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The development of information technologies enables one to regard a product's life cycle as a unified process from idea through development, manufacture and distribution to servicing. The transition to e-business within companies contains great potential for increasing their productivity and competitiveness. This paper analyses the idea that a company should first be capable of doing e-business internally, before it can start efficiently operating with external clients. The paper analyses product development and engineering change processes in detail. An example from Domel presents a solution for product documentation management using a SAP information system and PLM (Product Life cycle Management) module.
Pressacademia, 2017
The aim of this paper is to define Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Systems as a whole product focused management tool by featuring its importance for the enterprise integration management, product development and lean value systems. Methodology-The paper is designed as an exploratory study consists of several interviews with senior managers of ELTAŞ Transformer Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. about the process management capabilities of PLM systems within a case study. Findings-The study reveals that non-technical processes like human resources can be managed using PLM methodology as well as the technical processes like product development. The results show the similarities of technical and non-technical processes, and show the possibility of managing even less technical processes to create a holistic business management tool. Conclusion-The study shows the importance of the PLM systems for the product-focused management while the digital transformation of the production companies and their enterprise integration management and lean value systems.
In this 21st century and beyond characterized with rapid development change in technology and innovations, organizations must relentlessly improve their product processes and systems, if they hope to outperform their competitors and maintain relevancy. Invariably, every product has 'life', starting with the design/development, followed by resource extraction, production, use/consumption, and end-of-life activities. However,, Product Lifecycle Engineering and Management (PLM), represents a very important approach for achieving a more sustainable paradigm of work and life, a more sustainable product development, manufacturing, use and dismissal. It is remarkable to note that SMEs account for 97% of all businesses in Nigeria, employs 50% of Nigeria's workforce, and produce 50% of Nigeria's industrial output, but most of these companies (SMEs) are short-lived. The sustainability of these companies and their products' lifecycle has become imperative in order to increase their contributions towards economic, social, political, environmental, and technological development of the Nigeria nation. This paper therefore, shows that effective and efficient PLM will inevitably play a vital and unprecedented role in creating sustainable product environment for SMEs in Africa and most especially fast growing economy like Nigeria. 1 INTRODUCTION Managing product's lifecycle cannot be feasible without referencing the engineering design and development of various tools and components that make up this ICT solution. Product lifecycle engineering in this context will be treated as an integration of all the business solution softwares (such as; CAD, CAM, ERP, SCM, PDM, etc.) into one system known as Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) at each stage of the product lifecycle. In this age of rapid developmental change, organizations must relentlessly improve their product processes and systems if they hope to out perform their competitors. In normal course of a product's life, there are several factors which can and do affect the product's future in the market such as changes in the customer's needs, technological innovations, competition and other aspects of marketing environment (Alabar, 2012). In like manner, as the complexity and variety of products increase to satisfy increasingly sophiscated customers, so does the need for knowledge and expertise for developing products. Co-located and monolithic design teams can no longer effectively manage the product development efforts in its entirety. In order to avoid lengthy product development cycles, higher development costs and quality problems, collaboration across distributed and multidisciplinary design teams has become a necessity (Farhad and Deba, 2005). Rapidly, changing technology is creating short market windows for technology companies. Product complexities due to embedded and installed software are increasing the need to manage software development as part of product development. Along with globalization and aggressive pricing, these challenges are placing intense pressures to optimize new product development from discovery to development, from commercialization to retirement (Grieves, 2006). According to Tumay (2011), when technology platform and product features are not aligned with customer needs, products are late to market and costs are higher than anticipated. When product development and management activities are not collaborative, the timing of new product launch or retirement of declining product is off resulting in lost market share or profit. Today's' knowledge –intensive product development environment requires a computational frame work which effectively enables capture, representation, retrieval and reuse of product knowledge. This is where the phenomenon of product life cycle management (PLM) comes into play. However, aggressive innovation by competing firms is leading to more complex products. This in turn requires specialist teams to handle different activities in product lifecycles, concept design, engineering analysis, tooling development, manufacturing planning, part manufacture, product assembly, delivery, service and
Journal of Industrial …, 2010
Product lifecycle management through innovative and competitive business environment 323 Abstract: Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the process of managing the whole life cycle of a product starting from generating an idea, concept description, business analyzes, product design and solution architecture and technical implementation, to the successful entrance to the market, service, maintenance and product improvement. At present, a wide range of stakeholders including consumers, regulators, shareholders and public bodies are demanding that companies address product management through all life cycle in a more comprehensive and sustainable way. However, even if a company actually wishes innovate its processes for improving the way to account for project management, it will face relevant difficulties to deal with different guidelines, tools and methods currently addressing the matter from various points of view. The purpose of this paper is to review literature on PLM from an operational point of view with the objective to help companies to answer to the main market needs.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
This research is focused in a Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) strategy for New Technology Based Enterprises (NTBE) for solving difficulties for integrating the product requirements and for improving the collaboration with the external contributors that occur in almost all the PLM stages, considering the limited resources of a Small Enterprise. In this work, we analyze a case study of the collaboration between a New Technology Based Enterprise, its Suppliers and Customers and we present a Product Requirement Representation considering the International Standard ISO 10303-0239. After the analysis and with the presented product representation, we propose a PLM Reference Model and an implementation of Open Source Software as a low cost solution for enabling PLM in this kind of business collaborative environment.
