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2007, Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications
We consider general properties of lattices of relative colour-families and antivarieties. Several results generalise the corresponding assertions about colour-families of undirected loopless graphs, see [1]. Conditions are indicated under which relative colour-families form a lattice. We prove that such a lattice is distributive. In the class of lattices of antivarieties of relation structures of finite signature, we distinguish the most complicated (universal) objects. Meet decompositions in lattices of colour-families are considered. A criterion is found for existence of irredundant meet decompositions. A connection is found between meet decompositions and bases for anti-identities.
Algebra Universalis, 1995
We solve a problem of J6nsson by showing that the class Y/of (isomorphs of) algebras of binary relations, under the operations of relative product, conversion, and intersection, and with the identity element as a distinguished constant, is not axiomatizable by a set of equations. We also show that the set of equations valid in ~ is decidable, and in fact the set of equations true in the class of all positive algebras of relations is decidable.
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
Conventional Ramsey-theoretic investigations for edge-colourings of complete graphs are framed around avoidance of certain configurations. Motivated by considerations arising in the field of Qualitative Reasoning, we explore edge colourings that in addition to forbidding certain triangle configurations also require others to be present. These conditions have natural combinatorial interest in their own right, but also correspond to qualitative representability of certain nonassociative relation algebras, which we will call chromatic.
Discrete Mathematics, 1991
El-Zahar, M. and N-W. Sauer, Ramsey-type properties of relational structures, Discrete Mathematics 94 (1991) l-10. Let .=%'be a relational language and \!I be a set of 6P-structures. Vl is indivisible if for each A E '!I there is a relational structure R(A) E Vl such that for every partition of R(A) into two classes C and D, there is an embedding of A into C or into D. (If Folkman's Theorem (1970) hold in '?I). We will investigate this property of indivisibility in the case where '!I= age S for some countable relational structure S (age S is the set of all finite substructures of S up to isomorphism). In particular, if S is homogeneous, the divisibility or indivisibility of age S is related to the way in which the elements of age S amalgamate.
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 2014
As a continuation of the study of cover-incomparability graphs of posets (C-I graphs), the notion of 2-colored diagrams is introduced and used in characterizations of posets whose C-I graphs belong to certain natural classes of graphs. As a particular instance, posets whose C-I graphs are chordal are characterized using a single 2-colored diagram. Some other instances are characterized in a similar way.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
Relational lattices are obtained by interpreting lattice connectives as natural join and inner union between database relations. Our study of their equational theory reveals that the variety generated by relational lattices has not been discussed in the existing literature. Furthermore, we show that addition of just the header constant to the lattice signature leads to undecidability of the quasiequational theory. Nevertheless, we also demonstrate that relational lattices are not as intangible as one may fear: for example, they do form a pseudoelementary class. We also apply the tools of Formal Concept Analysis and investigate the structure of relational lattices via their standard contexts. Furthermore, we show that the addition of typing rules and singleton constants allows a direct comparison with monotonic relational expressions of Sagiv and Yannakakis.
Some properties of the graph ΓS(L), where L is a lattice and S is a ∧-closed subset of L, are obtained. Moreover, the graph structure of ΓS(L) under graph operations union, join, lexicographic product and tensor product are determined. The graph associated to quotient lattice is also studied.
Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, 2000
We define five increasingly comprehensive classes of infinite-state systems, called STS1-STS5, whose state spaces have finitary structure. For four of these classes, we provide examples from hybrid systems. STS1 These are the systems with finite bisimilarity quotients. They can be analyzed symbolically by iteratively applying predecessor and boolean operations on state sets, starting from a finite number of observable state sets. Any such iteration is guaranteed to terminate in that only a finite number of state sets can be generated. This enables model checking of the µ-calculus.
