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2018, Mathematical Problems in Engineering
This special issue highlights the significant advancements in the modelling, analysis, and design of delayed systems, which are prevalent across various fields including industrial, communication, and biological processes. Central themes include the stability analysis of Time Delay Systems (TDSs), control strategies, and applications of specific case studies such as underactuated systems and environmental engineering. The contributions also cover innovative control methods that respond to measurement delays and dynamic feedback systems aimed at reducing carbon emissions.
European Journal of Control, 2011
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
Stability and stabilization of time delay systems (even of the linear ones) is again in the mainstream of the research. A most recent example is the stability analysis of feedback control loops containing a first order controlled object with pure delay and a standard PID controller, thus generating a system with a second degree quasi-polynomial as characteristic equation. Since the classical memoir ofČebotarev and Meiman (1949) up to the more recent monographs by Stepan (1989) and several approaches to this problem have been given, aiming to find the most complete Routh-Hurwitz type conditions for this case. In fact the main problem is here a missing case in the original memoir ofČebotarev and Meiman and its significance within the framework of the most recent analysis of Górecki et al. The present paper aims to a fairly complete analysis of the problem combined with some hints for the nonlinear case (Aizerman problem).
IEEE Access
This paper gives an overview of the stability analysis of systems with delay-dependent coefficients. Such systems are frequently encountered in various scientific and engineering applications. Most such analyses are generalization of those on systems with delay-independent coefficients. Therefore an introduction on systems with delay-independent coefficients is also given, with an emphasis on the τ-decomposition approach. Methods for two key ingredients of this approach are discussed, namely the identification of imaginary characteristic roots with the corresponding delays, and local behavior analysis of these roots as the delay increases through these critical values. For systems with delay-dependent coefficients, we review the methods of analysis for systems with a single delay and commensurate delays, their application to output feedback control and a geometric perspective that establishes a link between systems with and without delay-dependent coefficients. We provide the main ideas of various stability analysis methods and their advantages and limitations. We also present our perspectives on future directions of research on this interesting topic.
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 1998
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Stability and control of time-delay systems.-(Lecture notes in control and information sciences ; 228) 1.Delaylines 2.Delaylines-Stability LDugard, L. II.Verriest, Eriklsidoor 003.8 ISBN 3540761934 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stability and control of time-delay systems / L. Dugard and E.I. Verriest (eds.). p. cm.-(Lecture notes in control and information sciences : 228) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN3-540-76193-4 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Control theory. 2. Delay differential equations.
DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research
Time delay generally represents the transport delay in a real process. It may deteriorate significantly the properties (stability and transient performance) of a closed-loop control process. But uncertainty in the knowledge of the time delay may cause instability and influences the robustness of the control. Control algorithms are generally very sensitive to delay mismatch. In this paper the robust design of the YOULA parameterized controller is investigated considering delay mismatch. Stability region is given providing design method to ensure stability and the required performance.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018
In a practical control system the process always has a time delay. The uncertainty in the knowledge of the time delay i.e. the delay mismatch strongly influences the quality of the closed-loop control. It can cause unwanted instability and influences the robustness of the control. Stability region applicable for this uncertainty is investigated in this paper in connection with the required performance and robustness.
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, 2020
Time-delay naturally arises in many real-world systems, due to the fact that the instantaneous rate of change of such systems does not only depend on their current time but rather on their previous history as well. Hence, time-delays are ubiquitous, their introduction often leads to suppression of oscillations, multistability and chaotic motion in the dynamical systems. This review presents some models with different kinds of time-delays such as discrete, distributed and combination of both discrete and distributed time-delays with special emphasis on the reason of incorporating such delays into the system.
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2013
This paper deals with the problem of delay dependent stability for both ordinary and large-scale time-delay systems. Some necessary and sufficient conditions for delay-dependent asymptotic stability of continuous and discrete linear time-delay systems are derived. These results have been extended to the large-scale time-delay systems covering the cases of two and multiple existing subsystems. The delay-dependent criteria are derived by Lyapunov's direct method and are exclusively based on the solvents of particular matrix equation and Lyapunov equation for non-delay systems. Obtained stability conditions do not possess conservatism. Numerical examples have been worked out to show the applicability of results derived.
IEEE Access, 2018
In recent decades, increasingly intensive research attention has been given to dynamical systems containing delays and those affected by the after-effect phenomenon. Such research covers a wide range of human activities and the solutions of related engineering problems often require interdisciplinary cooperation. The knowledge of the spectrum of these so-called time-delay systems (TDSs) is very crucial for the analysis of their dynamical properties, especially stability, periodicity, and dumping effect. A great volume of mathematical methods and techniques to analyze the spectrum of the TDSs have been developed and further applied in the most recent times. Although a broad family of nonlinear, stochastic, sampleddata, time-variant or time-varying-delay systems has been considered, the study of the most fundamental continuous linear time-invariant (LTI) TDSs with fixed delays is still the dominant research direction with ever-increasing new results and novel applications. This paper is primarily aimed at a (systematic) literature overview of recent (mostly published between 2013 to 2017) advances regarding the spectrum analysis of the LTI-TDSs. Specifically, a total of 137 collected articles-which are most closely related to the research area-are eventually reviewed. There are two main objectives of this review paper: First, to provide the reader with a detailed literature survey on the selected recent results on the topic and Second, to suggest possible future research directions to be tackled by scientists and engineers in the field. INDEX TERMS Delay systems, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, literature review, stability.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1994
This paper addresses the problem of stability analysis of a class of linear systems with time-varying delays. We develop conditions for robust stability that can be tested using Semidefinite Programming using the Sum of Squares decomposition of multivariate polynomials and the Lyapunov-Krasovskii theorem. We show how appropriate Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals can be constructed algorithmically to prove stability of linear systems with a variation in delay, by using bounds on the size and rate of change of the delay. We also explore the quenching phenomenon, a term used to describe the difference in behaviour between a system with fixed delay and one whose delay varies with time. Numerical examples illustrate changes in the stability window as a function of the bound on the rate of change of delay.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017
The subject of time-delay systems is a rather old research topic dating back to the works of Euler-Bernoulli in the XVIII century. Effective results in this area were initiated in the late fifties of the twentieth century since the works of Krasovskii and Razumikhin on the Lyapunov functions. However the significant progression in this area has been made during the last decade where numerous books, research, and survey papers and special issues have been devoted. Delay is not just a mathematical exercise but more importantly is rooted in many natural and man-made systems such as biology, processes industries, and mechatronic motions. In engineering applications, time-delays generally describe propagation phenomena, material or energy transfer in intercommoned systems, and data transmission in communication systems. They have been the main sources inducing oscillations, instability, and poor control performances. Stability analysis and robust control of such systems are then of theoretical and practical importance. Much effort in the analysis and synthesis of these systems has been dedicated to delay-dependent and delay-independent issues based both/either on Lyapunov methods and/or frequency domain techniques. However, it should be noted that there are still numerous challenging issues pending in many classes of time-delay systems.
