DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 18

2005, Nature


Chromosome 13 is the largest acrocentric human chromosome. It carries genes involved in cancer including the breast cancer type 2 (BRCA2) and retinoblastoma (RB1) genes, is frequently rearranged in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, and contains the DAOA locus associated with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. We describe completion and analysis of 95.5 megabases (Mb) of sequence from chromosome 13, which contains 633 genes and 296 pseudogenes. We estimate that more than 95.4% of the protein-coding genes of this chromosome have been identified, on the basis of comparison with other vertebrate genome sequences. Additionally, 105 putative non-coding RNA genes were found. Chromosome 13 has one of the lowest gene densities (6.5 genes per Mb) among human chromosomes, and contains a central region of 38 Mb where the gene density drops to only 3.1 genes per Mb.

Key takeaways

  • The long arm of chromosome 13 therefore measures 97.2 Mb, and the finished sequence covers 98.3% of the total (see and Supplementary Table S2).
  • Chromosome 13 contains only five of the 616 transfer RNA genes that have been found in the human genome.
  • This region contains the largest gene on the chromosome (GPC5) as well as two others (GPC6 and HS6ST3) each covering over 500 kb.
  • The recombination rate in male meiosis is particularly low (0.36 cM Mb -1 ) in the central 42 Mb portion of the chromosome between D13S1269 and D13S71, which corresponds to the region of lowest gene density on the chromosome.
  • As described in Supplementary Table S8, several other such genes have been linked to chromosome 13 but remain to be identified.