Education System in Vedic Period

2017, Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research

Abstract: The teacher-taught relationship was very cordial and thus like the Father-son relationship during Vedic age educational history of India can be divided into several epics each having a characteristics educational pattern of its own. The chronological limits of these epochs may be considered to coincide with ancient, medieval and modern Indian including post independence era. The ancient India education emerged from the Vedas, because the Vedas are the source of Indian Philosophy of life. Veda means knowledge. During this period education was divided into two kinds of knowledge this worldly and other worldly. This worldly education dealt with the social aspect, whereas, the other worldly education was related to intellectual pursuits for achieving salvation. The main objective of Vedic education was the development of physical, moral and intellectual powers of main and to achieve salvation much emphasis was laid on attention, concentration and Yoga. Education was free of co...