Important Aspects of the Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure



Relevance of the topic. Chronic HF is a disease with a complex of characteristic symptoms (shortness of breath, fatigue and decreased physical activity, edema, etc.) associated with inadequate perfusion of organs and tissues at rest or during exercise and often with fluid retention in the body. Decompensation of CHF often leads to death, which becomes a socio-economic problem for the state. The problem of preventing decompensation and creating the basis for a stable course of CHF is one of the main tasks of the cardiological medical community [4].Although there have been many advances and achievements in medicine in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the prevalence of CHF is steadily increasing, ranging from 1.5 to 2.0% in the general population, and among people over 65 years of age it reaches 6-17%. Among the causes of disability and mortality of the population, CHF occupies a high level. More than 70% of men and 63% of women with CHF die within 6 years after the first clinical manifestations of the disease. According to some researchers, CHF will become the main problem of cardiology that society will have to face in the next 50 years [1, 7].CHF is a pathophysiological syndrome in which, as a result of one or another disease of the cardiovascular system or under the influence of other etiological causes, there is a violation of the ability of the heart to fill or empty, accompanied by an imbalance of neurohumoral systems (RAAS, sympatho-adrenal system, natriuretic peptide system, kinin -kallikrein system) with the development of vasoconstriction and fluid retention, which leads to further dysfunction of the heart (remodeling) and other target organs (proliferation), as well as to a mismatch between the provision of organs and tissues of the body with blood and oxygen with their metabolic needs.