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189 pages
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Tafsir al-Quran Surat al A’lā—yang menjadi pembahasan dalam buku ini—merupakan sebuah karya tafsir yang sangat unik. Tafsir ini memuat pendahuluan, tujuh bab, dan satu paragraf penutup singkat. Setiap bab dalam tafsir ini diberikan judul dengan tasbīĥ. Setiap tasbīĥ mengkaji kandungan beberapa ayat.
Jurnal THEOLOGIA, 2019
This article aims to carry out an exploration related to the epistemological setting of Mullā Ṣadrā's interpretation. Apart from being known as the main Muslim philosopher as Ibn Sinā, Ṣadrā also describes his mystical-philosophical views in his collection of commentary treatises, Tafsīr al-Qurān al-Karīm. Through this article, the author describes a set of interpretive epistemologies used by Ṣadrā, which can be used as an epistemological offer to bridge several issues of Sufi interpretation (tafsīr al-ishārī), especially in the validity of its disclosure method. In addition to the method of interpretation, there are other unique things contained in this article, such as: mukāshafah as the main foundation of interpretation as it applies generally in the Sufi interpretation (tafsīr al-ishārī), sources of interpretation (maṣādir al-tafsīr) and the style of explanation of the commentary (uslūb al-tafsīr) that Ṣadrā uses. Furthermore, to complete this paper, the author also describe...
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah, 2022
This research explores Tafsir bi al-Ma'tsur, or Qur'an interpretation via history. This qualitative research method uses literature and historical interpretation. This paper discusses the history of Tafsir bi al-Ma'tsur, its restrictions, and scholarly disagreements over it. This study finds that Tafsir bi al-Ma'tsur is an interpretation based on Qur'anic verses, the Prophet Muhammad's viewpoints, companions, and scholars, commencing with the interpretation of Qur'anic verses with Qur'anic verses. 'an, the Qur'an's hadith, the Companions' atsar, and the Tabi'in's view. The Qur'an must be interpreted using a manner agreed upon by scholars to be in compliance with Shari'a. If the interpretation is done honestly and according to the manner approved by the commentators, it will obtain two rewards from Allah SWT if it's accurate, but only one if it's wrong, according to the Prophet SAW's statements on Ijtihad. This research should aid Qur'an scholars and interpreters. This research explains Tafsir bi al-Ma'tsur-related issues. This research offers a complete review of all western scientists' perspectives of Qur'anic exegesis literature to update our knowledge of Tafsir bi al-Ma'tsur.
Tanzil: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an, 2021
This article tries to explain Al-Quran Hermeneutics (takwil) in the perspective of Mullā Ṣadrā. The core issue discussed in this article is the presentation of three theories that form the basic foundation of Al-Qur'an hermeneutics (takwil) in the Mullā Ṣadrā’s perspective: first, the level of meaning of the Qur'an; second, his view of clear (muḥkām) and vague (mutashābihāt) verses; third, his belief in the harmony between reason and revelation. Another interesting discussion that readers will find when reading this article is an explanation of the unique characteristics of Mullā Ṣadrā's interpretation, as well as Mullā Ṣadra's criticism and moderate attitude towards the various classifications of exegetical methodologies used by the commentators. Meanwhile, in the process of applying the interpretation, he invites us to explore the esoteric meaning (bāṭin) as deeply as possible, without leaving the exoteric meaning (ẓāhir).
This paper is a literature review of Mullā Ṣadrā's thoughts on takwil as-ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm which is studied through his main work, entitled Tafsīr Al-Qur'ān Al-Karīm. By using the descriptive-analytical method, the conclusion is that takwil as-ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm in Mullā Ṣadrā's view is studied through two approaches, namely the text analysis method and mukāshafah as a process of knowing the true meaning of the term as-ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm. In discourse, it is known that the commentators are divided into two views, namely the historical view which examines the term as-ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm based on textual narrations and the view of ijtihad based on rationality. The implication of these two views is to limit the meaning and essence of the term as-ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm based on historical and intellectual references. In order to overcome these problems, this paper aims to explain the nature and meaning of as-ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm based on Mullā Ṣadrā's takwil by mediating historical ...
Artikel ini mengkaji Tafsir Al-Mishbah karya Prof. Dr. M. Quraish Shihab, sebuah tafsir Al- Qur'an kontemporer yang begitu berpengaruh di Indonesia. Tafsir ini menggabungkan pendekatan klasik dengan wawasan modern, menawarkan penafsiran yang relevan dan kontekstual bagi umat Islam kontemporer.
A-Empat, 2019
Karya Ulumul Hadis yang membahas tentang Studi‘IlalHadis sangatlah terbatas, karena ilmu ini relative lebih sulit dibandingkan dengan ilmu-ilmu yang lain dalam cakupan pembahasan UlumulHadis. Oleh karena itu, semoga karya ini merupakan karya yang sedikit di antara yang sedikititu. Buku ini membahas tentang definisi ‘illat hadis, macam-macam ‘illat, sebab-sebab ‘illat, cara menyingkap ‘illat dan term-term yang digunakan oleh Muhadditsin bahwa suatu hadis terdapat ‘illat atau cacat. Penulis mengambil contoh hadis-hadis yang mengandung ‘illat dari kitab Sunan al-Tirmidzi. Karena dalam kitab ini disusun dengan manhaj mu‘allalah, yakni dalam satu bab, Imam al-Tirmidzi menghadirkan hadis-hadis yang berkualias shahih, selanjutnya diikuti oleh hadis-hadis yang mengandung ‘illat (cacat), dan menjelaskan sebab-sebab kecacatannya.
Membahas secara singkat tentang hal hal yang berkaitan dengan biografi Muhammad Abduh dan Tafsir Al Wadhih
Islam adalah agama yang menjadi penutup bagi wahyu sebelumnya, ia menjadi hakim bagi syariat-syariat yang datang sebelumnya. Setiap syariat yang sesuai dengan Islam pada wahyu sebelumnya maka akan diteruskan, sebaliknya yang bertentangan akan ditolak atau disesuaikan dengan nilai-nilai dasar Islam. syariat sebelum Islam dalam raung lingkup Ushul Fiqh disebut dengan Syar’u man Qablana, ia menjadi bagian dari dalil hukum dalam Islam. sebagai sebuah dalil, ia dijadikan petunjuk dalam menetapkan suatu hukum yang sebelumnya ada pada umat-umat sebelum Islam seperti kaum Yahudi dan Nasrani. Permasalahan yang kemudian muncul adalah apakah syariat-syariat tersebut bisa dilaksanakan oleh umat Islam? atau tidak boleh dilakukan. Artikel ini akan menganalisis dalil hukum dalam Islam ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa apabila syariat Islam mengesahkan dan membolehkan setiap syariat yang ada sebelumnya maka umat Islam boleh melaksanakan, namun jika terdapat larang...
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Refleksi, 2014
Mumtaz: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran dan Keislaman
Tribakti: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman, 2021
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Sains Humanika, 2016
Kaca (Karunia Cahaya Allah): Jurnal Dialogis Ilmu Ushuluddin, 2019