Graphs and Combinatorics, 2019
Indicated coloring is a type of game coloring in which two players collectively color the vertices of a graph in the following way. In each round the first player (Ann) selects a vertex, and then the second player (Ben) colors it properly, using a fixed set of colors. The goal of Ann is to achieve a proper coloring of the whole graph, while Ben is trying to prevent the realization of this project. The smallest number of colors necessary for Ann to win the game on a graph G (regardless of Ben's strategy) is called the indicated chromatic number of G, denoted by χ i (G). In this paper, we obtain structural characterization of connected {P 5 , K 4 , Kite, Bull}-free graphs which contains an induced C 5 and connected {P 6 , C 5 , K 1,3 }-free graphs that contains an induced C 6 . Also, we prove that {P 5 , K 4 , Kite, Bull}-free graphs that contains an induced C 5 and {P 6 , C 5 , P 5 , K 1,3 }free graphs which contains an induced C 6 are k-indicated colorable for all k ≥ χ(G). In addition, we show that K[C 5 ] is k-indicated colorable for all k ≥ χ(G) and as a consequence, we exhibit that {P 2 ∪ P 3 , C 4 }-free graphs, {P 5 , C 4 }-free graphs are k-indicated colorable for all k ≥ χ(G). This partially answers one of the questions which was raised by A. Grzesik in .
We investigate classes of graphs and posets that admit decompositions to obtain or disprove niteness results for obstruction sets. To do so we develop a theory of minimal in nite antichains that allows us to characterize such antichains by means of the set of elements below it.
We study an interpretation of lattice connectives as natural join and inner union between database relations with non-uniform headers. To the best of our knowledge, this interpretation was proposed first by database researchers in [Tropashko, 2005, Spight and Tropashko, 2006].
European Journal of Combinatorics, 1985
A class J{ of relational systems (of the same type) has the 8-Ramsey property if for every $ E J{ there is T E J{ such that to every 2-coloring of (!) (= relational subsystems of T isomorphic to 8) we can find a monochromatic (iJ for some {J E (D. Extending recent results by JeZek and Ndetnl we prove it for (a) every class J{ of finite reflexive relational systems closed for products and 8 E J{ a singleton, (b) every abstract class J{ of finite relational systems with the strong amalgamation property and 8 E J{ such that the sets from (!) are disjoint for all $ E J{. Finally we prove: Let J{ be an abstract class of finite reflexive or areflexive relational systems with the strong amalgamation property. If J{ has the 8-Ramsey property, then 8 is constant.
Cornell University - arXiv, 2022
In this paper, we characterize chordal and perfect zero-divisor graphs of finite posets. Also, it is proved that the zero-divisor graphs of finite posets and the complement of zero-divisor graphs of finite 0-distributive posets satisfy the Total Coloring Conjecture. These results are applied to the zero-divisor graphs of finite reduced rings, the comaximal ideal graph of rings, the annihilating ideal graphs, the intersection graphs of ideals of rings, and the intersection graphs of subgroups of cyclic groups. In fact, it is proved that these graphs associated with a commutative ring R with identity can be effectively studied via the zero-divisor graph of a specially constructed poset from R.
Mathematica Bohemica, 2002
Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences provides access to digitized documents strictly for personal use. Each copy of any part of this document must contain these Terms of use.
Journal of Relation …, 2004
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, 1999
In this paper, we introduce a measure of the extent to which a finite combinatorial structure is a Ramsey object in the class of objects with a similar structure. We show for classes of finite relational structures, including graphs, binary posets, and bipartite graphs, how this measure depends on the symmetries of the structure.
