Ayurveda and Yoga in Indian Temple Sculptures

2021, Sri Aurobindo Society


This video presentation explores how the temples of India depict the heritage knowledge of Ayurveda and yoga through temple sculptures and the message they intend to convey. Both Ayurveda and Yoga are systematic and scientific means of maintaining the wellness of the body and mind. The presentation starts with a brief note on the antiquity of the compilation of Ayurveda in post-Vedic literature. The depictions highlighting the leaf and flower structure precisely explore how and why the science of medicinal plants got associated with female figures in temples. Further, in the topic of Yoga, the origin and affiliation of yoga in the post-Vedic literature, Astanga yoga, the elaborate, interpretations codifying the Vedic thought of how to live life in a meaningful way are explored with the pictures of archaeological pieces of evidence.