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This article is a response to the growing radical understanding of religion and the rejection of Pancasila as the nation's ideology in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This article is also an offer of thought for the Deradicalization of Al-Quran Verses. Namely, as an effort to reinterpret several verses of the Qur'an which have the potential to be understood by some as the basis for acts of violence or coercion of certain ideologies. In this article, the author uses the theosophical esoteric interpretation approach such as Haidar Amuli (d. 1385), as an analytical tool to explore the content of several verses of the Qur’an related to jihad. This paper can also be referred to as thematic interpretation because the author tries to discuss (analyze) the content of the verses of the Qur'an based on a theme and tries to follow the steps of the thematic method in interpretation. Through an esoteric approach, in this article, jihad will not only be interpreted as a physical war taking up arms. Jihad has several levels of meaning, such as jihad of ahl shariah, ahl tariqah, and ahl haqiqa. Furthermore, by analyzing the historical context, the jihad verses can be interpreted as a movement for mental revolution and social moral improvement.
MAGHZA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, 2021
This article is a response to the growing radical understanding of religion and the rejection of Pancasila as the nation's ideology in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This article is also an offer of thought for the Deradicalization of Al-Quran Verses. Namely, as an effort to reinterpret several verses of the Qur'an which have the potential to be understood by some as the basis for acts of violence or coercion of certain ideologies. In this article, the author uses the theosophical esoteric interpretation approach such as Haidar Amuli (d. 1385), as an analytical tool to explore the content of several verses of the Qur’an related to jihad. This paper can also be referred to as thematic interpretation because the author tries to discuss (analyze) the content of the verses of the Qur'an based on a theme and tries to follow the steps of the thematic method in interpretation. Through an esoteric approach, in this article, jihad will not only be interpr...
Al-Dzikra: Jurnal Studi Ilmu al-Qur'an dan al-Hadits
This paper aims to explore the meaning of jihad using the analytical knife of Authoritative Hermeneutics which was initiated by Khaled Abu El Fadh. The view of Jihad that has spread widely in society is the result of a misunderstanding of hard-line Islamic groups. Such a mistake in thinking requires a reduction in thinking to be able to provide understanding to the community about a more inclusive teaching concept. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. The results in this study reveal that the idea of Jihad according to Authoritative Hermeneutics is not the same as qital, in the Qur'an Jihad does not refer to battle or war. Jihad in Islam can mean an effort to harmonize a safe life in society, by not spreading worries, to bring about the suitability of life regardless of differences by prioritizing humanistic principles, as well as joint efforts to build a more decent life that avoids poverty in the midst of an increasingly developing era. It c...
Journal al Irfani: Ilmu al Qur'an dan Tafsir
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari dan menemukan makna dari tanda-tanda dan simbol pada terma Jihad di dalam al-Qur’an berdasarkan pendekatan semiotika Peirce. Hal ini berangkat dari problematika penyempitan makna jihad yang lebih banyak dimaknai sebagai perang dan tindakan keras melawan kekafiran. Namun jika dilihat secara medalam term jihad tidak hanya mengadung satu makna yang sempit namun mengadung makna-makna yang lebih luas. Dengan menggunakan pisau analisis semiotika Peirce penulis berupaya mecari makna yang melekat pada term jihad dalam al-Qur’an melalui tanda dan simbol yang berkaitan dengan term tersebut. Dalam teori semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce yang terkenal dengan trikotominya (sign, obyect, dan interpretant). Penelitian ini disajikan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjelaskan secara mendalam melalui data-data yang telah ditemukan. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat kesimpulan bahwa makna dan tafsir dari term jihad di dalam bebarapa ayat Al-Quran tidakla...
Mizan: Journal of Islamic Law, 2018
Jihad is one of the concepts of Islam are most often understood, especially by the experts and Western observers. Jihad is an integral part of Islamic discourse since the early days to contemporary Muslims. Talks about jihad and concepts put forward more or less shifting and change according to the context and environment of each thinker. Jihad in Islam is very important, so it is reasonable to set it as the Khawarij the sixth pillar of Islam.
Jihad merupakan kewajiban bagi setiap muslim sesuai dengan kesanggupan dan kemampuan masing-masing. Namun jihad seringkali dipahami sebagai qital /perang padahal jihad yang diperintahkan al-Qur’an tidak terbatas pada jihad dalam makna perang, akan tetapi mencakup banyak aktifitas keagamaan yang lain. Jihad dalam periode Mekkah dilakukan bukanlah dengan perang, tetapi dengan mencurahkan segala kemampuan menghadapi orang-orang musyrik dengan kalimat yang menyentuh nalar dan qalbu karena melihat situasi dan kondisi umat Islam yang masih lemah dan belum memiliki kekuatan fisik. Sementara jihad dalam periode Madinah, lebih cenderung diartikan dengan ‘perang’ yaitu upaya kaum muslimin untuk membalas serangan yang ditujukan kepada mereka. Namun dalam konteks Indonesia, pemahaman jihad dapat dikembangkan ke dalam wilayah sosial politik dan bermakna horizontal. Misalnya peduli terhadap kemanusiaan dalam bentuk kepedulian sosial.