This work presents an overview of Model-R -a business process support system conceived to support introducing Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) at the companies. This model is mainly based on the Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) approach. It will be briefly described in terms of its activities, information flow, timeliness, and intervention mechanism. The model is intended to be flexible enough to be applied at companies from different sizes and belonging to diverse branches. The research team is currently running application tests of this model at a few companies with some promising results so far.
IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2012
Industrial interest in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is twofaced. Large companies exhibit successful stories of PLM implementation because it has often shown to be an effective tool in increasing the quality and reliability of the development process of their products. On the opposite, small enterprises face relevant problems in the adoption of a PLM system, essentially because it requests for a relevant reorganization of their internal processes. Large PLM systems already operate in several enterprises but new light software suites, based on the "out of the shelf" commercial policy and open source software, makes PLM systems affordable also for a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME). The introduction of PLM in the work environment of a SME is not a problem of costs but of organization. In order to define and highlight the issues in the implementation of a PLM system in a SME, the analysis method presented by the authors in former studies was further developed and applied to a case study.
Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment (Cat. No.99CH36357), 1999
Information technology has the potential to address two key difficulties of product lifecycle management: product information loss and secondary market transaction costs. Applicable technologies include bar-code systems, radio-frequency identification (RFID), internet-based ...
International journal of engineering research and technology, 2018
Product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing entire life of a product, starting from innovative ideas, concept, design, raw material procurement, manufacturing, production activities, process, quality inspection, marketing, customer feedback implementation, service up to end life of that product, sometimes even after expire of product and it is a strategic business approach for the effective management and use of corporate intellectual capital. PLM describes the engineering aspect of a product from managing descriptions, properties of a product through its development and useful life. PLM is not just about technology, it is a strategic business approach that includes innovation around products and processes. As a methodology, PLM integrates people, data processes and business systems, while provides a product information backbone for companies and their extended enterprise. In the present scenario PLM plays very vital role in manufacturing sector as well as in the service sectors. Several authors have discussed about PLM using a managerial or technological view. Through this paper an attempt was made to review literature on PLM definition, structure, analysis, strategies, implementation and applications.
This article proposes a scenario of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), as a innovative business strategy based on the analysis of business drivers, industry requirements, limit of current solution, and recent state-of-the-art review in the domain related to PLM. Potential industrial impact of the developed PLM technology solutions is analyzed. It is hoped that the proposed PLM technology solutions will form the frontier basis for further research, development, and application of PLM systems to quickly adapt to the dynamic changing market for industry companies to pursue the most advanced competitiveness. This article presents a process oriented framework to support effective PLM implementation with a set of lifecycle oriented business process reference models which links the necessary fundamental concepts, enterprise knowledge and software solutions to effectively deploy PLM.
The focus of the paper is on the challenges, benefits and requirements of implementing product lifecycle management (PLM) in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Customer needs on product properties are related with all stages of the product lifecycle (PLC). There are several challenges for today's enterprises, including SMEs, such as dynamic and individual customer needs, rapid technological development, collaboration in innovation, product development and production, not forgetting efficiency r e q u i r e m e n t s o f i n t e r n a l p r o c e s s e s o f t h e e n t e r p r i s e a n d p r o f i t a b i l i t y . I n addition, challenges of SMEs are related with their limited financial and human reso urces. The p ractical aim o f the research is to plan a model o f PL M acquisition and implementation for an SME.
