Black hole geometric thermodynamics

Section 1 reviews the history of Differential Geometry derived from a fundamental tensor of type (0, 2) and points out which Hessian is more convenient to be fundamental tensor. Section 2 starts with the fundamental tensor h = Hess g f , gives the Christoffel symbols and the system of geodesics, establishes the relation between the components of the curvature tensors field of h and (R n , g), and determines the PDEs representing the coincidence between the Christoffel symbols of h and the Christoffel symbols of g. Section 3 analyses the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole from Pidokrajt point of view and from our point of view, underlying the physical characteristics of the geometrical models via fundamental tensor, Christoffel symbols, geodesics and curvature. The physical geometric models are total different, the most important differences being the degeneration curves, the null length curves and the sign of sectional curvature.