Evidence-based social work: a critical stance


Evidence-based practice is a subject fraught with controversy within social work circles but the debates it engenders are enriching and worthwhile for a profession like social work which prides itself on its value-driven, ethical practice. We have debated the issues among ourselves and have explored all sides of the debate, at times, bogged down in a quagmire and at other times liberated by the new ideas these debates unleashed. And certain people have been an invaluable catalyst and support along the way. We would especially like to thank all those people who so willingly responded to our requests for information and clarification and would like to mention in particular . They, along with many others cited in this book, have made an invaluable contribution to contemporary ideas about evidence-based social work and its workability or not. Even its staunchest advocates are seriously grappling with issues of translation and implementation and how to increase the uptake of evidence-based social work by human service agencies, including managers and