Multicast routing infrastructure in ATM networks

2000, Computer Communications


Sincere appreciation from my heart can not be conveyed in words to all the people who helped me carry out the research reported in this dissertation, by their support and encouragement, and to all those who have made my stay in France, the land of liberty, equality, and fraternity, an exciting and rewarding experience by their friendship and kindness. My sincere thanks to my advisors, Dr. Vincent Roca and Eng. Sébastien Loye. I am grateful for their advice, guidance, and patience. I am deeply indebted to Dr. Vincent Roca for giving me the chance to work with him, for his support, patience, and for all what I've learned from him. Many thanks also to Prof. Andrzej Duda the director of my thesis. All my gratitude to prof. Bernard Cousin and Dr. Isabelle Chrisment for the time they spent reading and commenting my thesis, and for the reports they wrote. And Last but not least, I would like to thank my family, I'm grateful to my sisters Khouzam and Hadeel, my brother in law Morhaf and the small angle my nephew Karam for their love and support. And, it is beyond all expression my gratitude to my parents for their endless love, support and encouragement. I appreciate, with all my heart, all what they have done for me, for learning me that knowledge is liberator, for respecting my choices, and for encouraging me to be what I want to be. To them I would like to dedicate this dissertation.