Letters from a Poet - Sample

2022, Letters from a Poet


Abstract: This paper is a poetic response to Lucius Annaeus Seneca's Stoical work titled "Letters from a Stoic" also known as "Moral Letters to Lucilius" and " Lucilium Ad Epistulae Moralis." It pained me greatly to have read (and re-read) Seneca's letters numerous times and to have always been left wanting to hear the other side's view on life, morality, philosophy, seclusion, suicide, and all of the other things that plague lesser men than they. It is my hope, no, my dream, that this work will receive the feedback I desire to help push me further along to all 124 letters. I encourage you to read the original letters themselves (link below) first and, perhaps, take notes of key points in order to check my poems for any continuity errors. I encourage constructive criticism and feedback. If there is anything you believe should be changed, let me know. William T. Earhart