Design for Social Innovation



DEMOCRATIZING TECHNOLOGIES Technology is never neutral, but always plays an important role in the processes of social innovation. In particular, the democratization brought up by the information technologies in terms of usability, communication and connectivity, is opening to a wide reorganization of the processes of creation, production and distribution of goods and services, while enabling forms of reappropriation of the means of production. The process of digitalization is leading to the transformation of the nature of enterprises, while opening to micro-factories and "personal capitalism", able to share locally and globally skills and knowledge, as well as resources and tools, to the accomplishment of projects and products. The division between workers and their reificated work, and be tween this and its product, is therefore virtually abolished, since the means of production become appropriable and subject to be made in common. The computer seems to be as an universal tool, universally accessible, through which the entire knowledge and every activity can be in common. (Gorz, 2003) Therefore, the acquisition of capabilities of self-organization asserts a form of technological activism, which can multiply the chances and the resources for grass-rooted forms of enterprise and cooperation, while allowing the emergence of a collective intelligence (Lévy, 1994). The new generations of designers have come to terms with deindustrialization and, while their predecessors had a role in the assembly line with manufacturing processes, today's designers are becoming aware of their service and strategic role concerning innovation. If industry is living an historical shift of its role within society and production, the designer is in the position of independently incorporating all the productive aspects in his own office, from the concept, to the manufacturing, to the communication and the distribution, and even crowdfunding the project.