Axiomatization of a Class of Parametrised Bisimilarities

Perspectives in Concurrency Theory

The question of when two nondeterministic concurrent systems are behaviourally related has occupied a large part of the literature on process algebra and has yielded a variety of equivalences (and congruences) and preorders (and precongruences) all based on the notion of bisimulations. Recently one of the authors has tried to unify a class of these bisimulation based relations by a parametrised notion of bisimu- lation and shown that the properties of the bisimilarity relations are often inherited from those of the underlying relationships between the observables. In addition to the usual strong and weak bisimilarity relations, it is possible to capture some other bisimilarity relations – those sensitive to costs, performance, dis- tribution or locations etc – by parametrised bisimulations. In this paper we present an equational axiomatization of all equivalence relations that fall in the class of parametrised bisimilarities without empty observables. Our axiomatization has been inspired by the axiomatization of observational congruence by Bergstra and Klop and attempts to extend it for parametrised bisimilarities. The axiomatization has been proven to be complete for finite process graphs relative to a complete axiomatization for the relations on observables. In the process, we also show that in the absence of empty observables, all preorders and equivalence relations are also precongruences and congruences, respectively.