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This report deals with extreme wave phenomena. Exploration of the classical wave theories are made, both on the theoratical approach and on the statistical one. The first one shows wave generation phenomenon using only Euler's equation for a perfect fluid and gravity. On the other one, the statistical approach provides us with more real observations. Both models fail to explain some rare (or not so rare ?) events: freak waves. Then we defined what is a freak wave and some of the explanations that are given. Exploration on the non linear Schrödinger equation, which is known to give birth to gigantic waves is then the path taken. This equation could be easily derived from Euler's equations. Numerical solution of this equation are provided in the last chapter. Finally, the third part deals with spectral methods and how they are used to compute very easily non linear interaction for waves. Last chapter provides also results on this. In fact, the last chapter is devoted to the results obtained, either on solving NLS, either on the computation of surface waves.
Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 2002
We are concerned by a special mechanism that can explain the formation of freak waves. We study numerically the long time evolution of a surface gravity wave packet, comparing a fully nonlinear model with Schrödinger-like simplified equations. We observe that the interaction between envelope solitons generates large waves. This is predicted by both models. The fully nonlinear simulations show a qualitative behaviour that differs significantly from the ones preticted by Schrödinger models, however. Indeed, the occurence of freak waves is much more frequent with the fully nonlinear model. This is a consequence of the long-time interaction between envelope solitons, which, in the fully nonlinear model, is totally different from the Schrödinger scenario. The fundamental differences appear for times when the simplified equations cease to be valid. Possible statistical models, based on the latter, should hence under-estimate the probability of freak wave formation. To cite this article: D. Clamond, J. Grue, C. R. Mecanique 330 (2002) 575-580. 2002 Académie des sciences/Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS waves / freak wave / soliton enveloppe / interaction
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2013
We present a brief discussion on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation for modelling the propagation of the deep-water wavetrains and a discussion on its doubly-localized breather solutions, that can be connected to the sudden formation of extreme waves, also known as rogue waves or freak waves.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2014
Spatial variation of nonlinear wave groups with different initial envelope shapes is theoretically studied first, confirming that the simplest nonlinear theoretical model is capable of describing the evolution of propagating wave packets in deep water. Moreover, three groups of laboratory experiments run in the wave basin of CEHIPAR (Canal de Experiencias Hidrodinámicas de El Pardo, known also as El Pardo Model Basin) was founded in 1928 by the Spanish Navy. are systematically compared with the numerical simulations of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Although a little overestimation is detected, especially in the set of experiments characterized by higher initial wave steepness, the numerical simulation still displays a high degree of agreement with the laboratory experiments. Therefore, the nonlinear Schrödinger equation catches the essential characteristics of the extreme waves and provides an important physical insight into their generation. The modulation instability, resulting from the quasi-resonant four-wave interaction in a unidirectional sea state, can be indicated by the coefficient of kurtosis, which shows an appreciable correlation with the extreme wave height and hence is used in the modified Edgeworth-Rayleigh distribution. Finally, some statistical properties on the maximum wave heights in different sea states have been related with the initial Benjamin-Feir index.
Gazi University Journal of Science
In this work, we use two different analytic schemes which are the Sine-Gordon expansion technique and the modified exp -expansion function technique to construct novel exact solutions of the non-linear Schrödinger equation, describing gravity waves in infinite deep water, in the sense of conformable derivative. After getting various travelling wave solutions, we plot 3D, 2D and contour surfaces to present behaviours obtained exact solutions.
Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 2003
UDC 551.46 Nearly 40 years have passed since V. I. Talanov discovered the nonlinear parabolic equation which played an important role in the nonlinear optics. It was very quickly understood that this equation could also be adapted for nonstationary wave packets of different physical nature and of any dimension. Under the later name of the nonlinear (cubic) Schrödinger equation, it became a fundamental equation in the theory of weakly nonlinear wave packets in media with strong dispersion. The article is devoted to only one application of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the theory of the so-called freak waves on the sea surface. In the last five years a great boom has occurred in the research of extreme waves on the water, for which the nonlinear parabolic equation played an important role in the understanding of physical mechanisms of the freak-wave phenomenon. More accurate, preferably numerical, models of waves on a water with more comprehensive account of the nonlinearity and dispersion come on the spot today, and many results of weakly nonlinear models are already corrected quantitatively. Nevertheless, sophisticated models do not bring new physical concepts. Hence, their description on the basis of the nonlinear parabolic equation (nonlinear Schrödinger equation), performed in this paper, seems very attractive in view of their possible applications in the wave-motion physics.
The discovery of solitary waves of translation goes back to Scott Russell in 1834, and during the remaining part of the 19th century the true nature of these waves remained controversial. It was only with the derivation by Korteweg and de Vries in 1895 of what is now called the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation, that the one-soliton solution and hence the concept of solitary waves was put on a firm basis. 1 An extraordinary series of events took place around 1965 when Kruskal and Zabusky, while analyzing the numerical results of Fermi, Pasta, and Ulam on heat conductivity in solids, discovered that pulselike solitary wave solutions of the KdV equation, for which the name "solitons" was coined, interact elastically. This was followed by the 1967 discovery of Gardner, Greene, Kruskal, and Miura that the inverse scattering method allows one to solve initial value problems for the KdV equation with sufficiently fast-decaying initial data. Soon thereafter, in 1968, Lax found a new explanation of the isospectral nature of KdV solutions using the concept of Lax pairs and introduced a whole hierarchy of KdV equations. Subsequently, in the early 1970s, Zakharov and Shabat (ZS), and Ablowitz, Kaup, Newell, and Segur (AKNS) extended the inverse scattering method to a wide class of nonlinear partial differential equations of relevance in various scientific contexts ranging from nonlinear optics to condensed matter physics and elementary particle physics. In particular, solitons found numerous applications in classical and quantum field theory and in connection with optical communication devices. Another decisive step forward in the development of completely integrable soliton equations was taken around 1974. Prior to that period, inverse spectral 1 With hindsight, though, it is now clear that other researchers, such as Boussinesq, derived the KdV equation and its one-soliton solution prior to 1895, as described in the notes to Section 1.1. 1 To obtain a closed system of differential equations, one has to express F r (µ j ) solely in terms of µ 1 , . . . , µ n and E 0 , . . . , E 2n+1 ; see (1.222) and (1.223).
The objective of this work is to investigate the Schrödinger equation, analyzing the mathematical concepts employed and relating them to other areas of knowledge. In quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation is a partial differential equation that describes how the quantum state of a physical system evolves over time. It was formulated in late 1925 and published in 1926 by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger. In quantum mechanics, the analogue of Newton's law is the Schrödinger equation for the quantum system (usually atoms, molecules, and subatomic particles are free, bound, or located). It is not a simple algebraic equation but, in general, a linear partial differential equation. The solutions to the Schrödinger equation describe not only molecular, atomic, and subatomic systems, but also macroscopic systems.
ZAMP Zeitschrift f�r angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 1989
Open Journal of Marine Science, 2014
The existence of rogue (or freak) waves is now universally recognized and material proofs on the extent of damage caused by these ocean's phenomena are available. Marine observations as well as laboratory experiments show exactly that rogue waves occur in deep and shallow water. To study the behavior of freak waves in terms of their space and time evolution, that is, their motion and also in terms of mechanical transformations that these systems may suffer in their dealings with other systems, we derive a modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation modeling the propagation of rogue waves in deep water in order to seek analytic solutions of this nonlinear partial differential equation by using generalized extended G'/G-expansion method with the aid of mathematica. Particular attentions have been paid to the behavior of rogue wave's amplitude which highlights rogue wave's destructive power.
