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Electronic Voting System has been implemented in the form of Electronic Voting Machine since last few decades with benefits over paper-based systems for their increased efficiency and reduced error rate. However, there remains challenges to achieve wide spread adoption of such systems especially with respect to improving their resilience against attacks such as malicious attacks,EVM hack which leads to loss of data andvote count tampering. Blockchain is a disruptive technology of current era that promises to improve the overall resilience of e-voting systems and allows voter to vote from any constituency. Several researches done on blockchain have proved that its properties such as immutability of information, decentralization and high scalability can overcome the downsides of current electoral systems.The project work attempts to implement blockchain technology concepts to leverage the benefits of both for the better implementation of a digital voting system.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020
Blockchain is cutting-edge technology and it has been gaining popularity for cryptocurrency and financial transactions. The transaction process is maintained by the blockchain, which can be used to verify the reliability of the transactional contract. The main effort in this study is the significant accessibility of block-chain based on other technologies including the electronic voting (e-voting) system. In particular, the traditional e-voting system has various limitations and challenges for a very long time. For building a secure e-voting system we have proposed a blockchain-based distributed application that offers fairness, transparency, and flexibility than the existing system. The paper presents a novel secured distributed database of the voter’s information, and voter information will be deposited against their private key and digital signature in the central database. Finally, the block-chain based application allows solid robustness, privacy, and transparency which improves the system reliability, secure and reductions the expenditure of hosting a countrywide election.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2020
E lections in a Western democracy are a very important case, but vast parts of citizens across the globe have no confidence in their democratic systems, this is a massive problem for democracy. Also the biggest economies in the world, such as India, the United States and Japan, are also struggling from a faulty democratic structure. Poll fraud, the theft of the EVM (electronic voting machine), the bribery of polls and the seizure of polling stations are the main problems with the new electoral method. In this research, we are researching the issues with the voting processes and attempting to develop the e-voting model that can fix certain issues. This research also attempts to analyze the use of blockchain to incorporate automated online voting systems as a software. The paper segment would illustrate several of the common blockchain systems that provide blockchain as a utility and related electronic e-voting mechanism that is focused on blockchain that fixes all shortcomings respec...
International Journal of New Practices in Management and Engineering, 2022
Voting is arguably the most important as well as elementary right in democracy that has existed for the past hundreds of years; it has taken place in the context of a large- and small-scale community. The process transitioned from paper ballots to electronic voting machines (EVM) in the late 20th century, but even with all the advancement, transparency in the election process remained the same. Blockchain technology came in existence in 2008 with the introduction of Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto, and in the last decade we saw enormous growth in development and execution of this technology in various fields e-voting is one of them, blockchain-based e-voting system has potential to improve the election process if utilized to its potential. Blockchain can eliminate the need to print ballot paper as it is secure, immutable and convenient to voters and can make elections more transparent.
ITM Web of Conferences
Election could be a important event during a trendy democracy however massive sections of society round the world don’t trust their election system that is major concern for the democracy. Even the world’s largest democracies like Republic of India, us, and Japan still suffer from a blemished legal system. Vote rigging, hacking of the EVM (Electronic vote machine), election manipulation, and booth capturing square measure the key problems within the current electoral system. during this system, we tend to square measure work the problems|the problems within the election vote systems and attempting to propose the E-voting model which might resolve these issues. The system can highlight a number of the popular blockchain frameworks that provide blockchain as a service and associated electronic E-voting system that is predicated on blockchain that addresses all limitations severally, it additionally preserve participant’s obscurity whereas still being hospitable public examination. Bui...
IGI Global eBooks, 2021
Electronic voting or e-voting has been used in varying forms since 1970s with fundamental benefits over paper based systems such as increased efficiency and reduced errors. However, there remain challenges to achieve wide spread adoption of such systems especially with respect to improving their resilience against potential faults. Blockchain is a disruptive technology of current era and promises to improve the overall resilience of e-voting systems. This paper presents an effort to leverage benefits of blockchain such as cryptographic foundations and transparency to achieve an effective scheme for evoting. The proposed scheme conforms to the fundamental requirements for e-voting schemes and achieves end-to-end verifiability. The paper presents details of the proposed e-voting scheme along with its implementation using Multichain platform. The paper presents in-depth evaluation of the scheme which successfully demonstrates its effectiveness to achieve an end-to-end verifiable e-voting scheme.