Mathematica Slovaca, 2010
The concept of coloring is studied for graphs derived from lattices with 0. It is shown that, if such a graph is derived from an atomic or distributive lattice, then the chromatic number equals the clique number. If this number is finite, then in the case of a distributive lattice, it is determined by the number of minimal prime ideals in the lattice. An estimate for the number of edges in such a graph of a finite lattice is given.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2014
A relational structure is homomorphism-homogeneous (HH-homogeneous for short) if every homomorphism between finite induced substructures of the structure can be extended to a homomorphism over the whole domain of the structure. Similarly, a structure is monomorphism-homogeneous (M H-homogeneous for short) if every monomorphism between finite induced substructures of the structure can be extended to a homomorphism over the whole domain of the structure. In this paper we consider L-colored graphs, that is, undirected graphs without loops where sets of colors selected from L are assigned to vertices and edges. A full classification of finite M H-homogeneous L-colored graphs where L is a chain is provided, and we show that the classes M H and HH coincide. When L is a diamond, that is, a set of pairwise incomparable elements enriched with a greatest and a least element, the situation turns out to be much more involved. We show that in the general case the classes M H and HH do not coincide.
Discrete Mathematics, 1996
The aim of this paper is to study those pairs of complementary equivalence relations on a fixed set which are maximal as families of mutually complementary equivalence relations. The existence of such pairs on uncountable sets was proved by Steprgns and Watson (1995). They conjectured that such pairs do not exist in the finite and in the countable case. Here we disprove this conjecture by proving that they exist in huge quantity in both cases. We study in detail the case when: (a) one of the equivalence relations in the pair has precisely two equivalence classes; (b) one of the equivalence relations has at most three equivalence classes; (c) in one of the equivalence relations all but one equivalence classes are singletons. In cases (a) and (c) we describe all pairs of complementary equivalence relations having this extremal property. In the case (a) the non-extremal pairs are related to Turan graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2021
Indicated coloring is a graph coloring game in which two players collectively color the vertices of a graph in the following way. In each round the first player (Ann) selects a vertex, and then the second player (Ben) colors it properly, using a fixed set of colors. The goal of Ann is to achieve a proper coloring of the whole graph, while Ben is trying to prevent the realization of this project. The smallest number of colors necessary for Ann to win the game on a graph G (regardless of Ben's strategy) is called the indicated chromatic number of G, denoted by χ i (G). In this paper, we have shown that for any graphs G and (H). Also, we have shown that for any graph G and for some classes of graphs H with χ(H) As a consequence of this result we have shown that if G ∈ G = Chordal graphs, Cographs, Complement of bipartite graphs, {P 5 , C 4 }-free graphs, connected {P 6 , C 5 , P 5 , K 1,3 }-free graphs which contain an induced C 6 , Complete multipartite graphs and H ∈ F = Bipartite graphs, Chordal graphs, Cographs, {P 5 , K 3 }-free graphs, {P 5 , P aw}-free graphs, Complement of bipartite graphs, {P 5 , K 4 , Kite, Bull}-free graphs, connected {P 6 , C 5 , P 5 , K 1,3 }-free graphs which contain an induced C 6 , K[C 5 ](m 1 , m 2 , . . . , m 5 ), {P 5 , C 4 }-free graphs, connected {P 5 , P 2 ∪ P 3 , P 5 , Dart}free graphs which contain an induced ). This serves as a partial answer to one of the questions raised by A. Grzesik in . In addition, if G is a Bipartite graph or a {P 5 , K 3 }-free graph (or) a {P 5 , P aw}-free graph and H ∈ F, then we have shown that χ i (G[H]) = χ(G[H]).
Algebra universalis, 2011
We introduce "π-versions" of five familiar conditions for distributivity by applying the various conditions to 3-element antichains only. We prove that they are inequivalent concepts, and characterize them via exclusion systems. A lattice L satisfies D 0π if a∧ (b ∨ c) (a∧ b)∨ c for all 3-element antichains {a, b, c}. We consider a congruence relation ∼ whose blocks are the maximal autonomous chains and define the order-skeleton of a lattice L to be L := L/∼. We prove that the following are equivalent for a lattice L: (i) L satisfies D 0π , (ii) L satisfies any of the five π-versions of distributivity, (iii) the order-skeleton L is distributive.
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