NUN: Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara
Jihad in the recent decade has become a sensitive issue due to misconceptions rooted in a literal understanding that associates jihad with religious violence, an idea that is frequently referred to as 'holy terrorism.' In reality, jihad has a broader meaning that is not synonymous with violence or war. This study discusses the interpretations of two important figures in Qur'anic and Tafsir scholarship in Indonesia today, namely Muhammad Chirzin and Sahiron Syamsuddin, in order to reveal the meaning of jihad and examine the construction of thought that underpins that meaning, particularly in the Indonesian context. The question that will be studied by this paper is how the thoughts of the two figures in interpreting the verses of jihad and how the epistemological structure of the interpretation of the verses of jihad of the two figures? To answer these questions, this article uses a historical-factual approach. This paper contends that the two figures discussed have condu...
This paper describes about the meaning of concept Jihad by using the theory of Abdullah Saeed. There are four things be discussed in the theory, namely: Language Analysis, Historical Context, Parallel Texts or intertext connection, and Value Hierarchy. These four things are processing of application the contextualization theory of Abdullah Saeed. And the result of this discussed the concept of Jihad that expressed in Al-Qur’an is very broad. Not only about fighting on the battlefield to uphold the religion of God, but also embraces the struggle to uphold Amal Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar, jihad against lust, jihat stating the truth of Islam, Jihad to wipe tyranny and oppression, jihad against the enemies of Islam and etc.
Mashdar: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Hadis, 2020
The concept of jihad from time to time and from generation to generation undergoes various changes depending on circumstances. However, most people only understand jihad as a battle on the battlefield with a sword or other weapon. Jihad is basically meant to exert power seriously. In the current context, in the midst of a global pandemic can resistance to the corona virus be considered a jihad? This is interesting and has novelty to study. This research is a library research (literature study). Research data sources consist of primary and secondary sources; the primary sourcis the Qur'an especially Q.S Al-Nisa [4]: 95 and secondary sources are all literature relating to the theme. The method used is descriptive-analytical method with Abdullah Saeed's contextual interpretation theory approach. Based on the results of research, resistance to the corona virus can be considered as jihad on the grounds that in the context of the first community jihad (in Q.S al-Nisa [4]: 9) was waging war to protect themselves, lives, property and others. If drawn into the context of the current pandemic, it has something in common, namely to protect lives. The difference lies in that if at that time the war against humans, while currently fighting against the virus. In relation to the intensity of the danger, it is now more dangerous because of its impacts on various things such as economic and social. If the form of jihad in the time of the Prophet was with war using weapons; swords, arrows, horses, spears, treasures and so on, so now the use of weapons; masks, soap, handsanitzer, tools of self protection, other medical devices, possessions and so on.
The word jihad is inter preted in various meaning. Some inter prets it in a nega- tive and destructive connotations, others inter pret it as noble actions. The de- bate on the meaning of jihad are endless as long as there is no clear definition and restrictions which actions are considered as jihad and which ones are not. In order to find the true meaning of jihad, this paper examines the word jihad, both from the Qur’anic perspective and academia discourses.
This study aims to analyze the method of interpreting the verses of jihad carried out by Ibn Kathir in his book-Al-Qur'an Al-'Adzim '. The method used is to use a library study approach (libary research), by collecting qualitative data. two sources; primary and secondary. The primary source of the researcher is Al-'Azhim's Qur'anic Interpretation by Ibn Kathir, while secondary sources are obtained from books, journals, magazines and other sources whose uses are to enrich the material and as a comparison of primary sources. The data collection technique is to use documentation that is collecting various library books that have relevance to the title of this research, then analyzed by correlative analysis methods and descriptive relevance. The findings of this study are verses of jihad which are interpreted by Ibn Kathir tend to interpret jihad in the Qur'an as a war against the enemy to defend Islam. Conclusions about the importance of jihad and its privileges in Islam with concepts that are in accordance with Islamic sharia and in line with those outlined by the Qur'an and also explained by the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad even though they do not cover in depth the language rules or derivatives of the word jihad in the Qur'an and does not discuss the issue of jihad in the realm of jurisprudence.
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J-PAI: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2019
Jurnal Akademika, 2013
Al-Banjari : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman, 2018
eProsiding Seminar Pelajar Tahun Akhir 2022, 2022
Jurnal At-Tadbir : Media Hukum dan Pendidikan, 2022
Jurnal Al-I'Jaz, 2021
Semantik Kata Jihad dalam Al-Qur'an, 2023
Kontemplasi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin
TAFSE: Journal of Qur'anic Studies
MAGHZA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
REVELATIA: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur`an dan Tafsir, 2020
QOF : Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir, 2022