Poeticas de la animalidad


One of the major results in the cognitive and brain sciences is that we think in terms of typically unconscious structures called ''frames'' (sometimes ''schemas''). Frames include semantic roles, relations between roles, and relations to other frames. A hospital frame, for example, includes the roles: Doctor, Nurse, Patient, Visitor, Receptionist, Operating Room, Recovery Room, Scalpel, etc. Among the relations are specifications of what happens in a hospital, e.g., Doctors operate on Patients in Operating Rooms with Scalpels. These structures are physically realized in neural circuits in the brain. All of our knowledge makes use of frames, and every word is defined through the frames it neurally activates. All thinking and talking involves ''framing.'' And since frames come in systems, a single word typically activates not only its defining frame, but also much of the system its defining frame is in.