West Africa And The Recurrence Of Coups

2022, West Africa And The Recurrence Of Coups

Following the attainment of independence by African States, fostering intra-continental trade, regional unity and cooperation became a common aim of these infant States. The main motive of regional integration in West Africa was pinned at enhancing collective security, promoting trade and protecting the sovereignty of member States collectively. In light of the treaty of ECOWAS, the bloc was formulated on the need to encourage, foster and accelerate socioeconomic develop of all members affiliated to the organization in order to improve the living standard of nationalities member to the regional bloc. Basing on a similar premise, the ECOWAS was formulated as a common pool for collectively addressing political, social and economic challenges of the day and those to emerge in the future. The post-colonial Africa witnessed relaxation of trade tariffs, in favor of regional trade liberalization amongst Western African States. It is however, tragic to apprehend that owing to illicit governance, characterized by monopolization of power and unfair allocation of resources, the region has seen a surge in unprecedented usurpation of power, having states such as Mali, Burkina Faso and Nigeria recording well over seven coups each between 1950 and 2022. Illustrating the dearth of coups and the region, the West African region has been home to over twenty coups both successful and failed since 2010. Basing on interdependence theory, the researcher used mixed methods to assess the causes and impacts of unconstitutional change of government in the region placing significant focus on Mali. In order to account for the recurrence of coups, the research used documentary search to establish the coup-proofing mechanism in the region as well as assess the utility of such means. The research established that, interference by former colonial masters, military centrality, inept governance, grave poverty and high unemployment, and intensified activities of terrorists (in the case of Mali, the Taureg rebels) are some of major causes of coups in the region. The research has established that though there is existence of legal frameworks that champions coup-proofing mechanisms such as economic sanctions, name and shaming, suspension of the noncompliant member state amongst an array of other, such techniques have failed to deter the conspirators. Hence the research proffered pro-democratization recommendations to address social injustices which are the root causes of unconstitutional change of government in the region.