Assisting Pupils to Solve Linear Equations Involving the Variable

2020, International Journal of Innovative Research and Development


Background to the Study Development in almost all areas of life is based on the knowledge of Mathematics. As a country, there cannot be meaningful development in virtually any area of life without the human resource base having vast knowledge in the concept of Mathematics. It is for this reason that the education system of countries that are concerned about their development put great deal of emphasis on the study of Mathematics. Mathematics is one of the essential subjects which are needed in everyday life. It is one of the prerequisite subjects needed by man in many subject areas. Meanwhile, many people on the other hand find it difficult to cope with it. This is due to the fact that most teachers who handle the subject do not use the right technique in teaching the subject. This situation scares most pupils and do not want to hear the name 'Mathematics'. Most teachers also haphazardly teach the subject since they themselves do not have the requisite skills. Also, more knowledgeable teachers sometimes overestimate the accessibility of symbols-bases representations and procedures (Nathan &Kiesinger, 2000). Most of the pupils perceive Mathematics to be a difficult subject which seems to be a misconception. Mathematics is not a difficult subject at all but the ability to solve Mathematics problems sometimes depend on the background of pupils and the way they view education. The numerous benefits of studying Linear Equations include: it could be applied in the fields of Engineering, Accountancy, Medicine and other equally important avenues like Marketing. It is also used in everyday life and helps in Logical Reasoning. Linear Equations involving one or more variables are one of the many topics in Mathematics that has gotten a wide area of applications. In this research, the researcher too looked at simple Linear Equations in one variable. That means there will be no terms, no 's just x terms and numbers. For example, we will see how to solve the equation 3 + 15 = + 25 using the Flag Diagram, the Least Common Multiple (LCM) method and the Balancing Method. The important thing to remember about Linear Equations is that, the 'equal sign' represents a 'balance'. What an 'equal sign' says is that, 'what is on the left-hand side is exactly the same as what is on the right-hand side'. In any Linear Equation, there is an unknown quantity say x, which is what we try to find. Linear Equations in one variable occurs so frequently in the solution of other problems like Word Problem (Story Problems) where the whole story is reduced to a Linear Equation to make the solving very simple. Thus, a thorough understanding of Linear Equations in one variable is very essential in the world of Mathematics.