mantech publications, 2023
In a democratic country like India (which is the largest democracy in the world), voting plays a significant role in selecting government officials and showing our opinion on how the governing body to be formed. Blockchain platforms are already available, and many companies have already begun applying blockchains to their business. It is used in industry, but it can also be applied as a service and make voting more accessible. Online voting is an alternative to the old paper ballot system and the currently popular electronic voting machines (EVM). An electronic voting portal should offer security and integrity and the transparency of votes and voters' privacy. Therefore, NRIs and adult internet users can cast their ballots in a matter of seconds despite their location on the day of the election. This will be easy and more secure. In the current system, there's a high risk of false votes and damage to property. People don't want to stand in enormous queues and wait for a long time. Also, people who conduct the election have to follow a completely different procedure for voting, which takes more time, and there's no transparency. The paper also presents the state of the art of some blockchain frameworks for e-voting. This paper presents a literature review of the techniques used to tackle voting challenges.
An electronic voting system that uses blockchain technology completes the stage of establishing a secure and transparent environment for decisions where voters will actually want to vote only once and the vote will not be interrupted. The operation of the block chain will ensure that the votes are kept in line with them and that the situation is not deceived by any outsider. Protected electronic voting structures use a block chain which is a separate, distributed and tracking transaction record that follows peer-to-peer transactions. Each vote given will be considered a role as one job. These votes will be counted and the results will be reported immediately. Voting is a very important and important event organized in all countries by secret ballot or by ballot. Such processes have many drawbacks such as vote disruption, low turnout and so on. To overcome all this, we will introduce a series of voting programs.
In recent times, numerous accusations have been raised on the integrity of the EVMs used in the Indian elections. These accusations demand the need of a newer system that is in line with the present modern era and addresses these accusations. This new system must be an amalgamation of technology and trust, of modernity and tradition. It must be secure, auditable, and transparent and should reinforce the confidence of the voters in the democratic election process. Blockchain technology allows for development of a decentralized distributed open ledger. It offers features like immutability of data, integrity of data and resistance of data to modifications. We aim to use these features of Blockchain to build a voting machine that will solve existing issues with EVMs and will be sufficiently automated.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2023
In today’s digital environment, the voting system has moved from paper based to a digital system. A digital e-voting system has many properties such as transparency, decentralization, irreversibility, and non-repudiation. The growth in the digital e-voting system raises many security and transparency issues. In this paper, we used the blockchain technology in the digital electronic voting system to solve the security issues and ful?ll the system requirements. It offers new opportunities to deploy a secure e-voting system in any organization or country. The solution is far better as compared to other solutions because it is a decentralized system, containing the results in the form of bit-coins, having different locations. We will also analyze the security of our proposed voting system, which shows our protocol is more secure as compared to other solutions. The paper proposes a novel electronic voting system based on block chain that addresses some of the limitations in existing systems and evaluates some of the popular blockchain frameworks for the purpose of constructing a blockchain based e-voting system. In particular, we evaluate the potential of distributed ledger technologies through the description of a case study namely, the process of an election, and the implementation of a blockchain based application, which improves the security and decreases the cost of hosting a nation wide election.
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 2020
Nowadays, normal voting using EVM(Electronic voting machine) which stores the votes of each voter in a centralized database. And after researching many different e-voting applications, most of the application used centralized data storage as the database. As, these centralized databases stores the complete data at a single location and is easy hackable and can be tampered with. Hence, due to this the data can be inconsistent while voting count and will not provide us with the correct result.Hence, using blockchain technology, we create a decentralized application where the tampering of data becomes almost impossible as Blockchain uses the decentralized algorithm for the data storage where the data is stored at a single location. The main objective of E-voting system using blockchain is to create a e-voting system underneath using a blockchain technology. This system is just like a normal voting system, of which same process is conducted on e-voting which used to be conducted on the normal paper-based voting with the use of mobile, web browser for the voting purpose by the voters. Therefore, this paper will give a review of blockchain technology and how this technology will be used in E-voting system.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2019
The aspect of electoral fraud and lack of transparency in the conventional voting system employed in India is a major problem that requires attention. The objective is to implement a secure e-voting system based on blockchain technology that counteracts the above-mentioned issues. The aim is to fight electoral malpractices by developing a system which will keep data secure in digital voting and prevent tampering of data while introducing a level of transparency in the system. One might argue that online voting is susceptible to database manipulation, however the adoption of blockchain technology solves this by its inherent property of decentralization wherein data is not stored in a central database, rather distributed over a vast network of peered systems. Electoral fraud in the form of voter impersonation and voting multiple times can be solved by the use of biometric voter authentication which has been implemented in the prototype of an Electronic Voting Machine (EVM). This paper discusses the design and implementation of the system proposed.