Decision Engineering, 2019
The role of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) in business transformation varies in scope and impact. PLM initiatives range from Information System (IS) renewal to strategic business transformation, where often the capabilities to implement PLM successfully are unclear. This case study explains, through a case company example, the PLM concept journey from definition to implementation. It explains the variables influencing PLM transformation in an engineering technology company. This paper is based on an example carried out from 2011 to 2015 when the company's strategy transformed it from an engineering company to a product and service company. The outcome show how a strategy-driven PLM transformation impacts a company at many levels, and also why the first PLM initiative had limited success due to focusing on IS driven process harmonisation. The case study also highlights the importance of the knowledge of the products, services and enterprise architecture, but also business models. The conclusions show PLM being at the core of business transformation, a cross-functional activity impacting products, services and customers.
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 2010
This paper is a result of comprehensive consultation among the authors, with the scientists and leading actors in the area of PLM, which is a reference term for a list of phenomena currently ongoing in the industrial community. This paper discusses the pervasive concept of product lifecycle management (PLM), starting from its history to its constituent elements and its role in the current industry. The authors propose and elaborate their vision for the future steps of the PLM in terms of emerging issues and topics that industrial practitioners and researchers need to address.
Enterprise modelling has proved to be an efficient tool to study organisations' structure and facilitate decision making. The enterprise is a complex system that is required to use its processes to generate value in a given environment (concurrent, market, suppliers and humanity). We focus on three management disciplines: Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). These business processes are so intertwined that the enterprise has to concentrate on the three to attain its economic objectives. To enhance the development of PLM, SCM and CRM models, the enterprise needs to capitalise the knowledge necessary to adapt and apply modelling techniques. Knowledge Management (KM) is a key factor to give a unified enterprise vision. Firstly, we propose an integrated enterprise model depicting the interactions between PLM, SCM, CRM and KM models. But a state of the art showed that PLM models are scarce. Most of the PLM models found depends strongly on the particular case studied and can not be used with other enterprises. After defining the most important components of the PLM vision, we propose to organise these components into a formalised way. The study of SCM and CRM models proved to be helpful to structure these components. Finally the validation methodology that is to be established in our coming research works is not only to be used with the PLM model presented in this paper but with SCM and CRM models also.
This article proposes a scenario of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), as a innovative business strategy based on the analysis of business drivers, industry requirements, limit of current solution, and recent state-of-the-art review in the domain related to PLM. Potential industrial impact of the developed PLM technology solutions is analyzed. It is hoped that the proposed PLM technology solutions will form the frontier basis for further research, development, and application of PLM systems to quickly adapt to the dynamic changing market for industry companies to pursue the most advanced competitiveness. This article presents a process oriented framework to support effective PLM implementation with a set of lifecycle oriented business process reference models which links the necessary fundamental concepts, enterprise knowledge and software solutions to effectively deploy PLM.
While most SMEs in general are willing to invest into PLM systems, many are still apprehensive to the sometimes large initial investment to be made in terms of both software cost and the time needed to implement and integrate such system into their digital enterprise technology infrastructure. In light of this, it is crucial for their decision makers not only to understand the current PLM market, but also to become familiar with emerging trends and future developments in order to select a PLM solution that best fit the needs of their enterprise. In this chapter, the authors summarize a detailed analysis of the PLM market with the aim to provide educators, students, and decision makers in industry with an overview of the current PLM market as a whole. In addition, emerging trends and future developments are addressed.
Process planning knowledge (PPK) is one of the most important knowledge in production manufacturing enterprise. This paper analyzes the PPK and the concept of process planning information model (PPIM) implemented in production enterprise. In second part of the paper, there is done the basic information about PLM concept as a business strategy for product development where are included PPK and PPIM approaches, strategy which offer possibilities for innovation. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the process of managing the whole life cycle of a product starting from generating an idea, concept description, business analyzes, product design, solution architecture and technical implementation, to the successful entrance to the market, service, maintenance and innovative product improvement.
this paper is all you need to grasp the concept of product life cycle management
PLM is a comprehensive vision for management of all data related to product design, production, support (service) and final withdrawal from the market of manufactured products. The article is focused on integration between PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and Enterprise Resource Planning& data management programs (SAP). Thus, were identified the correlation between the elements of integrated information systems (SAP-Systems, Applications and Products) and traceability of finished goods according with customer complaints.
2008 The Third International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology (iccgi 2008), 2008
This paper explores the role of Product Life-cycle Management (PLM) systems in industry by evaluating their impact on business process improvement. In addition, future trends of these systems are also analyzed. A literature review and three case studies are used to answer specific research hypothesis, reflecting the suitability of qualitative research methods in this field. The case studies employed detailed questionnaires to support the literature review.
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