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 2006
This paper concerns long time interaction of envelope solitary gravity waves propagating at the surface of a two-dimensional deep fluid in potential flow. Fully nonlinear numerical simulations show how an initially long wave group slowly splits into a number of solitary wave groups. In the example presented, three large wave events are formed during the evolution. They occur during a time scale that is beyond the time range of validity of simplified equations like the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation or modifications of this equation. A Fourier analysis shows that these large wave events are caused by significant transfer to side-band modes of the carrier waves. Temporary downshiftings of the dominant wavenumber of the spectrum coincide with the formation large wave events. The wave slope at maximal amplifications is about three times higher than the initial wave slope. The results show how interacting solitary wave groups that emerge from a long wave packet can produce freak wave events.
An empirical modification to the linear theory equation for the celerity of gravity waves is presented. The modified equation reduces to the generally accepted expression for solitary waves as shallow water conditions are reached but retains its usual form for deep water. In the region where cnoidal theory is most valid, the modified equation yields celerities in reasonable agreement with those predicted for cnoidal waves.
Fluid Dynamics, 1990
European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 1999
Applied Ocean Research, 2002
Some recent developments in the formation of extreme waves, kinematics of steep waves, the phenomenon of ringing and currents in the ocean induced by internal waves are reviewed. Formation of extreme waves are simulated by means of a rapid fully nonlinear model. A large wave event taking place in a wave group is characterized by an elevation being significantly larger than the initial amplitude of the group. Recurrence occurs. PIV measurements of Stokes waves exhibit an exponential velocity profile all the way up to the surface elevation (wave slope up to 0.16). The computed velocity profile under crest of an extreme wave corresponds also to an exponential profile. Experimental results of the horizontal force on a vertical circular cylinder in long and steep waves exhibit a secondary cycle of high frequency in the force history. This typically occurs for waves longer than about 10 times the cylinder diameter and a Froude number vh m = ffiffiffiffi gD p larger than about 0.4, v the wave frequency, h m the maximal elevation, g the acceleration of gravity, D the cylinder diameter. Properties of internal solitons and the induced fluid velocities are described in terms of weakly and fully nonlinear models supported by PIV measurements. A rapid scheme for fully nonlinear interfacial waves in three dimensions is derived, complementing the rapid model of free surface waves. q
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2003
Four-wave interactions are shown to play an important role in the evolution of the spectrum of surface gravity waves. This fact follows from direct simulations of an ensemble of ocean waves using the Zakharov equation. The theory of homogeneous four-wave interactions, extended to include effects of nonresonant transfer, compares favorably with the ensemble-averaged results of the Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, there is good agreement regarding spectral shape. Also, the kurtosis of the surface elevation probability distribution is determined well by theory even for waves with a narrow spectrum and large steepness. These extreme conditions are favorable for the occurrence of freak waves.
The paper describes a new derivation of the NLS equation, based on a Lagrangian coordinates approach, in the presence of weak vorticity. First, an introduction presents several previously existing derivations of the NLS equation, and offers an interesting review of recent developments designed to take vorticity into account. Then, the Lagrange coordinates, and associated general equations are presented in section 2, while the new NLS equation related to this framework is derived in section 3. Several results are presented at the end of section 3, and in section 4 (only those related to envelope soliton solutions), and summarized in section 5. The paper is relatively well structured, even if several typos remain. Globally, several new results can be found in the manuscript, and for all these reasons, I recommend publication, after some modifi-
Journal of Umm Al-Qura University for Applied Sciences, 2024
Nonlinear instability and refraction by ocean currents are both important mechanisms that go beyond the Rayleigh approximation and may be responsible for the formation of freak waves. In this paper, we quantitatively study nonlinear effects on the evolution of surface gravity waves on the ocean, to explore systematically the effects of various input parameters on the probability of freak wave formation. The fourth-order current-modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation (CNLS 4 ) is employed to describe the wave evolution. By solving CNLS 4 numerically, we are able to obtain quantitative predictions for the wave height distribution as a function of key environmental conditions such as average steepness, angular spread, and frequency spread of the local sea state. Additionally, we explore the spatial dependence of the wave height distribution, associated with the buildup of nonlinear development.
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