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1990, Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria
16 pages
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Growth in length and weight of Psetta maxima in consecutive years of life was determined basing on back calculation of age from the otoliths. Von Bertalanffy's equation and Szypul'a!s polynomials were also used.
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2001
The age and growth of turbot Psetta maxima in the Black Sea were examined from specimens caught by both coastal fisheries in Trabzon and a trawl net survey of the Trabzon Fisheries Research Institute from December 1997 to July 1999. The number of otoliths available for examination was 641 pairs of otoliths. We counted the number of otolith opaque and hyaline zones and measured the otolith and ring radii. Monthly changes in the ratio of the number of opaque edges and marginal growth rate indicated that a single ring was formed once a year for both sexes. The relations of back-calculated standard length(cm) L(t) to age t(years old) expressed using the Bertalanffy growth equation were represented as L(t)=54.8{1-e- 0.481(t + 0.011)} and L(t)=45.0{1-e- 0.597(t+0.011)} for female and male, respectively. The estimate of growth coefficient did not differ from those of turbot in the Gulf of Lion and in a release-recapture experiment in the Black Sea, but were nearly twice as large as that in...
The international journal of marine science, 2012
The growth parameters, mortality rates and exploitation population dynamic parameters and exploitation rate of Psettodes erumei were assessed between July 2010 to June 2011 using length frequency analysis. The data were collected from landing sites of Jask, Bandar Abass, Kong and Qeshm Hormozgan province waters. Using total weight (W) and total length (TL) data, the length- weight relationship of this fish species was described as W=00037/L33652/ pertaining to alometric growth. Asymptotic length (L∞) = 74.55 cm, coefficient growth (k)= 0.23 year-1, t0 = - 0.61, longevity (tmax)= 12.43 years and the growth performance index (Φ')= 3.10 were estimated through the ELEFAN I routine and other modules from the FISAT program. Total mortality (Z), natural mortality (M), and fishing mortality (F) were then calculated as 1.2 year-1, 0.51 year-1, 0.69 year-1 respectively. Although, the estimated exploitation ratio (E= 0.57) was well fitted with the optimum level, careful examination of expl...
Aquaculture, 2010
Biometry, growth, survival and mortality rates as well as reproduction of O. edulis have been evaluated in the Taranto Sea, a semi-enclosed basin of the North-Western Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Sea). A crossed experimental design with 3 factors (container, depth and stocking density) was defined to investigate their effect on the sizes, growth performance, survival and mortality rates. Moreover, the reproduction was studied to better understand the life cycle of the species in the basin. The investigated experimental conditions caused significant differences in both size changes and growth parameters. In particular, the density was the main factor influencing both biometry and growth. The oysters cultivated at low density showed L ∞ (155.46±46.38 mm DVL), k (0.42±0.25 year −1 ) and Φ′ (2.00) values significantly higher than those reared at high density L ∞ (134.28±36.13 mm DVL), k (0.35±0.22 year − 1 ) and Φ′ (1.80). The winter point (WP) occurred during winter and the strength of the seasonal oscillation (C) ranged between 0.10 and 0.37. No significant differences between the experimental rearing conditions were observed in either survival (S) or mortality (Z) rates. Oysters reared at low and high density showed mean S values equal to 0.88±0.03 and 0.89 ± 0.03, respectively as well as mean Z values equal to 0.13±0.03 and 0.12±0.04. Maturation of gonads occurred continuously during the year showing a slackening during summer when the highest temperatures were recorded in the water column. In addition, the highest percentages of fluent gonads were observed during winter. Histological analysis confirmed the macroscopic observation of gonads. In particular, gamete differentiation was observed during late autumn and early winter. An inverse correlation between the condition index and the mean temperature in the water column was observed throughout the study period. The present results indicate an optimal crop age of about 2 years, corresponding to the commercial size of 8-9 cm dorsal-ventral length and weight of 55-60 g.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2020
The catch of Japanese butterfish, Psenopsis anomala in Taiwan is greater than those of any other nation; however, the biology, particularly the age and growth, of this economically important fish species is little known. This study describes the age and growth of P. anomala based on 734 specimens (340 females, 363 males, 31 unsexed) caught by trawl fishery in the northeastern waters off Taiwan from March 2007 to July 2008. The age of specimens was estimated by counting the growth annuli in sagittal otoliths. The periodicity of annulus deposition on otolith was estimated to be one year with opaque zone deposited between July and August based on marginal increment analysis. The maximum age for both sexes was estimated to be ∼4. The female portion of the population was dominated by the 3 + age class, while the male portion was dominated by the 2∞ age class. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function with standard error estimated based on the observed length at age using a non-linear method are as follows: L ∞ = 25.47 ± 0.65 cm, k = 0.30 ± 0.03 year −1 , and t 0 = −1.84 ± 0.16 year for females (n = 350), and L ∞ = 22.39 ± 0.45 cm, k = 0.46 ± 0.04 year −1 , and t 0 = −1.38 ± 0.13 year for males (n = 378). The growth performances of P. anomala reported from different geographic regions were compared, and the potential influences of sample size distribution on the estimated growth parameters were further discussed.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2009
Seasonal growth pattern and reproductive biology of the Baltic prawn, Palaemon adspersus, were studied in the southern Black Sea between February 2002 and January 2004. The seasonal von Bertalanffy growth parameters, computed from monthly length -frequency distributions, were estimated as L 1 ¼ 62.99 mm TL, K ¼ 1.190 year 21 , C ¼ 0.815, and WP ¼ 0.847 for females and as L 1 ¼ 49.63 mm TL, K ¼ 1.085 year 21 , C ¼ 0.011, and WP ¼ 0.407 for males. Growth performance index of females (F 0 ¼ 3.67) was greater than it was for males (F 0 ¼ 3.43). Based on latitudinal gradients, water temperature negatively affected F 0 of P. adspersus. Sexual dimorphism in size was evident, females being larger than males. This typically shallow water species was observed in water depths as deep as 30 m. Compared to shallower water depths, larger individuals were observed in deeper water depths. The size at sexual maturity for females (TL 50 ) was estimated as 53.60 mm TL. Ovigerous females were recorded from March to August and juveniles appeared in the benthic population in August. Ovary development was related to photoperiod and occurrence of ovigerous females was linked to increased water temperature.
