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Еmpagliflozin (Jardiance) принадлежи към групата на SGLT 2-инхибитори, които са нов клас глюкозопонижаващи средства. Чрез своя уникален механизъм да редуцират реабсорбцията на натрия и глюкозата през проксималния тубул, SGLT2 инхибиторите заемат важно място в превенцията и лечението на диабетната нефропатия. В проучването са включени 8 болни със захарен диабет тип 2 на терапия с Еmpagliflozin. На всички участници са изследвани в първа сутрешна урина албумин/креатинин отношения в началото и на третия месец от лечението. Установи се значимо намаляване на албуминурията при 6 от пациентите на третия месец от приложението на Еmpagliflozin.
Yaşamak bir ağaç gibi tek ve hür ve bir orman gibi kardeşçesine, bu hasret bizim… Nazım Hikmet L. Işıl Ünal
История на Община Пловдив (1878 - 1989), 2014
The Third chapter, which can also be called a part of the book, covers the chronological section of the municipality's past between the significant dates for Bulgarian national history, September 9, 1944, and November 10, 1989. It consists of 75 pages, of which about 20 are occupied by photographs. The text is divided into eight paragraphs, which chronologically present the main activities, policies, personalities and events related to the development of local government in Plovdiv during the state socialism. The main emphasis is on the urban planning changes that occurred during the period under review and were undertaken primarily to resolve long-standing problems. Great successes were achieved in infrastructure and housing construction, the restoration and conservation of immovable cultural heritage, the development of tourism and cultural life. It was at that time that Plovdiv was said to be the "cultural capital of Bulgaria". The local government was also involved in the construction of large industrial facilities, most of which turned out to be ineffective and no longer exist. The main problem that the municipal administration cannot cope with, mainly because it is deeply inherent in the political and economic system, is commercial supply and service. Deficits are felt even during the most successful years of governance. The chairmen of the City/Municipal People's Council, as the municipality was called at that time, whose names deserve to be highlighted, as they left a positive mark on the past of Plovdiv, are Nikola Balkandzhiev (1949 – 1959), Ivan Panev (1965 – 1968), Kosta Kumanov (1968 – 1972), Diran Parikyan (1971 – 1979) and Hristo Mishev (1979 – 1986).
LEV NİKOLAYEVİÇ GUMILYOV AND HIS THEORY ABSTRACT Lev Nikolayevich Gumilyov (1912-1992) was a world-famous Russian geographist and historian who contributed to Russian historiography with his new theories. His father Nikolay Gumilyon and his mother Anna Ahmatova were both famous Russian poets. Having grown up with his grandmother, who was of Kazakhstani origin, Gumilyov drew great attention with his “Ethnogenesis” theory, which he developed based on the genetic features of different nations and the geography they lived in. This article is the first article that focuses on his life, which remains hardly known, his scientific theories and the bibliography of the valuable publications he made. Key Words: L.N. Gumilyov, Russian historian, Gulmilyov Theory, Ethnogenesis, Gumilyov bibliography.
Филолог, 2020
Критика поезије (2019), Избор из критика о делу Бранка Миљковића, приредио Александар Костадиновић, Ниш: Нишки културни центар, бр. стр. 403. Александра Чебашек, Траговима (бе)смисла и живота, у: Филолог, Год. 11 (2020), бр. 22, (429-436).
Арин. Наука о Боге. Том II. Идеология христианства. Scholarica., 2019
Троица — один из самых интригующих догматов в христианстве, который для атеистов является полем насмешек и сарказма, а для теологов и богословов — сюжетом, на котором они оттачивают свои софистические способности, иногда достигающие диалектических вершин как у Гегеля. В главе анализируются трактовки Троицы теологами и атеистами, Гегелем и другими специалистами Библии.
