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2013, Advances in Pure Mathematics
Such a property is not shared by vector valued set functions. We introduce a suitable definition of the integral that will extend the above property to the vector valued case in its full generality. We also discuss a further extension of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for additive set functions with values in an infinite dimensional normed space.
We extend additive set-valued set functions and normal multimeasures defined on a ring of subsets. We also prove a Carathéodory-Hahn-Kluvanek-type theorem for additive set-valued set functions. Finally, we establish results on the extension of transition multimeasures.
Aequationes Mathematicae, 1970
Aequationes Mathematicae, 1990
A set-valued function F from a cone C with a cone-basis of a topological vector space X into the family of all non-empty compact convex subsets of a locally convex space Y is called superadditive provided that F(x)+ F(y)= F(x +y), for all x, y ~ C. We show that every superadditive set-valued function admits an additive selection. Let (C, +) and (Y, +) be two semigroups. A set-valued function F from C into the family of all non-empty subsets of Y is said to be superadditive provided that F(x) + F(y) c F(x + y) for all x, y e C. Properties of superadditive set-valued functions were investigated by W. Smajdor in [13]. In this paper the existence of their additive selections is considered, i.e. homomorphisms f: C-~ Y such that f(x) e F(x) for all x e C. Such a problem for additive set-valued functions was studied by H. Rhdstr6m [11], K. Nikodem [7], [8] and K. Przes/rawski [10]. Some existence theorems for additive selections of subadditive set-valued functions are given by P. Kranz [5], Z. Gajda and R. Ger [3] and by W. Smajdor [12]. EXAMPLE. Consider C = Y = (0, ~) and a function g: C-~ Y. The set-valued function F(x)= [g(x), ~) is superadditive if and only if g is subadditive, i.e. g(x + y) <~ g(x) + g(y), x, y e C. Assume that F admits an additive selection f. The theorem of Bernstein and Doetsch implies the continuity of f and the equality f(x) = cx holds for x e (0, oo) with a certain c e R. Thus the function x-lg(x) is bounded above by c. Conversely, if the function x-~g(x) is bounded above by a constant c > 0, then the function x ~ cx is an additive selection of F. The
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire, 1989
Proto-differentiability of set-valued mappings and its applications in optimization Annales de l'I. H. P., section C, tome S6 (1989), p. 449-482 <> © Gauthier-Villars, 1989, tous droits réservés. L'accès aux archives de la revue « Annales de l'I. H. P., section C » ( implique l'accord avec les conditions générales d'utilisation ( Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d'une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fichier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques
Journal of Mathematical Extension, 2017
We extend the notions of integration and differentiation to cover the class of functions taking values in topological vector spaces. We give versions of the Lebesgue-Nikodym Theorem and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus in such a more general setting.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2012
In a previous paper, we presented a set-valued Egoroff type theorem for monotone set multifunctions. In this paper, a new version of this set-valued Egoroff type theorem is obtained. It enables a set-valued Lusin type theorem for null-null-additive monotone continuous set multifunctions to be established. Several applications of this Lusin type theorem are given. Pointing out some relationships among -measurability, A-measurability and totally measurability of real functions, we also compare our new Lusin type theorem with Lusin's theorem previously obtained by the second author.
Mathematische Zeitschrift, 1979
We show that there is a probability space X and a bounded scalarly measurable function from X to #~ which has no Pettis integral (Theorem 2B). Our method relies on a new decomposition theorem for additive functionals defined on power sets (Theorem 1H). As another corollary we prove the existence of an indefinite Pettis integral with non-totally-bounded range (Example 2D).
In this paper we deal with the variation of a set multifunction with respect to a set-norm on the family of non-empty subsets of a commutative semigroup with unity and present some results concerning the transfer of some properties (such as fuzzyness, continuity from below, null-additivity, null-null-additivity) between a set multifunction and its variation.
Every uniformly exhaustive submeasure is equivalent to a measure. From this, we deduce that every vector measure with compact range in an F-space has a control measure. We also show that c0 (or any E^-space) is a Xspace, i.e. cannot be realized as the quotient of a nonlocally convex f-space by a one-dimensional subspace.
Aequationes Mathematicae, 1996
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2011
On Logical, Algebraic, and Probabilistic Aspects of Fuzzy Set Theory, 2016
It is given a short overview of some integrals of multifunctions based on additive measures, as strong, Aumann and Aumann-Gould integrals. It is considered also a multi-valued Choquet integral based on a multisubmeasure. Then it is introduced a set-valued Gould type integral of multifunctions with values in the family of all nonempty bounded subsets of a real Banach space X and with respect to an arbitrary non-negative set function. There are given some basic properties of the integrable multifunctions, and some continuity properties of the multimeasure induced by set-valued integral.
Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2019
In this article, we introduce the notion of “metrically differentiable” for set-valued functions. By using this notion, it is shown that each Lipschitz set-valued function is differentiable almost everywhere. Its relationship to the differentiation in the sense of Hukuhara and its generalizations are also discussed.
In this paper, we study different types of non-additive set multifunctions (such as: uniformly autocontinuous, null-additive, null-null-additive), presenting relationships among them and some of their properties regarding atoms and pseudo-atoms. We also study non-atomicity and non-pseudo-atomicity of regular null-additive set multifunctions defined on the Baire (Borel respectively) δ-ring of a Hausdorff locally compact space and taking values in the family of non-empty closed subsets of a real normed space.
We investigate possible extensions of various types of continuity of aggregation functions to their superand sub-additive transformations. More specifically, we examine lifts of classical, uniform, Lipschitz and Hölder continuities and differentiability. The classical, uniform, and Lipschitz continuities turn out to be preserved by superand sub-additive transformations (albeit for uniform continuity and the super-additive case we prove it only in dimension one), while the Hölder continuity and differentiability are not. AMS Classification: 26B05.
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 1992
The set functions associated with Schr odinger's equation are known to be unbounded on the algebra of cylinder sets. However, there do exist examples of scalar values set functions which are unbounded, yet -additive on the underlying algebra of sets. The purpose of this note is to show that the set functions associated with Schr odinger's equation and not -additive on cylinder sets. In the course of the proof, general conditions implying the non -additivity of unbounded set functions are given.
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 1997
In this paper we deal with the variation of a set multifunction with respect to a set-norm on the family of non-empty subsets of a commutative semigroup with unity and present some results concerning the transfer of some properties (such as fuzzyness, continuity from below, null-additivity, null-null-additivity) between a set multifunction and its variation. Key–Words: Variation; Set-norm; Fuzzy; Continuous from below; Null-additive; Null-null-additive; Exhaustive; Set Multifunction.
Let D & R 2 be an arbitrary set.We consider the following question:What kind of assumptions on D imply that every additive function f X R 3 R satisfying the condition
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2016
In this paper, continuity properties of set multifunctions, such as regularity and continuity from above and below (as well as others), are introduced by way of a Wijsman topology. Some of the relationships between them are established. Different examples, counterexamples and applications are provided.
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