Crustaceana, 2014
From June 2006 to May 2007, monthly samples of Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) were collected on land from the landings of two different, although contiguous, fishing grounds exploited by the bottom trawl fisheries of the two fishing harbours of Terrasini and Porticello, located on the north-western coast of Sicily. Carapace length (CL) of the female and male deep-water rose shrimp in Terrasini ranged from 9 to 32 mm and 13 to 26 mm, respectively, whereas in Porticello the length ranged from 8 to 31 mm and 13 to 26 mm, respectively. The Von Bertalanffy Growth Function parameters for Terrasini females and males were CL ∞ = 38.5 mm, K = 0.65 year −1 and CL ∞ = 32.5 mm, K = 0.85 year −1 , respectively. For Porticello females and males, the parameters were CL ∞ = 40 mm, K = 0.60 year −1 and CL ∞ = 30 mm, K = 0.76 year −1 , respectively. Analysis of maturity stages indicates that the deep-water rose shrimp is an asynchronous batch of almost continuous spawners, although one to two peaks of activity can be detected. In both fishing areas, the reproductive phase peaked twice, once in January and again from August to September. The sizes at first maturity (CL 50% ) were 27.8 and 26.6 mm CL for Terrasini and Porticello, respectively. RIASSUNTO Campioni mensili di Parapenaeus longirostris (Lucas, 1846) sono stati raccolti allo sbarco di due differenti, sebbene limitrofe, marinerie della Sicilia nord occidentale (Terrasini e Porticello) nel periodo compreso tra Giugno 2006 e Maggio 2007. La lunghezza del carapace di maschi e femmine nella marineria di Terrasini era compresa rispettivamente tra 9 e 32 mm e tra 13 e 26 mm, mentre nella marineria di Porticello risultava compresa tra 8 e 31 mm e tra 13 e 26 mm. I parametri GROWTH AND REPRODUCTION OF PARAPENAEUS LONGIROSTRIS 1169
Scientia Marina, 2002
The joint analysis of data from different programs represents a good opportunity to improve knowledge about the condition of any exploited populations. This note investigates the influence of lag-time in sample characteristics (growth rate and recruitment) by following a simple and quick exploratory procedure. In order to illustrate this approach, the Greater Fork-beard (Phycis blennoides Brunnich, 1768), a species with discrete recruitment pattern and available to the capture process in the first years of life, was considered . The length-frequency distributions (LFD), obtained during five spring (MEDITS - International) and successive autumn (GRUND - Italian) bottom trawl surveys, conducted from 1994 to 1998, in the Strait of Sicily and Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Mediterranean) were analysed. The procedure was divided into three steps. Firstly, the LFD were analysed in order to estimate the mean length of the first component in each survey. Secondly, for each survey, the difference ...
This study compares the effect of temperature on the post-embryonic development time and weight-specific growth rate in 2 populations of Acartia clausi from different biogeographic areas (northern and southern Europe). Development was followed from nauplius I to adult at 3 temperatures (10, 15 and 18°C) at saturating food conditions. The relationship between development time and temperature was established by fitting Belehradek's function. The northern population had a shorter generation time at all temperatures. At 10°C, the development time was estimated to be 33.9 and 36.4 d decreasing to 16.3 and 17.4 d at 18°C for the northern and southern populations, respectively. Prosome length decreased with temperature, and the southern population had longer individuals at all temperatures. ANCOVA revealed a significant (p < 0.001) positive effect of temperature on the growth rates, and nauplii grew faster than copepodites (except at 18°C in the southern population and 20°C in the northern population). Significant differences between populations were noted during larval growth, with nauplii from the north growing faster at high temperatures (18°C). The results indicate that the 2 A. clausi allopatric populations subjected to different temperature regimes have different temperature responses, in particular at high temperatures.
Journal of Fish Biology, 2009
In the present study, sagittal otoliths of confirmed male and female specimens of the gulf toadfish Opsanus beta that were collected monthly over the course of a year from Biscayne Bay, Florida, U.S.A. were analysed. The timing and frequency of O. beta spawning seasons are reported by examination of the gonado-somatic index. The estimated ages of males and females ranged from <1 year to 6 and 5 years, respectively. Strong sexual dimorphism in growth was apparent with von Bertalanffy parameter estimates for males of L ∞ = 393•8 mm, K = 0•30, t 0 = 0•36 and females of L ∞ = 201•1 mm, K = 0•79, t 0 = 0•47. Comparison with previously published growth trajectories of the more northerly distributed conspecific Opsanus tau showed that O. beta males had a higher growth rate. Female O. beta and O. tau growth trajectories appear similar, with an indication that the former becomes asymptotic at least a year before the latter. Results are discussed in the context of temperature regimes, reproductive energy allocation and waste urea excretion in the two species.
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Molecular Ecology, 2006
Crustaceana, 2006
Fisheries Research, 2006
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences, 2019
Fisheries Research, 2018
Scientia Marina, 2015
Scientia Marina, 2006
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2014
Polar Biology, 1988
Acta Ichthyologica Et Piscatoria, 2012
Mediterranean Marine Science, 2002
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1987
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research