Матеріали Міжнародної науково-методичної конференції: «Управління якістю підготовки фахівців» – Частина 2. – Одеса: ОДАБА, 2020., 2020
Abstract. For a success in learning Geometry the understanding of geometrical concepts is essential. Gave a lot of research on elementary pre-service teachers have difficulties in understanding geometry concepts. The aim of this paper is to present a research on how pre-service elementary school teachers understand elementary Geometry notion of triangle and its properties. Сажетак. За успешно подучавање геометријским садржајима ученика нижих разреда основне школе разумевање геометријских концепата је пожељно. Постоје бројна истраживања којима су утврђене потешкоће код реализатора те наставе. Циљ овог истраживања је презентација како студенти учитељског програма схватају концепт геометријске фигуре тространика / троугла.
Bilgi olgusunu, bilgi saklama, erişim sistemleri, bilginin işlenmesi, iletilmesi ve kullanılması yöntemlerini, toplum ve insanlık yararı gözeterek inceleyen uygulamalı bilim dalı.
Текстилните претпријатија го фрлаат цврстиот текстилен отпад и заедно со останатиот комунален отпад локално се собира и се исфрла на депониите, каде што крајно се уништува со горење без никакво енергетско искористување. Цврстиот комунален отпад е составен од биоразградлив (органски) и бионеразградлив (неоргански) отпад кој може како суровина пак да се користи. Во трудот се прикажани методи за третирање на цврст органски отпад чијшто производ е високоенергетски гас, кој понатаму се користи за добивање на топлинска и електрична енергија.
Гуманитарные исследования. История и филология, 2023
The article deals with the etymology of the terms of Ancient Rus'. The origin of the terms that define the princely, retinue culture of chronicle Rus' is studied. The etymology of such concepts as prince, knight and trizna, found in ancient documents, is proposed. It is revealed that these terms are of Baltic origin. The word-formation model and the presence of these words in the known Baltic languages are determined. A comparative analysis of various sources has been carried out. The descriptions of the funeral custom of the Prussians, Russ and in Rus', described by Wulfstan, Ibn Fadlan and the Russian chronicler, are considered. The processes of the rite turned out to be the same, which made it possible to draw a conclusion about the meaning of the term "trizna". Trizna is the definition of a complex of events of the funeral rite associated with the preparation of the deceased, the feast and burning of the deceased. The etymology of the term should also be considered in this context. However, researchers offer various versions that have little to do with the meaning of the essence of the rite. The etymology of the considered term is connected with the Baltic generalizing verb trinti. The content and meaning of the terms are disclosed. The presented material allows us to draw a conclusion about the origin of Rus' from the shores of the Baltic. It should be understood in which language environment this word is marked. First of all, trizna has to do with the Russ, whose prince was Igor, the Krivichi and Vyatichi – tribes that had a Baltic component. One of the main features of the worldview of the first Russ were princely gods, whose etymology found its resolution in the Baltic language environment; the anthroponyms of Rurik, his brothers and the Rus also go back to the same origins. The conclusions completely coincide with the opinion of the famous archaeologist V.I. Kulakov, who believes that "most likely, the Sambia, which had a large squad, gave an armed contingent at the beginning of the second half of the IX century to stabilize the social situation and, accordingly, trade routes on the lands adjacent to the eastern tip of the Baltic"The proposed article gives a new impetus to the study of the origin of traditions in the territory of Ancient Rus', about the migration of the population and the formation of culture.
СРПСКИ ЈЕЗИК, КЊИЖЕВНОСТ, УМЕТНОСТ Зборник радова са XVIII међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (27–28. октобар 2023), 2024
Сажетак. За успешно подучавање геометријским садржајима ученика нижих разреда основне школе разумевање геометријских концепата је пожељно. Постоје бројна истраживања којима су утврђене потешкоће код реализатора те наставе. Циљ овог истраживања је презентација како студенти учитељског програма схватају концепт геометријске фигуре тространика / троугла. Abstract. For a success in learning Geometry the understanding of geometrical concepts is essential. Gave a lot of research on elementary pre-service teachers have difficulties in understanding geometry concepts. The aim of this paper is to present a research on how pre-service elementary school teachers understand elementary Geometry notion of triangle and its properties.
Проблемы культурогенеза и культурного наследия: Сборник статей к 80—летию В.М. Массона, 2009
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