Mokslas – Lietuvos ateitis, 2015
The paper is devoted to investigation of the robust stability of system with delay. The influence of process parameters on the stability of the whole system is tested and impact to the system parameters using the Smith predictor for robust systems is defined.
Computers & Structures, 1998
This paper investigates the time delay effects on the stability and performance of active feed back control systems for engineering structures. A computer algorithm is developed for stability analy sis of a SDOF system with unequal delay time pair in the velocity and displacement feedback loops. It is found that there may exist multiple stable regions in the plane of the time delay pair, which contain time delays greater than the maximum allowable values obtained by previous studies. The size, shape and location of these stable and unstable regions depend on the system parameters and the feedback control gains. For systems with multiple stable regions, the boundaries between the stable and unstable regions in the plane of the time delay pair are explicitly obtained. The delay time pairs that forms these boundaries are called the critical delay time pairs at which the steady-state response becomes unbounded. The conclusions are valid for both large and small delay times. For any system with mul tiple stable regions, preliminary guidelines obtained from an explicit formula are given to find the desir able delay time pair(s). When used, these desirable delay time pair(s) not only stabilize an unstable system with inherent time delays, but also significantly reduce the system response and control force. For any system with multiple stable regions, these desirable delay time pair(s) are above the maximum allowable delay times obtained by previous studies. Numerical results, for both steady-state and transi ent analysis, are given to investigate the performance of delayed feedback control systems subjected to both harmonic and real earthquake ground motion excitations.
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 2003
This paper gives a broad overview of the stability and control of time-delay systems. Emphasis is on the more recent progress and engineering applications. Examples of practical problems, mathematical descriptions, stability and performance analysis, and feedback control are discussed.
ISRN Applied Mathematics, 2012
This paper reviews some subtleties in time-delay systems of neutral type that are believed to be of particular relevance in practice. Both traditional formulation and the coupled differential-difference equation formulation are used. The discontinuity of the spectrum as a function of delays is discussed. Conditions to guarantee stability under small parameter variations are given. A number of subjects that have been discussed in the literature, often using different methods, are reviewed to illustrate some fundamental concepts. These include systems with small delays, the sensitivity of Smith predictor to small delay mismatch, and the discrete implementation of distributed-delay feedback control. The framework prsented in this paper makes it possible to provide simpler formulation and strengthen, generalize, or provide alternative interpretation of the existing results.
Time delays are usually unavoidable in many mechanical and electrical systems. The presence of delay typically imposes strict limitations on achievable feedback performance in both continuous and discrete systems. The presence of the delay complicates the design process as it makes continuous systems to be infinite dimensional and it significantly increases the dimensions in discrete systems. Most of classical methods used controller design cannot be used with delayed systems. In this study, the delay will be modeled using different approaches such as Pad'e approximation and Smith Predictor in continuous system and modified z-transform in discreet systems. In this study, the delays are assumed to be constant and known. The delays in the system are lumped in the plant model. This study will show the design of stable and optimal controller for time-delay systems using algebraic Riccati equation solutions and PID control. This study will also present comparison between these controllers.
Given that a time-delay system is stable for some delay h 0 > 0, a procedure is given to find the stability interval
Journal of Process Control, 2012
This paper focuses on the robust stability analysis of the filtered Smith predictor (FSP) dead-time compensator for uncertain processes with time-varying delays. For this purpose, a delay-dependent LMI-based condition is used to compute a maximum delay interval and tolerance to model uncertainties such that the closed-loop system remains stable. Some simulation results illustrate that the proposed controller gives larger delays intervals or better performance than similar approaches proposed in literature applied both to stable and unstable processes. (J.E. Normey-Rico).
The article provides sufficient conditions for both practical and finite time stability of linear continuous time delay systems described as
This paper overviews the research investigations pertaining to stability and stabilization of control systems with time-delays. The prime focus is the fundamental results and recent progress in theory and applications. The overview sheds light on the contemporary development on the linear matrix inequality (LMI) techniques in deriving both delay-independent and delay-dependent stability results for time-delay systems. Particular emphases will be placed on issues concerned with the conservatism and the computational complexity of the results. Key technical bounding lemmas and slack variable introduction approaches will be presented. The results will be compared and connections of certain delay-dependent stability results are also discussed.
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