Contract Farming and the Effect on Price Risk in Broiler Farming

2020, E3S Web of Conferences


Contract farming is one of the ways in a production relationship that is carried out by at least two parties who work together for a certain unit of time arranged in a written or oral agreement. Contracts in agriculture are carried out to reduce the risks faced by both parties. There are several agriculture commodities developed under the contract farming system, one of which is broiler. Broiler are important for fulfilling animal protein. High consumption in Indonesia at 2012-2016, not supported by production and the price of broiler has large fluctuations. Large fluctuations in Jember at 2012-2016 illustrate the magnitude of the risk in broiler farming both the risk of production and price. The amount of risk borne by farmerss causes easy contract farming to be applied in broiler chicken farming. This study purpose to see: (1) The pattern of contract farmIng carried out on broiler farming; and (2) The effect of contract farming on the price risks faced by farmerss. Method of deter...