cinematic works of art (1931–1941).
A comprehensive overview of how to study film, this updated third edition provides concise and provocative summaries for approaching the language of film analysis, ways of thinking about film history, and approaches and methods for studying cinema, from national cinemas to genre to stardom and beyond. The new edition tracks the changes in film production and exhibition by situating the study of film within contemporary digital media cultures and structures, such as social media and streaming platforms. Without forsaking its emphasis on the study of film, the third edition updates its examples and provides fresh insight into today's image culture. Film Studies: The Basics provides beginning students in film studies, as well as lifelong film buffs, with the tools to pursue film analysis, film history, and further inquiries into the medium.
Cinéma brut. Eine alternative Genealogie der Filmavantgarde , 2010
Bis heute schwingt im Begriff der Filmavantgarde der Gedanke mit, ein Film sei umso avantgardistischer, je „reiner“ er sei – je mehr er seine medienspezifische Bedingtheit, seine „Essenz“ inszeniere und sich von anderen Künsten „befreie“. Diesem modernistischen Diskurs des Purismus, der sich auch in der aktuellen post-medium condition hartnäckig hält, antwortet die vorliegende Studie mit einer alternativen Phänomenologie und Genealogie des Avantgardefilms, die nicht das Reine, sondern das „Unreine“ zum Maßstab nimmt. Mit der expanded-cinema-Aktion, dem handmade- und dem found-footage-Film stellt die Autorin dem cinéma pur ein cinéma brut gegenüber, dessen Dispositive und Praktiken sich am Schmutzigen, an Formverlust und Grenzüberschreitung orientieren. Ausgehend von kunst- und kulturtheoretischen Debatten um Materialität und Performanz, Index und Spur, werden zunächst Grundzüge des cinéma brut systematisiert, und in einem zweiten Schritt, anhand exemplarischer Analysen, Eckpunkte einer „unreinen“ Geschichte der europäischen und nordamerikanischen Filmavantgarde markiert.
Jean Renoir, 2019
Films are listed by the date shooting was completed. Direction is by Renoir unless otherwise indicated and only completed, major projects are included. Release dates if different are given in brackets. American titles of French films are likewise in brackets. Lengths for silent films are approximate.
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2019
In the current context of state policies characterized by hefty budget cuts affecting film preservation, thus seriously jeopardizing our film heritage and clashing with the pronouncements made by the UNESCO in 1980, our intention here is to analyze two texts published in Paris in 1898 by the eulogizing, but otherwise unknown, Pole Boleslaw Matuszewski: A New Source of History and Animated Photography, What Is, What Should Be. Although they have not received the recognition that they deserve, both works were crucial to the history of film insofar as they would play a vital role in film preservation as a cultural heritage.
Historical Journal of Film Radio and Television, 2012
At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the editors of Cinema Art apparently realized that the attempts to transform the magazine into a socio-political one, made at the end of the "perestroika" era and in the 1990s, had not yielded the expected dividends. As a result, the journal returned to the format of a cinematic publication. Hence the increase in the number of theoretical articles on cinema, which in the 21st century averaged eighteen a year. Daniil Dondurey (1947-2017), who directed Cinema Art until 2017, maintained the journal's course towards a sociological understanding of the media process, while attracting leading authors in the field. The film critic Anton Dolin, who replaced him in the second half of 2017, on the one hand re-emphasized political accents and also strengthened passages in the journal texts that opposed the authorities, and on the other hand began to pay much more attention to the genres of mass culture in film. Our analysis of the concepts of film studies (in the context of the socio-cultural, historical, political situation, etc.) in the journal Cinema Art in the 21st century has shown that the theoretical works on cinematic topics in this period can be divided into the following types-Articles, discussions devoted to the analysis of the theoretical heritage of the classics and the history of Soviet cinema (A
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