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research , 2021
A system with a porous electoral process will produce the wrong leadership. The quality of an election determines the quality of the selected leadership of a community, state, and nation at large. Over the years, different solutions ranging from the manual method to electronic methods have been proposed to address the various electoral malpractices associated with elections, however, the key issues of privacy, trust, and fairness in elections yet remain. In this research, we proposed an electronic voting system based on blockchain technology to address the identified issues of privacy, trust, and fairness. Smart contracts which kept track of votes in real-time and maintained the security of the electoral process were also proposed. The system was implemented on the Ethereum blockchain network, where Ganache was used to perform simulations of the voting process. We finally recommended that small-scale and medium-scale businesses could firstly adopt the system, after which, it could be implemented on a larger scale such as in national elections.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology -IJRASET, 2020
With the advent of IoT, gadgets are now becoming more smart and independent. Truth is that the transformation towards the innovation is in progress yet there are still flaws, mainly in security areas like dependence on the data. Keeping in mind the advancement of IoT in the future, trusting in this vast approaching data source is of great importance. Blockchain is reached up to the position where it became the key innovation that will change the way we share data. Providing trust in conveyed situations, without using any advanced technical team is a development, which could change the way of working of numerous enterprises, the IoT amongst them. We can say with confidence that the concept of Blockchain, which is the technology behind crypto currency [3] Bitcoin [1], introduced a new era in the world of Internet and online services. In this paper, we will talk about develop a secure E-voting system using Blockchain technology where nobody can manipulate the votes and every user can vote only once. This is possible using the advantage of Ethereum smart contracts [2]. Smart contracts make it a powerful tool for the digitization of services in the Ethereum platform. Blockchain with smart contracts develops a safe, cheap, secure and transparent E-voting system. Ethereum and its network are suitable for it. Due to its consistency, large scale use and provision of smart contract logic. E-voting is an application that is possible using Blockchain technology with infused smart contracts. It needs to be digitalized over the Internet & that's what we will be working upon.
Springer, 2021
Governance for the people of any country is executed by the democratically elected party through the voting process. Earlier the paper ballot voting system was used manually, which was later substituted by Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) in India. This mechanism has been suspected by some people and the possibilities of tampering in process cannot be ruled out. Every citizen of the country gradually expects to introduce the user-friendly, flexible, cost-effective, transparent, accurate, reliable, robust, and secure voting system in the twenty-first century using the latest concepts of emerging Blockchain technology by building Next-Generation Electoral system. It can save time, reduce cost and electoral fraud, increase voter privacy, and remove a lot of hurdles in the voting process on a secured platform, thereby increasing voter involvement and participation. The paper comprises of general evaluation of the current voting mechanism and proposes an effective and viable alternative model using Blockchain technology. This paper also provides a comparison of various prequalified criteria comprising of costing, timing, security, transparency, audit of voting process, and risk factors involved.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
The paper aims to propose a new system for conducting secure digital voting using blockchain technology. The existing voting systems face several challenges such as a lack of transparency, security vulnerabilities, and limited accessibility. To overcome these challenges, this research paper proposes the use of blockchain technology to provide a decentralized, transparent, and secure voting system. The paper outlines the technical design and architecture of the proposed system, highlighting the key features and benefits. The system is designed to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the voting process, while also providing accessibility and ease of use for voters. The proposed system consists of several modules, including the voter registration module, the authentication module, the votecasting module, and the vote-counting module. Each module has a specific set of functionalities that contribute to the overall security and efficiency of the system. The paper concludes by discussing the potential applications and benefits of the proposed system. The proposed system has the potential to revolutionize the way elections are conducted, by providing a secure, transparent, and accessible platform for voters. Overall, the research paper presents a comprehensive solution to the challenges faced by traditional voting systems and offers a promising new approach to conducting secure and efficient digital voting.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
A blockchain is decentralized immutable ledger technology maintaining integrity. So to conduct tamperproof election it’s one of the approach towards it. Smart contracts are Self executed code that is written on Ethereum platform in blockchain. An E-voting system should be completely secure and does not allow voting twice that is double spending in blockchain. So it should be completely transparent. In research work electronic voting application is implemented and tested using smart contract on Ethereum platform with the help of metamask wallet. The results of ballots and votes will be stored on Ethereum blockchain with the help of consensus algorithm proof of stake. This consensus is used in validating a transaction with concept of majority approval. Current electronic voting system requires a centralized authority to control the procedure from ballot input to result output and for monitoring of election. While blockchain technology provide decentralized system which is open across ...
