ABSTRACT Environmentalism, a secular movement which started in its primordial forms with the Buddhist monks of the 4th Century BC and the Christian monks of the 3rd century AD, has in our time, undergone tremendous changes. Today, as we remain concerned and strive to maintain the beauty of the natural environment as a morally worthy act, it is important also to properly watch our steps so that the human person is not harmed in the process. In order words, while we commend the efforts of our present day environmentalists in protecting the natural environment, we need to put them in a balancing scale along with the need to protect the dignity and interests of the human person. In this paper, this balancing is made in close consideration of three theoretical categorizations given to man’s relation to his environment namely, Ecocentricism, Animal liberation and Ecofeminism. Key words: Environmentalism, Ethics, Ecocentricism, Ecofeminism, animal liberation