IRJET, 2022
Elections play an essential role in any democracy. Elections give the people a right to choose whichever political party or independent candidate they deem fit to govern the country. This entire process requires safeguarding the anonymity of the voter and the surety that the votes cast are not tampered with at any time. The current voting system seems to be lacking in these crucial aspects and can be easily tampered with to favor a specific candidate or political party. The paper elucidates the requirements of building electronic voting systems and identifies the legal and technological limitations of using blockchain as a service for realizing such systems. Through this paper we intend to use blockchain technology to safeguard the identity of the voter and to make sure that vote cast cannot be tampered with under any circumstances. Doing so will protect the democratic rights of all the citizens. We also intend to address the problems faced in the Blockchain based Voting System (BVM).
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2021
Increasingly digital technology in the present helped many people lives. Unlike the electoral system, there are many conventional uses of paper in its implementation. The aspect of security and transparency is a threat from still widespread election with the conventional system (offline). General elections still use a centralized system, there is one organization that manages it. Some of the problems that can occur in traditional electoral systems is with an organization that has full control over the database and system, it is possible to tamper with the database of considerable opportunities. Blockchain technology is one of solutions, because it embraces a decentralized system and the entire database are owned by many users. Blockchain itself has been used in the Bitcoin system known as the decentralized Bank system. By adopting blockchain in the distribution of databases on e-voting systems can reduce one of the cheating sources of database manipulation. This research discusses the recording of voting result using blockchain algorithm from every place of election. Unlike Bitcoin with its Proof of Work, this thesis proposed a method based on a predetermined turn on the system for each node in the built of blockchain
TJPRC Journals, 2019
It's time to upgrade voting system using blockchain technology. Earlier people were able to trust each other upon a handshake but today it's extremely difficult to trust the digital world. It requires to authenticate identity and proving permission. With blockchain technology these two requirements are fulfilled. Blockchain is not an application nor a company. It is a solution for corruption. Democratic voting is critical and serious event in our country. By making use of blockchain which is a secure and robust system for digital voting can be devised. Traditional voting system uses centralized system, and there is one organization that manages it. It is possible to alter the database but by adopting blockchain technology which is a decentralized system we can prevent tampering and manipulation. Our proposed system achieves end-to-end verifiability using consensus algorithm. We present our efforts to explore use of blockchain technology to seek solutions to problems in traditional voting system. Blockchain technology has positive impacts on our social life. This system will help increase the number of voters as well as the trust of people in their government.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023
Electronic voting, or e-voting, has been used in various forms since the 1970s. B. Increase efficiency and reduce errors. However, wide adoption of such systems remains a challenge, especially in terms of improving resilience to potential failures. Blockchain is a disruptive technology of our time and promises to improve the overall resilience of electronic voting systems. The democratic system is fundamentally based on the right to vote that Allow individuals within the community to express their opinions. While voter turnout has declined in recent years, concerns about the integrity, security, and accessibility of the current voting system have increased. Electronic voting was introduced to address these concerns. However, it is not cost-effective and requires full oversight by a central authority. Blockchain is an emerging decentralized and decentralized technology that promises to improve many aspects of many industries. Extending e-voting to blockchain technology could be a solution to alleviating current concerns about e-voting. In this paper, I proposed a voting system that leverages the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts to achieve voter management and verifiable voting records.
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